Friday, April 21, 2023

Today in Labor History April 21, 2023


Goodyear Strike

Bituminous coal miners across the country went on strike over wage cuts. The nationwide strike was met with violence from scabs, company security, sheriff’s deputies, and the National Guard. It ended in eight weeks and severely weakened the United Mine Workers of America, which had been founded just four years earlier. – 1894

Company guards shot down 17 unarmed striking miners near the Neversweat Mine of the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. They were all shot in the back as they tried to flee. The IWW and the Metal Mine Workers Industrial Union called for a strike in the mines around Butte. They struck to secure higher wages, end rustling cards, and win an eight hour day. The Company blamed the IWW for the violence and federal troops arrived the next day to impose martial law and end the strike. Miners were forced back to the mines at gunpoint. -1920
New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller signed the Taylor Law, permitting union organization and bargaining by public employees, but outlawing the right to strike. – 1967
Some 12,500 Goodyear Tire workers went on strike at nine plants in what was to become a three-week walkout over job security, wage, and benefit issues. – 1997

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