Saturday, March 04, 2023

Important Events From This day in History March 4th


1933 U.S.A. Franklin D. Roosevelt

1933 : Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as the 32nd president of the United States pledging to lead the country out of the Great Depression.

1936 Germany Hindenburg First Official Flight

1936 : The Hindenburg makes it's first official flight in Germany. The Hindenburg built by the Zeppelin Company was 804 ft long filled with highly inflammable hydrogen to provide the lift and four 1,200 hp Daimler-Benz diesel engines giving the airship a maximum speed of 135 km/h (84 mph). To put this in context The Hindenburg was three times the length of a current Jumbo Jet and could carry less than 100 people including passengers and crew. ( Jumbo Jet carries circa 500 including passengers and crew )

1987 U.S.A. Iran Contra Affair

1987 : President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on the Iran-Contra affair, acknowledging that talks with Iran had turned into an arms for hostages negotiation.

1989 U.S.A. Time Inc. and Warner Merge

1989 : Time Inc. and Warner Communications Inc. announce plans to merge into the world's largest media and entertainment conglomerate.

1801 U.S.A. Thomas Jefferson

1801 : Thomas Jefferson who had been the principal author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 became the Third President of the United States.

1793 U.S.A. George Washington

1793 : The Electoral College elected Washington unanimously for a second term and on This Day 1793 he was inaugurated for a second term in the Senate Chamber of Congress Hall in Philadelphia, PA with John Adams as Vice President.

1902 U.S.A. Triple AAA Started

1902 : A very useful company called AAA (American Automobile Association) was founded on this day. Before this time, other companies dealing with automobile concerns had existed. However, none of them seemed to last, and to this date AAA is one of the largest automobile organizations established.

1920 U.S.A. Volstead Act

1920 : By this time the Volstead Act and the 18th Amendment were passed. Both of these pieces of legislation covered various aspects of alcohol prohibition, and a motion was filed to declare these laws unconstitutional. The 18th Amendment was passed by Congress as early as 1917, and the Volstead Act was passed in 1919. These were finally declared unconstitutional in the year 1933. FAQ About Prohibition

1925 U.S.A. Surplus Sales

1925 : Even during this time in history surplus military goods were being offered. In this case, about $150 million dollars worth of Navy goods were being offered to citizens of Charleston.

1952 U.S.A. The Old Man and the Sea

1952 : Ernest Hemingway had finished a novel entitled The Old Man and the Sea on this day. This book had one the Pulitzer prize about a year later (1953) Unfortunately, Hemingway had committed suicide in the year 1961, making The Old and the Sea Hemingway’s last major work of fiction created.

1954 US Warns Spread of Communism

1954 : The U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had stated a warning about communism around the world. He mentioned the possibility of it spreading to the Western Hemisphere, and in fact communism had at this time. One of the main focuses was the leftist government of Guatemala. This was one of the main areas where the communist has been known to already take root. Dwight D. Eisenhower was also convinced of the spread of communism in this area, and took the stand that it should be eliminated.

1962 Mozambique Plane Crash

1962 : A total of 111 people riding aboard the British DC-7C airliner had lost their lives when it crashed. This tragedy occurred a little over a mile past the takeoff runway as it began its trip from Lourenco Marques Mozambique.

1965 U.S.A. Films Highlighting Poverty

1965 : Nun sisters from the Franciscan Order of Nuns showed films of their convents, orphanages, and other centers located in U.S., Canada, and foreign lands. One of the films dealt with the subject of treating paralysis and poverty in North America. Other films touched on different subjects that had affected hospitals located in various poor districts around the world. During the film presentation, students were informed about how they could help fight against poverty by joining different organizations such as the Peace Corps.

1966 UK John Lennon Quote Upsets America

1966 : John Lennon is interviewed by Maureen Cleave of The London Evening Standard and part of his interview talks about popularity of THE BEATLES and he is quoted as saying "Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I do not know what will go first, rock 'n' roll or Christianity...We're more popular than Jesus now" . The quote repeated later in America upsets The American Bible Belt who protested in the South and Midwest, and conservative groups staged public burnings of Beatles' records and memorabilia. Radio stations banned Beatles music and concert venues cancelled performances.

1969 England The Kray Twins

1969 : The Kray twins, Ronald and Reginald, are found guilty of the murder of Jack McVitie at the Old Bailey, and face life imprisonment.

1975 England Charlie Chaplin

1975 : At 86 years old and confined to a wheelchair actor and comedian Charlie Chaplin was knighted by Queen Elizabeth to become Sir Charles Chaplin.

1976 England Maguire Family Convicted

1976 : A 40-year-old Irish born mother Anne Maguire is jailed for 14 years for possessing explosives at her London home.

1980 Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe

1980 : Robert Mugabe wins election to become Zimbabwe's first black prime minister.

1989 England Train Crash

1989 : A train travelling from Horsham to London was hit from behind by another train going from Littlehampton to London at Purley in Surrey with six people dead and 80 injured.

1994 US Extremists Found Guilty

1994 : Four Muslim Extremists are convicted of the World Trade Center bombing on February 26th, 1993.

2005 U.S.A. Martha Stewart

2005 : Martha Stewart is released from a federal prison near Alderson, West Virginia, after serving five months for lying about her sale of ImClone stock in 2001.

2005 United Nations Africa and Aids

2005 : United Nations releases a report that warns that unless action is taken the HIV virus could become an epidemic in Africa with up to 90 million Africans infected. The current number is an estimated 22 million adults and children ( or 5% of the population ) were living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.

2006 George Bush in Pakistan

2006 : George Bush has thanked Pakistan for its role in the War on Terror, but said that more would be needed if al-Qaeda was to be defeated. Visiting Pakistan for 24-hours, President Bush has reaffirmed his country's 'broad and lasting strategic partnership' to the Islamic State, and the Pakistani President has said he looked forward to a new era of cooperation between his country and the U.S. There was no evidence that America would be providing the same sort of nuclear assistance that had just been given to India.

2007 Iranian Protesters Arrested

2007 : Iran has arrested more than thirty-two of the women who were protesting outside one of Tehran's courthouses. The protesters were complaining about the five women who are on trial for organizing a protest against laws they say are discriminatory against women. These five have been charged with endangering national security, propaganda against the state and taking part in an illegal gathering. The pressure group, Human Rights Watch, has urged an end to their prosecution, and said that the women were only exercising their right to freedom of assembly.

2007 Kuwaiti Government Resigns

2007 : State television has reported that the government of Kuwait has submitted its resignation to the country's emir. This move comes ahead of a vote of no-confidence in one of its senior ministers. The Health Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah al-Sabah, who is a member of the royal family, had faced accusations of mismanagement and incompetence. The government, which has been in office for eight months, had reportedly failed to secure enough support to avoid defeat in one of its polcies.

2008 England YouTube Content Criticism

2008 : YouTube is facing criticism and possibly criminal charges for making it too easy for people to upload violent or sexually explicit content to the Internet. A three-minute video showing a mother from South London being sexually assaulted by three boys after her drink had been spiked was seen by 600 viewers on YouTube before it was taken off line. YouTube has said it is impossible to review every video posted, but if a visitor sees content they believe is inappropriate, they can flag it and it will be reviewed.

2008 McCain Nominated Republican Candidate for President

2008 : Senator John McCain has clinched the Republican presidential nomination from his rival Mike Huckabee. McCain, 71, has surpassed the requisite 1,191 Republican delegates as voters in Ohio, Vermont, Rhode Island and Texas allowed him to cross the necessary threshold. The four-term Arizona senator is preparing to carry the Republican banner for November's presidential election.

2008 Dungeons and Dragons Creator Dies

2008 : Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, has died at the age of 69. Gygax, who had developed the game in 1974, had been suffering from health problems for several years. Dungeons and Dragons and its associated video games, books and films have been enormously successful. He has written a number of fantasy books, which include the Greyhawk series of adventure novels. He died at his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, leaving a wife and six children.

2009 Ted Kennedy Knighted

2009 : Ted Kennedy has been offered an honorary knighthood. The Queen has agreed the honor for John F. Kennedy's brother for his services to the Northern Ireland peace process. Gordon Brown will be announcing the award during his March 5th address to both houses of Congress.

2011 Mexican Soldiers Charged With Drug Trafficking

2011 : Thirteen Mexican soldiers were charged with illegally trafficking drugs to Tijuana a city on the United States border. They were caught with almost a ton of methamphetamine as well as thirty kilograms of cocaine. The Mexican ministry of defense declared that it would not tolerate such acts in a country that has been battling with drug trafficking and gangs for years and that the soldiers were to be tried in a military court.

2012 Poland Train Collision Kills Many New Szczekociny

2012 : A train accident involving the collision of two express trains near the southern town of Szczekociny, Poland killed some sixteen people while injuring another fifty-eight. One of the trains was on the wrong track when the collision occurred.

2012 Putin Declares Victory in Russian Presidential Election

2012 : Former president and prime minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has declared an election victory to the country's presidential office after polling results indicated he had around sixty percent of the vote. Putin had served two terms as the country's president before spending four years as the prime minister. Opposition and protesters declared the elections wrought with fraud and called for mass protests against the results.

2013 US Baby with HIV Cured

2013 : Doctors announced that they believed that they successfully cured an infant born with HIV after administering early treatment. The child, now two and a half years in age, had been off medication for a year without showing any signs of the disease.

2014 New Zealand Duke and Duchess Refused By Maori King

2014 : Maori King Tuheitia refused to meet with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for their upcoming tour of New Zealand. The King said that the ninety minutes that would have been allotted for their meeting was not nearly enough time. He also stated that he did not want to be treated like a cultural carnival act, only to be brought out for show.

2014 United States Presidential Inaugurations (Pre-1953)

2nd John Adams 1797 to 1801

3rd Thomas Jefferson 1801 to 1809

4th James Madison 1809 to 1817

5th James Monroe 1817 to 1825

6th John Quincy Adams 1825 to 1829

7th Andrew Jackson 1829 to 1837

8th Martin Van Buren 1837 to 1841

9th William Henry Harrison 1841 to April 4, 1841 ( Died in Office )

11th James K. Polk 1845 to 1849

12th Zachary Taylor 1849 to July 9th 1850 ( Died in Office )

14th Franklin Pierce 1853 to 1857

15th James Buchanan 1857 to 1861

16th Abraham Lincoln 1861 to April 15th 1865 ( Assassinated )

18th Ulysses S. Grant 1869 to 1877

19th Rutherford B. Hayes 1877 to 1881

20th James A. Garfield 1881 to September 19th 1881 ( Assassinated )

22nd Grover Cleveland 1885 to 1889

23rd Benjamin Harrison 1889 to 1893

24th Grover Cleveland 1893 to 1897

25th William McKinley 1897 to September 14th 1901 ( Assassinated )

27th William Howard Taft 1909 to 1913

28th Woodrow Wilson 1913 to 1921

29th Warren G. Harding 1921 to August 2 1923 ( Died in Office )

31st Herbert Hoover 1929 to 1933

32nd Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933 to April 12th 1945 ( Died In Office )

The following were not inaugurated on March 4th for differing reasons including natural death, assassinations etc of previous president causing change in date

1st George Washington April 30th 1789 to 1797

10th John Tyler April 4th 1841 to 1845

13th Millard Fillmore July 9th 1850 to 1853

17th Andrew Johnson April 15th 1865 to 1869

21st Chester A. Arthur September 19th 1881 to 1885

26th Theodore Roosevelt September 14th 1901 to 1909

30th Calvin Coolidge August 2 1923 to 1929

33rd Harry S. Truman April 12th 1945 to January 20th 1953

In 1953 the date for Presidential Inaugurations was changed to January 20th. Check January 20th for later Presidential Inaugurations.

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