Friday, April 28, 2023

Today in Labor History April 28th, 2023


181-192 (sources differ) workers died in a coal mine collapse disaster at Eccles, West Virginia. The mine was owned by the Guggenheim family. – 1914
A bomb plot was discovered in which over 30 dynamite bombs were to be sent people “on the anarchists’ enemies list,” including U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, who had been rounding up, imprisoning and deporting anarchists and union activists. Other targets included  J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. – 1919
119 died in a Benwood, West Virginia coal mine disaster. – 1924
The United Wallpaper Craftsmen & Workers of North America merged with the Pulp, Sulfite & Paper Mill Workers union. – 1958
The American Federation of Hosiery Workers merged with the Textile Workers Union of America. – 1965
Congress approved the creation of OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (only to watch idly as it was gutted by Reagan, and again by his successors). The AFL-CIO declared April 28 “Workers Memorial Day” to honor the hundreds of thousands of working people killed and injured on the job every year. – 1970.
The first “Take Our Daughters to Work Day” took place on this day, promoted by the Ms. Foundation. Its purpose was to boost the self-esteem of girls with invitations to a parent’s workplace. – 1993

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