Friday, April 28, 2023

Los Angeles Times Press Room saying farewell to Emmett Jaime

By Ronnie Pineda

GCC/IBT Local 140-N Los Angeles is feeling sad at Los Angeles Times Press Room.

In the 30 years I was employed at the Los Angeles Times, I've had great Superintendents such as Jack Murchison of the Mailroom and Supervisors like Jim Prout & Bob Diggles. They were all hard working Men that taught me to be the same, I thank you all.
Mr. Emmitt Jaime Sr. is, and will always be, one of the greatest examples of what a "TRUE LEADER" should strive to be. Emmitt possessed all of the traits of the men I mentioned previously, and then some.
Emmitt literally taught me how to address everyone in the shop as individuals and recognize their unique characteristics that made us all different, but in a lot of ways, the same, if that makes sense. Whether listening to you or speaking with you, Emmitt gave you his undivided attention and kept his word, his handshake confirmed it.
Emmitt always, I mean always, had the right answer or advice, you could feel the sincerity in his words and honesty when he spoke, plus, I happily remember that it was always with a smile on his face.
Emmitt Jr, your Son, your Legacy, will honor your name and is so much like you that he is proof of the great Parenting he received, Good Job Boss!
Emmitt, you are already missed by so many I'm certain and my gratitude is as you are, ETERNAL. My faith says that I will see you again so if there is a Pressroom in the sky, you best be in charge!
Ronnie Pineda
2nd Color
Los Angeles Pressroom

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