Friday, April 14, 2023

Important Events From This day in History April 14th


1912 Atlantic Ocean Titanic Strikes Iceberg

1912: The RMS Titanic struck an iceberg just before midnight on 14th April. Find More From What happened in 1912

1935 USA Black Sunday

1935: Twenty of the worst Black Blizzards that occurred throughout the Dust Bowl years happen on a single day often referred to as Black Sunday which turned day into night. Witnesses reported that they could not see five feet in front of them at certain points and the storms traveled thousands of miles across the country dumping the black mess wherever they went. It should be remembered that these storms did not look like a normal dust storm as they were black and given nicknames like Black Dark Blizzards and Black Rollers because visibility was reduced to a few feet. The Dust Bowl years were caused by misuse of land through intensive farming with little thought of soil conservation and years of sustained drought causing millions of acres of farmland became useless, and hundreds of thousands forced to leave their homes. More about the Dust Bowl

2005 USA Same-Sex Marriage Oregon

2005: The Oregon Supreme Court nullified nearly 3,000 marriage licenses issued to gay couples a year earlier by Portland's Multnomah County. Basic Timeline of Same Sex marriage Licenses In Oregon March 2, 2004: Multnomah County Chair Linn announced the county would begin granting licenses for same-sex marriages. November 2nd, 2004: Oregonians voted 57% to 43% to pass Ballot Measure 36, a constitutional amendment defining marriage to be between one man and one woman. On This Day 2005: The Oregon State Supreme Court decided Li & Kennedy vs. State of Oregon, ruling that Multnomah County lacked the authority to remedy a perceived violation of the Oregon Constitution.

1906 Italy Mount Vesuvius Erupted

1906: Mount Vesuvius Erupts on April 14th, 1906 and the eruptions last until April 21st 1906 during the 7 days the crater rim cracked and lava flowed over wide areas.

1865 USA Lincoln Assassination

1865: President Lincoln is shot and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth while attending the comedy Our American Cousin at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. He died the next day.

1924 Italy Airship Accident

1924: The Italian Airship Number 1 was torn away from its moorings today in strong winds and 3 crewmen were carried 200 ft and hurled to their deaths.

1931 Spain King Alfonso XIII

1931: The Second Spanish Republic is proclaimed forcing King Alfonso XIII of Spain leaves Spain, he lived in Exile in Rome but did not abdicate the throne.

1933 USA Milk Price War

1933: A Milk Price War is going on and the stable prices of 10 cents per quart are currently 8 cents and in some shops 7 cents per quart.

1941 Balkans Britain Pulling Out

1941: Britain admits troops pulling back from Balkans and says the situation is a gloomy one at present, also High Flying German Bombers are dropping bombs on Northeastern England Coastal Towns.

1952 USA Bomber Crash

1952: A B36 Bomber failed to take off from Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane This was the worlds largest bomber with 10 engines and 15 out of the 17 crew were killed during take off.

1956 USA Videotape Recorder

1956: Ampex Corp. demonstrated its first commercial videotape recorder the VR-1000, which was the first of Ampex's line of 2 inch Quadruplex videotape recorders. CBS was one of the early TV companies to adopt the technology which allowed a one hour long program to be recorded on one reel of tape. One reel of tape cost $300, equivalent to $2,000 in 2000. A recorder cost about $75,000 to $100,000, about a half a million dollars today.

1961 Brazil Xingu National Park

1961: The Xingu National Park is created to protect the rain forest environment and the indigenous tribes who live in the area, many of whom do not have contact with the outside world.

2003 Iraq Abul Abbas Captured

2003: U.S. commandos in Baghdad capture the wanted terrorist Abul Abbas, leader of the Palestinian group that killed an American on the hijacked cruise liner Achille Lauro in 1985.

2007 Garry Kasparov is arrested in Moscow

2007: The Russian opposition activist, Garry Kasparov, was among the 170 people that were arrested as police prevented a banned anti-Kremlin rally in Moscow from escalating. The former chess player was freed several hours later, and was fined $40 for public order offences. The security operation was launched to stop protesters from gathering at Pushkin Square. President Putin denies that he is trampling on democracy, and accuses the opposition of destabilizing the state.

2008 Merger for Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines

2008: Air carriers Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines have agreed to merge in a $5 billion deal that will make them world's biggest commercial passenger line. The new airline will be called Delta, and have an annual revenue of over $35 billion. It is predicted to have about 75,000 staff. Analysts say this deal might prompt other U.S. airlines to join together as they struggle with rising oil prices. The deal, which has been sealed a year after both carriers left bankruptcy protection, might have to struggle with the unions on this. The merger will see Northwest shareholders receiving 1.25 Delta shares for each of their Northwest shares.

2009 Cuba Fidel Castro

2009: The United States lifts Cuba Restrictions allowing unlimited family travel and financial transfers to Cuba. The former Cuban President Fidel Castro has described the U.S. rules that allow unlimited family travel and financial transfers to the island as "positive, although minimal." He has welcomed these changes in a column that was posted on a Cuban web site. The changes will allow Cuban-Americans to travel more freely into Cuba, and allow them to send more money to relatives that live there. The restrictions were lifted on Monday, April 13th.

2010 Boston Sarah Palin Tea Party Rally

2010: Sarah Palin has condemned the Obama Administration policies at a rally for the Tea Party Express on Boston Common. Some in the crowd were enthusiastic in their disapproval of the President, and others were skeptical of Palin. Palin's message was to lower taxes, lessen spending and smaller government. "Americans now spend one hundred days out of the year working for government before we even start earning money for ourselves," she said. This was the penultimate rally for the Tea Party Express, which began in Searchlight, Nevada and will end in Washington. The crowd appeared to be a few thousand, but the Boston Police have no crowd estimates. Many of the rally's participants held American flags and Don't Tread on Me banners. The crowd cheered at Palin's anti-Obama rhetoric. Palin parodied Obama's campaign slogans with "When they say yes we can, we'll say oh no you don't." and concluded with "We'll keep clinging to our Constitution, and our guns and religion, but you can keep the change."

2010 Neil Armstrong Critical of Space Planning

2010: Neil Armstrong has criticized the Obama administration's stripped-down space plans, describing the President's proposals as devastating. Supporters of the President's latest plan, which will be unveiled on the 15th, have insisted that the accelerated rocket program will set new goals for the American effort in outer space. Armstrong, in an open letter that was co-signed by the Apollo Commanders James Lovell and Eugene Cernan, wrote that "The … decision to cancel the Constellation program, its Ares 1 and Ares V rockets, and the Orion spacecraft, is devastating.

2010 China Yushu Earthquake

2010: Six quakes in the Yushu region of China leave more than 500 dead and over ten thousand people were injured. Over the coming days as rescuers travel to outlying area's the death toll continues to rise to an estimated 1,500.

2011 Colombia Bus Engulfed by Mudslide

2011: A mudslide engulfed a bus in Colombia, killing at least fourteen people. Six people were also missing after the bus was swept away by a mudslide and covered completely by mud in the heavy rains. Emergency workers tried to recover bodies from the wreck.

2012 President of Turkmenistan Orders Ice Hockey Teams Created

2012: President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan declared that his government ministries must each create their own ice hockey teams. The leader of the desert nation has prodded his nation to become a sporting power since he came to power in 2007. The leader has absolute power over the country but has tried to encourage foreign investment since coming to power.

2013 Venezuela Post-Chavez Presidential Election

2013: Venezuelans voted in the first presidential election held since the death of former leader Hugo Chavez. Voters chose between Nicolas Maduro, who had been chosen by Chavez as his successor, and Henrique Capriles, who had run against Chavez in the previous elections. Maduro won the election.

2014 Netherlands Glow In the Dark Road Introduced

2014: The Netherlands introduced glow in the dark road markings on a small stretch of highway in the country to test the concept. The markings are made with a glow in the dark paint that charges during the day and glows at night. It was done as an effort to replace streetlights and save energy in the country.

1 comment:

  1. Originally the pallet was specified at 46 × 46 inches (from a nominal size of 48 × 48 inches, or 4 ft × 4 ft), but this has been metricated to the marginally smaller 1165 × 1165 mm dimensions. Two pallets will fit closely side by side in a RACE container.
    DTDC Australia Courier Company


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