Thursday, January 19, 2023

Important Events From This day in History January 19th


1920 Round Up of Radical Leftists

1920 : 4,000 individuals are rounded up in a single night mostly members of the Industrial Workers of the World union who were suspected of being suspected radical leftists who were either deported or jailed as part of the Palmer Raids.

The Palmer Raids ( named for Alexander Mitchell Palmer, United States Attorney General ) were a series of controversial raids by the U.S. Justice and Immigration Departments from 1919 to 1921 on suspected radical leftists in the United States . These arrests were made under the provisions of the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918

1983 - Apple Lisa

Apple announces "The Apple Lisa" the first commercial personal computer to have a graphical user interface GUI and a computer mouse. The Lisa was targeted at businesses and cost a massive $9,995 ( over $20,000 in today's money ) and because of its high cost never made the impact Apple hoped for

1977 Miami Snow

1977 : Snow fell on Miami for the first time in history .

1981 US Hostages

The United States and Iranian officials sign the Algiers Accords in Algeria to release 52 American hostages held by Islamist students in the Tehran American embassy after 14 months of captivity.

1990 South Africa Rebel Cricket Tour

The tour of South Africa by rebel British Cricketers is being disrupted by angry anti apartheid demonstrators including the ANC and the mainly black National Sports Congress. The British Cricketers on the tour could well be banned from Test Cricket when they return and include Mike Gatting, David Graveney and John Emburey.

1920 Russia Capital Punishment

According to a news dispatch received on this day, capital punishment was to be done away with in Russia. This decision was made by the central government of Russia, and as a result current cases of execution would instead result in the sentence of a prison term.

However, it took quite a number of decades before this decrement to take affect. Russia's very last capital punishment took place until the year 1996. On the other hand, the use of capital punishment for "ordinary" crimes had not been allowed for quite awhile.

1920 Flu Epidemic

A group of 600 volunteer nurses were on task to help fight against the flu epidemic. It was reported that about 1,200 cases of this sickness had affected people within a 24 hour period of this date in Chicago.

A majority of the above-mentioned cases were mild, but five people had died from influenza (the flu) and eight had died from pneumonia (an advanced stage of sickness usually originated as a flu).

1929 Jazz

1929 : A local New York City newspaper had reviewed a jazz performance that took place the day before. Jonny Spielt Auf (Johnny Strikes Up), an opera about a jazz violinist was shown for the first time the evening before.

1929 Old Toad

A toad known by the name of "Old Rip" that lived in a Texas building for 31 years died on this day. As reported in a local Texas newspaper, this toad had lived quite a long time without food or water (at least not given to it).

Furthermore, it is said that Old Rip was put in the cornerstone of the England County courthouse on purpose when it was built nearly 32 years ago. Freezing weather had been the cause of this animal's death.

1942 Burma President Arrested

In the midst of World War II, U Saw the Premier of Burma (Present-Day Myanmar) was arrested by the British for conspiring with the Japanese. This arrest was in reaction to an attempted coup (takeover) of the "Kipling Country" of 14,000,000 people, which U Saw attempted to hand over to the Japanese.

A year prior, U Saw had made a trip to London, England to speak with Winston Churchill regarding Burma's status after World War II. U Saw wanted Burma to be regarded as one of a dominion status after the Second World War was completed.

At this time in history (around the date January 19, 1942) Burma was being used as a base for which the British could form an attack against the Japanese. The Japanese were planning to move toward Singapore from Malaya (part of present-day Malaysia) at the time.

1973 Iceland Cod War

With the ongoing Cod War the British have sent a Super Tug "The Statesman" to defend the British fishermen against tactics such as wire cutting by the Icelandic Fishermen and Patrol Boats.

1983 Klaus Barbie ( the Butcher of Lyon )

1983 : Klaus Barbie ( the Butcher of Lyon ) is arrested in Bolivia and extradited to France to face trial for crimes against humanity. He was later convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment

1966 Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi becomes head of the Congress Party and thus prime minister of India. She was India's first female head of government

1996 Russia Boris Yeltsin

A report of the army of Boris Yeltsin had claimed a victory over the Chechen army, a group known as the "rebel forces". This attack too place in the village of Pervomayskaya, and after the battle against the Chechens had ended, the village that the battle took place in was in ruins. Bloody corpses were lying everywhere.

Despite the overwhelming odds of the Russians against the Chechens, the Chechens were a people known to be willing to die for their cause. The Chechens had been fighting to be free from Moscow's domination for over two hundred years.

Another purpose had kept the Chechens fighting as well-religion. The Chechens were predominantly of a Sunni Islam and/or Sufism, which are sect of Islamic faith described as "mystic" religion. These particular forms of faith involved quite a bit of prayer and chanting.

2006 Coldest Spell In 30 years Moscow

19th June 2006 : Moscow is suffering it's coldest weather since 1979, Moscow is used to extreme cold but -32C has closed schools, trolleybuses and trams have stopped running and Power rationing has been implemented.

2009 Pakistan Taliban Blow Up 5 More Schools

Taleban militant extremeists continue thier bombing campaign of schools as part of their campaign to ban education for girls. The Taleban have destroyed 150 government schools over the past year, most of them for girls. The Taleban oppose education for girls - which they say is un-Islamic.

2010 Cadbury

Kraft who are attempting a hostile bid for Cadbury's have raised their bid again, but annalists are unsure if the American confectioner Hershey will come in with a higher offer. ( Kraft Foods did take over Cadbury in February )

2011 Swiss Banker on Trial

Rudolf Elmer, a former Swiss banker is put on trial after being accused of money extortion and breaking banking secrecy laws. Elmer had admitted to providing details of Cayman Islands accounts to the website Wikileaks.

2012 Skier Sarah Burke Dies

Canadian freestyle skier Sarah Burke died after sustaining a traumatic brain injury in Park City, Utah on January 11th. Burke was one of the most well known athletes in her sport and had been a top contender coming up to the 2014 Winter Olympics.

2012 New Zealand Megaupload Website Shut Down

The file-sharing website Megaupload was shut down by US officials. Founders of the website were arrested in New Zealand and charged with violating piracy laws.

2013 Civil Rights Figure James Hood Dies

2013 : James Hood, one of two of the first African-American students to enter the University of Alabama, died at the age of seventy. Hood was a well known civil rights activist who did much to fight against racial segregation in Alabama during the 1960's

2014 Norway Historic Village Hit by Fire

2014 : A fire during the night destroyed around thirty buildings in Norway's historic village of Laerdalsoyri. The village was known for its wooden buildings and unique architecture. About ninety people were taken to the hospital but there were no deaths reported.

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