Monday, March 20, 2023

Important Events From This day in History March 20th


1995 Japan Sarin Gas Terrorist Attack

1995 : Five two man terrorist teams from the Aum Shinrikyo religious (doomsday cult), riding on separate subway trains, converge at the Kasumigaseki station and secretly release lethal sarin gas into the air causing the death of Twelve people, and a further 5,500 treated in hospitals.

1920 U.S.A. Treaty of Versailles

1920 : A story was printed regarding the return of the Treaty of Versailles which was returned to President Wilson. It had failed Senate ratification four times the night before. This treaty was intended to mark the official end of World War I, even though a majority of the fighting had stopped in 1918. This was probably one of the most controversial documents created within the 20th Century, and was signed between Allied and Associated forces of World War I and Germany.

1922 US All Homes Must Have Mail Boxes

1922 : The US Postmaster General ( Hubert Work ) ordered all homes to get mailboxes or relinquish delivery of mail.

1933 Italy New Peace Plan

1933 : A new plan for peace was being discussed between various European countries. This plan was being facilitated by leaders such as Premiers Benito Mussolini of Italy and Premier Ramsey Mac Donald of Great Britain.

1933 US Roosevelt Resolves To Help America Out Of Great Depression

1933 : Within one month of taking office President Roosevelt set about pulling America out of the depths of the worst depression in history. He temporarily closed the nation's banks. He passed emergency legislation aimed at stabilizing financial institutions. Spoke on the nations radio airwaves giving people hope and a much needed pep talk. Signed the Economy Act into law which cut salaries of federal employees including war veterans.

1935 U.S.A. Your Hit Parade

1935 : The American radio show “Your Hit Parade” makes its debut on the airwaves. In the following years, it becomes the jumping point for many of the most successful singers and artists in the music industry.

1945 World War II Mandalay

1945 : The Japanese capture Mandalay in May 1942, and British troops liberate Mandalay, Burma from the Japanese.

1948 Australia Workers Wanted

1948 : An Australian firm had put an ad in a newspaper dated this date for the recruitment of workers. They were willing to pay up to $32.00 to each employee that referred workers to the company (upon hire). This was considered a “fair chunk of change” in this time-equivalent to approximately $276.58 in 2007.

1951 Korean War

1951 : Americans were fighting on the Central Korean front. While doing so, they came against a strong resistance. The Red Army (communists) attacked from hill positions. Furthermore, a news blackout was ordered by General MacArthur in Tokyo.

1954 Vietnam War

1954 : 60,000 Viet Minh with heavy artillery surround 16,000 French troops, but the french held out for a further 6 weeks before being overcome by the greater numbers and defeated.

1955 Americans Charged in Japan

1955 : In Japan, two Americans were charge of involuntary manslaughter after a girl was shot. These Americans were acquitted, and this situation was ruled to be an accident.

1963 U.S.A. “Chute Less” Parachutes

1963 : The U.S. Air Force made plans to start using “chute-less” parachutes. Assault troops would be exiting aircraft without them fairly soon, as of this period of time in history.

1965 U.S.A. Governor Wallace Alabama

1965 : President Lyndon B Johnson informs Governor Wallace the Alabama Governor that he will call up the Alabama National Guard to supervise and ensure the safety of a planned civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery after the last march which had been shown on Television with local police and state troopers using Billy clubs and tear gas on the marchers.

1966 England World Cup

1966 : The World Cup, was stolen while on display at Westminster Hall in London, the World Cup was on show prior to the start of the World Cup tournament in Britain later in the year. It was found 1 week later in a in South London garden wrapped in a newspapers. England did go on to win the World Cup later in the year beating West Germany in the final.

1969 John Lennon Marries Again

1969 : John Lennon of the Beatles marries Yoko Ono a Japanese avant-garde artist and musician.

1971 Ireland Major James Chichester-Clark

1971 : Major James Chichester-Clark made his resignation known. This action was said to have caused a severe political crisis in Ireland at this time. No one was immediately in line to replace Clark, whose decision to step down was largely influenced by right-wing Unionist Party members. This militant group was working to squelch Irish Republican terrorism.

1974 England Princess Anne

1974 : Princess Anne and husband Captain Mark Phillips escape a kidnapping attempt as they were returning to Buckingham Palace

1976 U.S.A. Patricia Hearst

1976 : Patricia Hearst, was convicted of taking part in a San Francisco bank robbery conducted by those who originally kidnapped her the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).

1981 Germany Army Commissioners

1981 : Usually when the Army Commissioners had changed their prices each month all the store shelf prices would change as well. However, a new policy was established. The prices on the shelves would remain the same while the prices of new items would change.

1987 USA AZT Approved

1987 : The Food and Drug Administration approved the sale of ( azidothymidine ) AZT, a drug shown to prolong the lives of some AIDS patients. A little known fact is that it was originally intended to treat cancer in 1924 but did not do well in trials, and had an unacceptably high side effect profile. AZT does not destroy the HIV infection, but only delays the progression of the disease and the replication of virus. AZT is generally used in a cocktail of other drugs to treat AIDS Patients and also as a preventive treatment.

1990 Namibia Independence

1990 : Namibia gains independence ending 75 years of South African rule.

1991 Saudi Arabia American Jet Fighter shoots down an Iraqi Su-22

1991 : American troops operating a jet fighter shot down an Iraqi Su-22 warplane. The Iraqi plan was in operation after an unofficial cease-fire agreement was made. President George Bush, Sr. was seemingly supportive of America’s decision to shoot down the Su-22. He even warned Iraqis that it could happen again, although at the time Bush did not think it was likely. This was the first known incident of attack since the agreement to discontinue fighting took place three weeks prior to this date.

1993 England Warrington Terrorist Attack

1993 : Two terrorist bombs are exploded close to the heart of Warrington Golden Square shopping mall. 3-year-old Johnathan Ball and 12-year-old Tim Parry are killed and another 56 people injured in the blasts which the IRA has admitted carrying out.

1999 Switzerland Hot Air Balloon Record

1999 : Bertrand Piccard of Switzerland and Brian Jones of Britain complete non-stop balloon circumnavigation around the world. They had set off from Switzerland on March 1st 1999 travelling 45,755 kilometers lasting 19 days, 21 hours and 47 minutes and landing in Egypt on 20th March 1999.

2002 U.S.A. Child Porn Ring Closed Down

2002 : The FBI arrested a group of approximately 90 people involved in making and/or viewing explicit materials that included the use of children. Among those detained for this reason were clergy members, Little League coaches, along with at least one school bus driver and police officer. This was the beginning of the end of the breakup of this particular operation-one of the largest child exploitation rings formed in American history. A brief account of this story was given in an internationally-circulated newspaper dated this day ( 2002).

2003 Iraq War

2003 : American missiles hit the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, signaling the start of the US-led campaign to topple Saddam Hussein.

2004 U.S. Military Charges Seven with Abuse of Prisoners

2004 : Following the release of photographs published in worldwide news media of inmate Satar Jabar standing on a box with wires connected to his body and Lynndie England and Charles Graner posing with prisoners ordered to form human pyramid. The U.S. military charged seven soldiers of the 372nd Military Police Company with dereliction of duty, maltreatment, aggravated assault and battery of inmates at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

2008 U.S.A. Verizon Wireless

2008 : Verizon Wireless wins the lion's share of the communications spectrum during the Federal Communications Commission's auction.

2008 Cheney meets Karzai in Afghanistan

2008 : Vice-President Dick Cheney has held talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai on a visit to Kabul. Cheney has called upon other NATO countries for a greater commitment to Afghanistan's security. This is Cheney's fourth trip to the country as vice-president. He arrived there from Iraq, where his visit had coincided with the fifth anniversary of the U.S-led invasion.

2009 Ex-Governor of Puerto Rico not guilty

2009 : Puerto Rico's former Governor, Anibal Acevedo Vila, has been found not guilty at his corruption trial. The verdict was given at the federal court in San Juan. Acevedo Vila had been facing nine charges of raising and hiding thousands of dollars in illegal election campaign contributions. He is the first governor to be charged with a crime since Puerto Rico gained autonomy from the United States. The charges were made against the election campaigns that took place between 2000 and 2004, and included conspiracy, making false statements and the violation of campaign finance laws.ere his visit had coincided with the fifth anniversary of the U.S-led invasion.

2010 Russians protest Vladimir Putin’s policies

2010 : Thousands of people have taken to the streets of several Russian cities to protest at the Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin's, policies. Organized by the Communist Party, the Solidarity movement and human rights groups the protests have run under the banner of A Day of Anger. Police in Moscow have banned the protest there and detained seventy people. The protests come from a mix of local and national issues, including unemployment.

2011 Yemen Thousands Attend Protesters' Funerals

2011 : Tens of thousands of people in Yemen turn out for the funerals of the at least forty-five protesters shot dead by gunmen during anti-government protests on March 18. Many of the attendees called for President Saleh's resignation who had been in power for thirty-two years. Pressure for Saleh to leave office increased as much of his government resigned over the crackdown that had been used to curb protests in the country.

2012 Queen Rededicates to United Kingdom on Diamond Jubilee

2012 : The Queen of England celebrated her Diamond Jubilee by pledging to rededicate herself to the United Kingdom during a speech to the Houses of Parliament. The event was a response to tributes paid to her by both houses of parliament earlier in the month.

2013 Colorado Passes Gun Laws

2013 : The US state of Colorado has passed a law that would put limits on guns in the state. The new law would require more background checks for those wishing to buy guns online and privately and it would limit the amount of rounds allowed in ammunition magazines. The changes in law came as a reaction to the tragic Sandyhook Shooting in Connecticut.

2014 Vatican Library Starts to Digitize Collection

2014 : The Vatican Library has begun the lengthy and costly process of digitizing their collection of ancient manuscripts. The process will be aided by the Japanese company NTT Data. There are around 3,000 documents set to be digitized and it will take an estimated four years to complete the project.

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