Saturday, January 21, 2023

Important Events From This day in History January 21st


1976 First Concorde commercial passengers

1976: The First Concordes with commercial passengers take off From London's Heathrow Airport to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf and Paris Orly Airport to Rio de Janeiro .

2008 Black Monday in worldwide stock markets

Black Monday in worldwide stock markets ( The US Markets were closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ) BUT futures trading around the world on US markets showed significant losses ) The losses were mostly averted when the FED announced a surprise rate cut of 0.75%. FTSE 100 had its biggest ever one-day points fall, European stocks closed with their worst result since 9/11, and Asian stocks drop as much as 15%. In January 2008 the Dow was at about 14,000 by the end of the year the Dow had dropped to 9,000 and has continued it's downward path but much lower suggesting the bottom is close to 8,000 . The FTSE 100 has had a similar fall from about 6,000 at the beginning of the year to close to 4,000 currently

2010 Toyota recalls 2.3 million cars in U.S.

Toyota has started to recall about 2.3 million cars in the U.S. This is only the latest in a string of recalls the firm has had to make. This particular one is intended to cover the gas pedal problems that the company fears could lead to a safety hazard in many of their vehicles.

2002 Canadian Dollar

The Canadian dollar hits an all time low trading at US$0.6179 the current rate is closer to US$ .8 but was at close to parity just last year.

1977 Pardon for Vietnam Draft Dodgers

1977 : President Carter granted a complete and unconditional pardon today to all Vietnam draft dodgers

1966 - Monte Carlo Rally

The Monte Carlo rally ends in acrimony over the disqualification of the first four to cross the finishing line Timo Makinen (Finland) driving a BMC Mini-Cooper, Roger Clark (Ford Lotus Cortina), and Rauno Aaltonen and Paddy Hopkirk, both also driving BMC Minis Coopers. ( They were disqualified over headlamp type and settings )

1954 Nautilus Nuclear Sub

The US launched the world's first atomic submarine, Nautilus is launched in by Mamie Eisenhower, then the First Lady of the United States.

1793 French Revolution

Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine after he was tried by the National Convention, found guilty of high treason. This was during the French Revolution ( Revolution francaise ) which ran from 1789 to 1799 which resulted in the Abolition and replacement of the French monarchy with a democratic republic.

1916 National Board of Censorship

National Board of Censorship made up of film fans representing movie studios that served as an industry watchdog to help studios avoid government censorship, says it will not accept nudity in films.

1920 Red Cross

Home Meal Planning classes were planned by the Red Cross in Pennsylvania. This was a series of eight sessions run by a dietician from a state college.

1925 International Radio

International radio has not become yet a reality as of this date. However, plans were in the making at this time to further able allow Americans to hear broadcasts from London, Paris, and Berlin.


Horace Dodge, a millionaire from Detroit was sued $25,000 today because of a fistfight he was involved in. Harry Kastan, doorman of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel was the man that Dodge got in a fight with. The doorman was fired after the fight had occurred.

1929 Trade Barriers

The idea of union between Latin American Republics along with Anglo-American (North American) Republics was addressed during this time. An account of this is recorded in an Albuquerque, New Mexico newspaper.

Terms that were used to describe the possible union of Latin American states were those such as "United States of all the Americas", "trade reciprocity", and "union of all customs." Part of the plan was to encourage the breaking of trade barriers from Canada to Cape Horn (Southernmost tip of South America).


1958 : The American Secretary of State Dulles has made a trip to Baghdad to reassure the Baghdad Pact Nations that they have American Support. This area of the Middle East was in the process of resisting Soviet Pressures.

1968 International Petroleum Encyclopedia

An encyclopedia concerning the oil industry was reviewed on this day in a local Oklahoma news publication. The name of this book is called the "International Petroleum Encyclopedia". It is a 436-page reference book about the oil industry as a whole-an analysis, description, and report.

1968 Ban Road Tolls Bill

U.S. Senator Monroney had introduced a plan to create a bill which would ban all tolls within the U.S. Interstate Highway System. This bill was also introduced to discourage new turnpikes from being to this U.S. highway network.

Furthermore, Monroney's bill would call for the reimbursement to states for all toll connections, including toll roads, highways, and bridges. Monroney had admitted to a few downsides of this bill, such as the fact that both Turner and Will Rogers Turnpikes had provided about 90 of funds for federal roads.

This issue was to be further discussed in great detail. This was a continuation of progress regarding the use of toll roads since the Federal Highway Act of 1956 was passed nearly ten years ago.


Dr. Oliver Wilham, former president of Oklahoma State University was being praised at the Congressional Bruch held by the Congressional Publishers Association on this day. Four U.S. Senators had made mention to the fact that Wilham would make a fine candidate for Congress because of his knowledge of the educational system and because of his experience in agriculture.

1972 State Of The Union

An Oklahoma Newspaper includes a recap of Nixon's State of the Union Address which took place the day before. Nixon addressed the possibility of making deadlier, missile-firing submarines, and he urged that this process be sped up.

The purpose behind introducing a plan to make more powerful underwater weapons was to keep up with countries, such as the Soviet Union. This plan to create a new underwater sea-launched missile system was to be carried out unless certain agreements were to be made in Vienna.

1992 Lockerbie Bombings

1992 : The UN has ordered Libya to surrender intelligence agents accused of the Lockerbie and French airliner bombings or sanctions will be imposed against Libya

1996 Indonesia Ferry Sinks

An overloaded ferry sinks in an unexpected storm off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, killing 340 people

1997 Child Abuse

An investigation into child abuse by the carers looking after children in Child Care Facilities in North Wales have now named 80 carers who will be investigated for child abuse

2009 Barack Obama

2009 : Following a minor mistake during the first oath-taking yesterday, President Barack Obama has been sworn in as US president for the second time in two days, because one word was given out of order during Tuesday's ceremony. ( The Oath was done behind closed doors in the Map Room of the White House ).

2009 Toyota Takes Number 1 Spot

For the first time Toyota has taken the coveted number 1 seller of cars in the world from General Motors. GM has held the number 1 spot for more than 70 years.

2010 China Growth Massive 8.7% 2009

2010 : While the rest of the world has been in economic turmoil the Chinese economy grew by 8.7% in 2009 set to overtake the Japanese Economy as the world's second largest behind the United States.

2010 Hillary Clinton asks China to investigate the cyber attacks on Google

2010 : The United States is calling on Beijing to investigate the recent cyber attacks on Google, which have prompted the search engine to leave China. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has said that companies like Google shouldn't accept 'politically motivated censorship.' Clinton has called for a global Internet free of censorship, and asks that China investigate Google's claims that human rights activists' email accounts have been targeted. 'We look to Chinese authorities to conduct a thorough investigation of the cyber intrusions that led Google to make this announcement,' she said. The agency has sent a formal request, known as a demarche, to the Chinese government.

2011 South Korean Navy Rescues Hijacked Crew

Twenty-one crew members of the Samho Jewelry cargo ship were rescued by the South Korean navy after the ship was taken over by pirates in the Arabian Sea. The ship was carrying chemicals from the United Arab Emirates.    


2012 Dutch Teenager Sails Around the World

2012 : Sixteen year old Laura Dekker became the youngest solo sailor to complete a voyage around the world. Dekker began her journey on January 20th of 2011 and completed the trip when she reached St. Maarten in the Caribbean.

2013 Atari Files for Bankruptcy Protection

The US branch of the Atari corporation filed for bankruptcy protection while trying to separate from its French parent company Atari SA that has been making a loss. Atari was hoping to secure independent funding to continue making digital games.

2014 Parrot In Belarus Election

2014 : A parrot has been nominated as a candidate in local council election in Belarus by activist Kanstantsin Zhukouski. Zhukouski stated that he had submitted an altered identity paper to the electoral commission for his pet parrot and it had been accepted. He soon withdrew the candidacy of the parrot, most likely to avoid punishment after proving his point on the uselessness of Belorusian politics.

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