Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Important Events From This day in History February 22nd


1997 Great Britain Dolly The Sheep

1997 : Scottish scientists from the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh announce they have successfully cloned an adult sheep named Dolly, The sheep was born in July of 1996, and Dolly was the world's first cloned mammal.

1967 Vietnam Tet Offensive

1967 : The Tet offensive by communist forces of North Vietnam against South Vietnam ends.

1879 1st Woolworth 5 Cents Store Opened

1879 : Frank Winfield Woolworth opens the Great 5 Cents Store in Utica, New York. Pledging to sell "nothing" that cost more than a nickel expanding over the next 50 years to 1000 stores, but due to changes in the retail market the last Woolworths shop in the United States was closed down on July 17th, 1997.

22 Feb, 1972 UK Aldershot Bombing

1972 : The IRA plant a bomb at the 16th Parachute Brigade headquarters at Aldershot, Hampshire killing 5 women and an army priest.

1974 U.S.A. Patti Hearst Kidnappers

1974 : The ransom demanded by the kidnappers ( Symbionese Liberation Army ). of newspaper heiress, Patty Hearst of $2 million food handout to the hungry in slum areas throughout Los Angeles and San Francisco begins with many of the homeless refusing the handouts.

1991 U.S.A. Full Scale War With Iraq

1991 : The US President, George Bush, has given Iraq until 1700 GMT tomorrow to pull out of Kuwait or face a full-scale war.

1924 U.S.A. Calvin Coolidge

1924 : Calvin Coolidge delivered the first presidential radio broadcast from the White House.

1938 Germany Austrian Protection

1938 : In a speech to the Reichstag and the world on Sunday Adolf Hitler proclaimed oppressed and persecuted Germans in Austria, Czechoslovakia and the rest of the world are under the protection of Germany and force will be used if necessary for their protection. Germany does not want war but will protect it's people with war if needed. Together with the alliance of Italy and Japan and Germany's large build up of military power France and Great Britain believe a second world war may well be inevitable.

22 Feb, 1938 U.S.A. Secretary of the Interior

1938 : The United States Secretary of the Interior Ickes was prepared to give an anti-communist and anti-fascist speech, and notes from this scheduled broadcast were revealed on this day. Ickes urged all democracies to fight against ("repulse against") internal fascism and communism. Ickes' speech was scheduled to be heard in places such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, India, and South Africa. Ickes had commented, saying that he was speaking as an individual and not as a representative of the president, or the United States.

1966 U.S.A. Lee Harvey Oswald

1966 : The U.S. government was awarded custody of Lee Harvey Oswald's weapons. He was convicted as of this time of being the assassin of John F. Kennedy. The custody of Oswald's weapons was granted by U.S. District Judge Joe Estes. The weapons in question were a 6.5mm foreign rifle (for shot at the president) and a pistol (for shot at Dallas Policeman J.D. Tippit). The government wanted to place the weapons reported to have been used by Oswald in the National Archives in Washington.

1966 U.S.A. Vietnam War Veteran

1966 : John A. Podoske, a resident of Logan, Ohio, was denied a Postmaster position on this day. He attempted to appeal to have this case re-opened several months ago, based on the fact that he was a disabled Vietnam War Veteran.

1967 Indonesia President Sukarno

1967 : Indonesian President Sukarno surrenders all executive authority to military dictator General Haji Mohammad Suharto.

1971 U.S.A. 3 Red Lights Seen

1971 : A report on this day has indicated that a plane search was planned. This scheduled search was decided necessary as a result of witnesses seeing "three balls of fire" or "three red lights" headed towards earth in the blowing snow. This possible crash was believed to have taken place in or near Elmore City, Oklahoma. Numerous reports came in from Oklahoma City and surrounding areas, confirming that this was most likely a crash. Further reports would be made in future-dated issues of local Oklahoma newspapers.

1972 U.S.A. Welfare Appointment

1972 : The real name of the person who was appointed head of the Aiken County Department of Public Welfare is Richard T. Poore . No pun was intended in this case, as Poore was actually a highly educated person who received a degree from Florida State University in 1966. However, some people most likely could not help but "make fun" of his last name at least a little bit, as he was chairman of the board for this county's welfare agency (news headline read "Poore to Head Welfare Agency"). Poore had already worked at the county level in Anderson County for quite a few years when he assumed this position as head of Aiken County's agency. Despite the play on words, Poore was thought of as a qualified individual.

1974 U.S.A. Attempt To Kill Nixon

1974 : An attempt was made to hijack a plane from the Baltimore-Washington International airport by Samuel Byck . If successful, he was planning on crashing the plane into the White House and killing President Richard Nixon.

1980 United States Hockey Team

1980 : The United States hockey team, composed in great part of college players, defeat the defending champions and favorites to win the gold medal Soviet Union squad by 4-3.

22 Feb, 1989 U.S.A. Tina Turner

1989 : Tina Turner had won a Grammy for Best Female Rock Vocalist at age 49 during this year, on this date. She originally had recorded with her husband Ike Turner, however, she had left Ike in 1976. From that time until 1981 she had remained behind the scenes. After 1981, she became one of the oldest female artists in history to stage such a strong comeback, and she changed her tune from a style to Rock and Roll. Her first solo album Private Dancer had sold five million copies. She was introduced in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1991.

1994 U.S.A. Aldrich Ames Soviet Spy

1994 : Former Central Intelligence Agency veteran Aldrich Ames and his wife, Rosario, are charged with selling national security secrets to the Soviet Union. He later received a sentence of life imprisonment, and his wife received a 5-year prison sentence for conspiracy to commit espionage and tax evasion.

1998 U.S.A. Tornadoes Florida

1998 : Central Florida was hit by fatal tornadoes that had taken 42 people. Seven twisters in all had swept through this area, and quite a bit of damage had occurred in Kissimmee, Orlando, and surrounding areas.

2001 Netherlands War Crimes Tribunal

2001 : A U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague convicts three Bosnian Serbs on charges of rape and torture.

2006 Great Britain Securitas Bank Robbery

2006 : A armed gang steal £53 million from the Securitas bank depot in Kent. It was the largest such theft in British history.

2006 South Dakota Approves a Ban on Abortion

2006 : The South Dakota Senate has approved a bill that will outlaw nearly all abortions in the state. If the bill is signed by Governor Rounds, advocates of abortion rights have pledged to challenge it in court immediately. The bill passes by a vote of 23 to 12 after opponents had tried to attach amendments that would have created exceptions for cases of rape and incest.

2007 Tolkien Estate Gets Court Order to Block Online File Sharing Works

2007 : It has been revealed that the Tolkien Estate has won a court order against a file-sharing Web site whose members posted scanned copies of J.R.R. Tolkien's work. The order, which had been issued earlier in February by the federal court in the Southern District of New York, will compell ESnips Ltd. to identify the subscribers who posted the material. High-quality copies of The Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, the History of Middle Earth and the Silmarillion had been posted on the site, according to The Estate's law firm Manches. While ESnips has agreed to remove the material, it refused to identify the names of the posters without a court order. Such infringements are 'damaging not only to the estate's interest, but also to the integrity of the published works. It is not something we allow.' Tolkien's estate routinely takes action against internet infringers.

2008 Moscow Opposes Kosovo Independence

2008 : Following the Kosovo Unilateral Declaration Of Independence from Serbia, Serb officials have welcomed the support of Russia in opposition to Kosovo's independence. The Belgrade-based daily Press's headlines have said that Russia supported Serbia's desire to retrieve Kosovo, but Serbia is now under pressure from Washington and Brussels to stop the violence that started on February 17th. An aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the Western recognition of Kosovo as a cocked gun ready for firing.

2009 Slumdog Millionaire wins at the 2009 Oscars

2009 : Slumdog Millionaire wins eight Oscars. Directed by Danny Boyle and written by Simon Beaufoy it is set and filmed in India. It is the story of a man from Bombay who appears on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? It has won eight of its ten Oscar nominations, including Best Film, Best Director, Best Original Score and Best Original Song.

2009 Israel Suspected To Be Behind Hamas Killing

2009 : E.U. foreign ministers have 'strongly condemned' the use of forged European passports in the assassination of the Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. Their statement has made no direct reference to Israel, whose secret services are widely accused of having carried out last month's killing in Dubai. The Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman met some of the foreign ministers on the sidelines of the meeting, and has repeated that there is 'no proof' of Israel's involvement.

2011 Defense Minister of Germany Forfeits PhD

2011 : Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, the defense minister of Germany gave up his doctorate after being accused of plagiarizing his doctoral thesis. Several claims against Guttenberg were made including one that he had completely lifted a part of his thesis from a newspaper article. Guttenberg admitted to mistakes and asked the University of Bayreuth to remove his PhD.

2012 Comedian Frank Carson Dies

2012 : UK Comic Frank Carson died at the age of 85 after suffering from illness. The comedian was a regular on British television throughout the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Born in Belfast, Carson was recognized for his charity work that he conducted in Northern Ireland.

2013 Djibouti Opposition Joins Elections

2013 : The opposition party in Djibouti decided to join elections ending a ten year boycott. Opposition parties banded together to campaign in parliamentary elections and were able to participate largely unhindered.

2014 Pope Francis Names New Cardinals

2014 : Pope Francis has appointed nineteen new cardinals in a ceremony at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. This is his first of such appointments since becoming the Pope.

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