Thursday, April 06, 2023

Important Events From This day in History April 6th


1994 President of Rwanda Dies

1994 : The presidents of the African states of Rwanda and Burundi have been killed in a plane crash near the Rwandan capital, Kigali. Both countries have seen ethnic violence between Hutu's and the minority Tutsis has cost the lives of over 100,000 in the last 12 months and many believe the deaths of the presidents will only escalate the problems. ( Between April and June the Rwandan military and Hutu civilians massacred nearly 1 Million Tutsis and moderate Hutus in one of the worst cases of ethnic cleansing ever seen ). Find More What happened in 1994

1896 Greece Modern Olympics Games Reborn

1896 : The Olympic Games, are reborn in Athens 1,500 years after being banned by Roman Emperor Theodosius I.

1909 First men to Reach The North Pole

1909 : Explorers Robert E. Peary and Matthew A. Henson claim to became the first men to reach the North Pole. On This Day 1909, they established "Camp Jesup" allegedly within five miles of the pole. There is a large amount of controversy over this claim for a number of reasons including no independent verification and discrepancies in his journal, and even looking at those Societies who accepted or did not accept his claim makes it difficult to know for certain. The National Geographic Society certified his claim The Royal Geographical Society of London accepted Claim. The American Geographical Society did not accept his claim Societies of semi-Arctic Scandinavia did not accept his claim What can be said is they did believe they attained their goal of reaching the North Pole and if they did or did not does not lesson the feat they accomplished. The main reason for the dispute is because of navigation techniques used and not used, and not having independent verification from other qualified navigators in his team.

1917 America enters World War I

1917 : Following the sinking of American liner Housatonic by a German U-boat and four more U.S. merchant ships President Wilson appeared before Congress and called for a declaration of war against Germany and on This Day the United States formally declared war on Germany.

1930 India Mahatma Gandhi Salt Tax Protest

1930 : Mahatma Gandhi and his followers, in protest of the salt tax levied by the British Empire, ended their Salt March and Mahatma Gandhi manufactured salt from sea water breaking the British law establishing a monopoly on salt manufacture.

1968 Riots Continue Following Assassination of Martin Luther King

1968 : Race Riots continue in cities throughout the US following the assassination of black civil rights leader Martin Luther King on 4 April. Curfews have put in place around the country and National Guard Soldiers have been mobilized to keep control. The death toll from arson attacks is 19 and the looting and shooting continue. The cities worst affected include Chicago, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Detroit and at another 75 cities around the country.

1975 Vietnam Operation Babylift

1975 : Inspired by the American efforts to bring Vietnamese Children in need to the US code-named 'Operation Babylift' , A Boeing 747 chartered by the British Daily Mail carrying 99 Vietnamese orphans has landed at Heathrow airport.

1987 U.S.A. Al Campanis

1987 : Los Angeles Dodgers executive Al Campanis said on ABC's "Nightline" that blacks "may not have some of the necessities" to hold managerial jobs in major-league baseball (Campanis resigned two days later).

1989 UK Dockers Jobs For Life

1989 : The British government under Mrs Thatcher has announced it is to abolish legislation which, in effect, guarantees jobs for life for more than 9,000 dockers. This is a continuation of lessening the power of trade unions in England and follows the governments battle with the miners and printers unions which the government won earlier.

1990 U.S.A. Reunified Germany

1990 : Following the reunification of Germany the US and the Soviet Union met to discuss the future concerning the role to be played by the newly reunified Germany in Europe.

2009 Obama says that the United States is not at war with the Muslim world

2009 : Having arrived in Turkey from Prague, President Barack Obama has said that the United States "is not at war with Islam." This is his first visit, as President, to a mainly Muslim country. In speaking to the Turkish parliament, he called for a greater partnership with the Muslim world, and said the U.S. would be launching outreach programs. "America's relationship with the Muslim world cannot, and will not, be based on opposition to al-Qaeda," he said. He had told his audience that Washington supported Turkey's efforts to join the E.U.

2010 Chinese cyberspying is revealed

2010 : A 'complex cyber-espionage' network has penetrated various organizations, including those of the Office of the Dalai Lama. The so-called Shadow Network had been targeting government, business, and academic computers at the United Nations and the Embassy of Pakistan in the United States as well. Researchers say that it has been used to steal at least 1,500 emails from the Office of the Dalai Lama. The attacks are thought to have originated from the city of Chengdu in China. The researchers, who are from the Information Warfare Monitor and the Shadowserver Foundation, have said they had evidence of 'links between the Shadow Network and two individuals living in Chengdu.' These individuals have been identified by e-mail addresses, and are thought to be part of China's 'underground hacking community.'

2010 First U.S. Citizen on C.I.A.'s Kill List

2010 : The Muslim cleric that is tied to the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner has become the first U.S. citizen to be added to the list of suspected terrorists that the C.I.A. is authorized to kill. Anwar al-Aulaqi, who currently lives in Yemen, was previously placed on the target list that is maintained by the U.S. military's Joint Special Operations Command. He has survived at least one strike carried out by Yemeni forces with U.S. assistance, and said that it is god's will that he survives.

2011 Swedish Queen Injured in New York

2011 : Sweden's Queen Silvia was injured when she tried to evade a photographer while visiting New York. The sixty-seven year old queen twisted her foot and was fitted with a foot brace and cane after the incident occurred. While she was shopping with her daughter Princess Madeleine, a Swedish photographer confronted them, and in the midst of trying to get away she injured herself.

2012 US Naval Plane Crashes in Virginia

2012 : A US Navy F-18 crashed in a residential area in the US state of Virginia shortly after taking off. The two crew members (a student and instructor) were ejected safely and luckily nobody was seriously injured and there were no known fatalities. The cause of the crash was unknown.

2013 Mandela Released From Hospital

2013 : Nelson Mandela was released from the hospital after dealing with a recurring lung infection at the age of ninety-four. Mandela was South Africa's first black president and led the struggle against apartheid in the country.

2014 Actor Mickey Rooney Dies

2014 : Legendary Hollywood actor Mickey Rooney died at the age of ninety-three. Rooney had started his career as a child actor and began performing before he was two years old. He continued to work in film and as an actor up until his death. Rooney had suffered many ups and downs in his career, at one point being one of the highest paid stars in Hollywood to becoming bankrupt, as well as having varying degrees of success in his eight marriages.

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