Monday, May 01, 2023

Important Events From This day in History May 1st


1 May, 1931 U.S.A. The Empire State Building

1931 : The Empire State Building in New York Officially opens.

1 May, 2003 U.S.A. George W. Bush announces major combat in Iraq is over

2003 : President George W. Bush on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the California coast announces in a speech to the nation, major combat in Iraq is over.

1 May, 1960 Soviet Union American U–2 spy plane

1960 : An American U–2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union near Sverdlovsk. The Soviet Union captured the pilot Gary Powers which prompted continuing deterioration in relations between the US and the Soviet Union.

1 May, 1962 U.S.A. First KMART Department Store

1962 : The first Kmart department store opens in Garden City, Michigan selling a range of Clothes, shoes, housewares, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty products, and electronics. Kmart went through a period of rapid expansion up to the early eighties but from the late 80's due to lack of investment in technology and increased competition from the growing Walmart and Target stores and change in customer tastes sales continued to decline. In 2005 following sales decline Kmart merged with Sears, Roebuck and Company.

1 May, 1942 World War II The Fighting Forces

1942 : a diagram with the numbers of fighting men on both sides during World War II

United Nations Total Fighting Men and Women 12 - 18 million

Axis Powers Total Fighting Men and Women 12 - 14 million

2007 UK Animal Rights Extremists Arrested in Raids

2007 : Police across the United Kingdom and Europe arrested over thirty people believed to be involved with extremist animal rights groups who were targeting various organizations and businesses. Some crimes the police believed these groups were planning to commit or had already committed included burglary and blackmail.

2008 Australia Ongoing Drought

2008 : Australia's drought continues and is presently in the grip of what the locals call the "Big Dry" the worst period of drought in a century. The effects of this ongoing drought range from up to 10% of farmers giving up to wheat production going from a high of 25m tonnes of wheat each year to wheat crops below 10m tonnes per year a decrease of more than 50%.

2008 China Imposes Smoking Ban

2008 : In an effort to improve the Chinese capital city of Beijing ahead of the 2008 Summer Olympics, the government has banned smoking in most public buildings. The government has enlisted nearly 100,000 current employees to act as enforcers of the ban. The ban is also a measure to improve health conditions in the country, as a large percentage of its population are smokers.

2009 UBS Refuses to Share Bank Information with US

2009 : The Swiss bank, UBS, refused to share information with the Internal Revenue Service in the United States on over 50,000 customers who are believed to be hiding up to fifteen billion dollars in taxes in Swiss bank accounts. The largest bank in Switzerland argued that releasing that information would violate the law in Switzerland after the IRS began a civil lawsuit against the bank in order to find out the identity of the secret account holders.

2010 Expo 2010 opens in Shanghai, China

2010 : Expo 2010 opens in Shanghai, China it is the largest World's Fair site ever at 5.28 square km.

2010 Legionaries of Christ Catholic Order Overhauled by Vatican

2010 : Pope Benedict XVI ordered that the Legionaries of Christ, a Catholic order founded by Mexican priest Marcial Maciel, be purified. The order's founding priest had been accused of sexually abusing boys for over thirty years, among other allegations, but had denied those claims until his death in 2006. The statement came from the Pope after an investigation by bishops concluded that the allegations were indeed true.

2012 - US Occupy Wall Street Holds Protests

2012 : Occupy Wall Street protesters gathered across the US to stage a day of protest for International Workers' Day. Thousands of people gathered in New York, Oakland, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Chicago to peacefully protest, marking the first major protest since police disabled the movement's camps across the country in late 2011.

2013 Flash Floods in Saudi Arabia

2013 : Flash floods across Saudi Arabia left at least thirteen people dead. Heavy rainfall flooded plains and valleys in the desert country and the rains were reported to be the heaviest to hit Saudi Arabia in over twenty-five years.

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