Sunday, April 23, 2023

Important Events From This day in History April 23rd


1984 USA Marvin Gaye

1984: Singer Marvin Gaye the Motown singer who had numerous hits including "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" was shot to death by his father at age 45. His father was suffering from a brain tumor at the time and after pleading guilty to manslaughter was sentenced to six years of probation. Find More What happened in 1984

1985 USA Coca-Cola

1985: The Coca-Cola Company announced it has changed its formula for Coke and will known as New Coke Less than 6 months later they returned to the original formula.

1968 UK Decimalisation

1968: Decimal coins were introduced as part of decimalisation with the new 5p coin replacing 1 shilling (12 old pence) and the new 10p coin replacing 2 shillings Florin (24 old pence). The current system of pounds, shillings and pence will be replaced by Decimal currency on February 15th 1971.

1979 US Oil Company Windfall Profits Tax

1979: Major oil companies have been reporting sharp profit increases in profits , the profits have been made due to the large increases in supply prices and the President Carter is thinking of implementing a windfall profits tax on oil companies excessive profits . In 1980 The United States government did levy the tax on oil companies because of the profits they earned as a result of the sharp increase in oil prices brought about by the Arab oil embargo.

1898 Spain Declares War on United States

1898: Spain declares war on the United States on This Day 1898 after rejecting America's ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba. Following the declaration The American Asiatic Squadron under Commodore George Dewey engaged the Spanish Pacific Squadron under Admiral Patricio Montojo y PasarĂ³n in Manila Bay, the Philippines and decimated the Spanish squadron.

1922 USA Bootlegging

1922: A Bootlegging scheme where liquor was smuggled into the US from Bermuda was broken up today when on former submarine chaser ships with officers wearing the uniform of the United States Navy was broken up today when the ships and crew were seized.

1932 England Royal Shakespeare Theatre

1932: The New Royal Shakespeare Theatre opens in Shakespeare's birthplace of Stratford-upon-Avon, it had been rebuilt after a fire destroyed the original Shakespeare Memorial Theatre.

1938 Austria Persecution of Jewish People

1938: Jewish shopkeepers in Vienna were forced to picket their own shops with placards saying don't buy from Jews in 1938, they were forced to do this by members of the Hitler Youth Movement, at the same time the librarian of the national library was given a list of non Arian works to be removed from the library.

1939 Spain Franco Government Recognized

1939: Following the end of the civil war in Spain the United States recognizes the Franco government.

1940 USA Night Club Fire

1940: More than 200 African Americans died today when fire broke out in the Rhythm Night Club in Natchez , Mississippi.

1944 Germany World War II

1944: 2000 bombers and fighters from Britain and another 1000 launched from Italy launched an attack on German Plane Plants in Germany, Bucharest and Ploesti. General MacArthur isolated 100,000 Japanese Troops in New Guinea when beachheads were established at Hollandia and Aitape in New Guinea.

1945 Okinawa World War II

1945: The United States Tenth Army landed yesterday morning on Okinawa, 362 miles from the Japanese mainland. The landings and assault on the Island met with much less resistance than was expected from the Japanese.

1957 Radar Devices Used to Enforce Speed Limits

1957: More police forces throughout the United States are to buy and use a greater number of portable speed radar checking devices to enforce speed limits.

1967 Soviet Cosmonaut Dies in Accident

1967: Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is killed when his parachute fails to deploy during his Soyuz I spacecraft landing.

2003 Iraq Pfc. Jessica Lynch

2003: US troops rescue Army Pfc. Jessica Lynch from a hospital in Nasiriyah, Iraq, where she had been held prisoner since her unit was ambushed nine days earlier.

2007 Nine US Troops Killed in Iraq

2007: Two suicide car bombers have struck a U.S. patrol base in the Diyala province, killing nine soldiers and wounding twenty others. All of the casualties were members of the Army's 82nd Airborne, which is based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. "Today represents the single greatest loss of life for soldiers from Fort Bragg in more than five years of simultaneous deployment," a media affairs officer said. Police have reported that the bombers rammed their cars into a checkpoint in the town of Khalis, which is 50 miles from Baghdad.

2010 Arizona New Immigration Law

2010: Arizona's governor, Jan Brewer, has signed an immigration bill into law that is seen as one of the toughest in the U.S., despite criticism of it by President Obama. The bill will require State Police to question people about their immigration status if there is 'reasonable suspicion.' Its aim is to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants, although it has already unleashed protests and reignited the divisive battle over immigration reform.

2012 President of Yemen Announces Plans to Step Down

2012: Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to leave power after thirty two years in order to appease protesters in the country and curb violence. Saleh agreed to a transition plan that would take thirty days. After signing an agreement with opposition leaders there would be thirty days before he would leave power to the vice-president and receive immunity from any prosecution. Despite the progress, the opposition leaders still needed to agree on the conditions of the handover of power and protesters were resistant to accept a transitional government doubting that the President would actually leave his position of power.

2012 Dutch Government Falls During Budget Crisis

2012: The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte gave his resignation to Queen Beatrix after his cabinet fell apart during budget talks. Rutte's government lasted 558 days the fourth shortest period of a government in the country since World War II. His resignation meant that political parties would have to gear up for early elections.

2013 Same-Sex Marriage Approved in France

2013: The French parliament made the final approval of same-sex marriage in the country with a vote of 321 to 225. The bill also legalized the adoption of children by same-sex couples.

2014 Russian Parliament Bans Swearing in Art

2014: The lower house of the Russian parliament passed a bill that would ban swearing in all film, music and art. They would issue fines for swearing in movies, concerts, plays, etc. The fines would be around $70 for members of the general public and $140 for officials. If passed in the upper house and signed by President Putin it would become effective by July of 2014 and the inappropriate words would be determined by a panel.

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