Saturday, January 14, 2023

Important Events From This day in History January 14th


1954 Marilyn Monroe

1954 : Marilyn Monroe's wedding took place. She had married Joe DeMaggio. Unfortunately, the marriage had only lasted nine months. She had married again before she had died from an overdose of barbiturates. Her first husband had sent her flowers to her grave every day until he died in the year 1999.

1942 Executive Order 9066

A reluctant but resigned Roosevelt signed the War Department's blanket Executive Order 9066, which authorized the physical removal of all Japanese Americans into internment camps.

1934 Loch Ness Monster

1934 : More reports are coming in from Loch Ness in Scotland where they make the strongest Whisky on earth from tourists and locals of sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. It is described as a sea serpent estimated at over 50 ft long and the secretary of state for Scotland has forbidden the capture or shooting of the creature.

1907 Jamaica Earthquake

1907 : Kingston in Jamaica was hit by a major earthquake leaving more than 800 people dead and nearly 100,000 homeless

1924 Lettuce Grown Indoors

A local Iowa newspaper announced the possibility of growing lettuce indoors. This lettuce grown would be produced in "simple greenhouse-like buildings that do not cost very much to construct.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture was all for this project at this time. The U.S. government appeared to be confident that good crops of lettuce would be able to be produced in this way.

1930 Homeless Families

A highway patrol man has been reported on this day to soon be giving a group of about 200 families an "eviction notice". These homeless families were camping along a Missouri highway near Sikeston.

1936 U.S.A. Ozzie Nelson Band

A prominent member of the Ozzie Nelson Band - Harriet Hillard - sings "Get The Behind Me Satan" for the movie "Follow the Fleet." The song was originally written by Irving Berlin and was previously intended for Ginger Rogers to sing in the movie "Top Hat."

1936 U.S.A. Murder

1936 : A report was made in a paper 1936 regarding a courtroom murder that had taken the day before. A hotheaded defendant had shot at a judge, and then in the process the opposing lawyer was killed.

1943 Morocco U Boat Patrols

Roosevelt and Churchill meet in Casablanca to discuss the best to push forward an end to the war. Top priority was given to destroying German U-boat patrols in the Atlantic and launching combined bombing missions on Axis Power Countries. At the end of the meeting they also announced that the Allies would accept only unconditional surrender from the Axis powers.

1949 U.S.A. AT&T

The Department of Justice took action against AT&T, forcing the company to forfeit ownership of Western Electric. Western Electric was a manufacturing firm, and AT&T was established as a telecommunications company. Therefore, the Department of Justices became involved in this situation as an effort to stop AT&T from dominating the industry. As of 1959, AT&T agreed to narrow its scope of business-to only concentrate on running the national phone network and government jobs.

1952 Yugoslavia Spies

A total of seven spies were found guilty. Two of them were sentenced to death and five more were sent to prison. One of the persons condemned to death was Danil Doncic. He was a man who was president of the Yugoslavia People's Front at that time.

One of the reasons that Doncic was sentenced to death-among other reasons-was because he refused to remove the poster of Premier Tito from the front after the Cominform-Tito break (a Yugoslavian government regime split).

1952 "Today" Program Begins on NBC

1952 : NBC's "Today" program debuts on NBC hosted by Dave Garroway. The show was the first of it's kind and copied not only in the US but worldwide .

1959 Hudson and Nash - AMC

Hudson and Nash, two different car companies, become one on this day. They have become the AMC (American Motors Association).

1963 George Wallace - Segregation Forever

George Wallace takes over as governor of Alabama . His main motto for his campaign and the way he would run the state was, "Segregation Forever."

1969 Aircraft Carrier ship Enterprise exploded in Pearl Harbor

The U.S. Aircraft Carrier ship Enterprise exploded in Pearl Harbor. The cause of this explosion was the accidental detonation of a rocket, which destroyed 15 planes, injuring 300 people, and caused 27 deaths.

1969 Manchester United

Sir Matt Busby announces he will retire as manager of Manchester United at the end of the season - FA Cup final day on April 26th.

1980 U.S.A. Gold Price

1980 : Economic growth had taken place during the 1980s. During this time, gold prices had also skyrocketed, as of this day in 1980.

The price and value of gold had increased after it had been released from government control. It had cost as high as $800.00 per ounce during this time.

1980 Afghanistan Soviet Intervention

The UN General Assembly would not allow Soviet Intervention of Afghanistan. The final vote regarding this matter was 104 against to 18 for this action.

After the vote, the resolution of the General Assembly was to demand that all Soviet troops be removed from Afghanistan.

2002 Foot and Mouth

2002 : The UK Foot and Mouth outbreak is now clear after no new cases in the last 3 months, the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has said.

2005 U.S.A. Space Exploration

George W. Bush announced a program called Vision for Space Exploration. The news was made known to the public after the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, which took place in Texas. The Columbia had disintegrated into the air over this state in 2003.

According to one source, one of the purposes of the Vision for Space Exploration was to re-ignite enthusiasm for space travel in the United States.

2008 Apple New MacBook Air notebook

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs announces the Apple New MacBook Air notebook during the Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco.

2009 Consumer Spending

2009 : Consumer Spending and retail sales figures released in the U.S. for December ( Christmas Shopping Season ) follow other similar cuts in Europe showing that the current recession is deepening with consumers cutting back, partly due to fears over the economy and partly because of tightening credit. Calls for an economic stimulus package to boost the economy are gaining ground as the latest figures follow 6 months of falling spending.

2010 Reactions To Cyber attacks On Gmail Human Rights Activists

Following a series of Cyberattacks in China on Gmail accounts of human rights activists, Google is contemplating it's future as a Chinese Search Engine, A number of reasons have been cited including the Cyberattacks and China's demand's for censorship of the search results, as required by the Chinese government. The US Commerce Secretary Gary Locke has now made a statement that China must ensure a "secure" commercial environment for Google and other firms operating in the country. ( Just 2 months later on March 23rd Google did close and re-directs to based in Hong Kong and stopped filtering results of it's Search Engine ).

2010 Pakistan Uncertainty over Hakimullah Mehsud's death in a drone attack

The Pakistani Taleban have denied that their leader Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a U.S. missile strike on one of the country's north-western provinces. About ten or more militants died when missiles were rained down on them. A Taleban spokesman has said that Mehsud was near the Afghan border, but left before the South Waziristani training camp was attacked. He is one of the key militant targets. The Taleban went on to say that hundreds of civilians have been killed in drone attacks since mid-2008.

2010 Improved airline protection measures are announced

2010 : The United States has started to take additional air security measures in the wake of December's failed aircraft bomb plot. The Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano, has said that the measures will include enhanced random screening and more air-marshals on certain routes. Enhanced use of air-marshals and better screening are among the measures that follow from last week's intelligence review. Napolitano said that the U.S. was "taking an additional set of aviation security precautions to protect the American people."

2011 Floods and Mudslides in Brazil

Flooding and mudslides in the Rio de Janeiro region of Brazil killed over five hundred people and trapped many others. The devastation caused by these floods has surpassed that of mudslides in 1967, in which 430 people died. 

2012 Taiwanese President Wins Second Term

Ma Ying-jeou, the president of Taiwan, won his second term after elections were held in the country. Ma Ying-jeou had run on his platform of successful improvement of the country's relationship with China, who does not recognize the island as sovereign.

2013 Former President Bush Released from Hospital

2013 : Former US president George H.W. Bush was released from the hospital after two months. Bush had been treated for bronchitis and a bacterial infection.

2014 New Jersey Governor Under Investigation

2014 : New Jersey Governor, and possible presidential hopeful, Chris Christie, was being investigated over suspicions that he misused Hurricane Sandy relief funds for his state. It was alleged that Christie used a portion of the funds for tourism advertising. The allegations come shortly after he was also accused of creating traffic issues on a bridge for political reasons.

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