Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Important Events From This day in History May 10th


10 May, 1994 U.S.A. John Wayne Gacy Executed

1994 : John Wayne Gacy ( The Killer Clown ) is executed in Illinois for the murders of 33 young men and boys he had raped and murdered between 1972 and his arrest in 1978.

1941 England Rudolf Hess

1941 : Adolf Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess, parachuted into Scotland on what he claimed was a peace mission, he was captured by British forces and held by the British for the remainder of the war. In 1945 Rudolf Hess was taken before the Trial of the Major War Criminals during the Nuremberg Trials where he was found guilty of (1) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of crime against peace, (2) Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and committed to Spandau Prison where he died in 1987.After 1966 for the next 20 years Hess was the sole remaining inmate of Spandau Prison, because the Soviet Union would not allow leniency. His main companion was warden Eugene K. Bird, with whom he formed a close friendship. Bird wrote a 1974 book titled "The Loneliest Man in the World" about his relationship with Hess during the 30 years of his imprisonment.

1965 Warren Buffet Gains Controlling Interest In Berkshire-Hathaway

1965 : Following three years of buying stock in Berkshire-Hathaway Warren Buffet gains a controlling interest in the company the shares were trading at less than $20.00 per share. Warren Buffet expands Berkshire-Hathaway into the insurance industry and other investments and as of the beginning of 2008 Class A shares were selling for over $150,000 per share making them the highest-priced shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

Current Trading Price:

November 9th 2009: $95,295.00 so although took a hit during stock market crash still seems like was good investment when bought for $20.00 per share.

April 5th 2021: $395,535.00

10 May, 1924 U.S.A. J. Edgar Hoover

1924 : J. Edgar Hoover is appointed by President Calvin Coolidge to be the Sixth director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), the name is changed in 1936 and J. Edgar Hoover becomes the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and served until 1972.

10 May, 1940 Battle of France Begins

1940 : Germany and Italy begin the battle for France beginning on 10th May and ending on June 25th, at which point Germany put the non-democratic government collaborating with Germany, Vichy Government in control of the country. The battle of France was a major victory for the Axis Powers and part of the battle involved Dunkirk where British and Allied forces were separated from the main body of the French defenses by the German advance causing the evacuation of 192,226 British and 139,000 French soldiers who were rescued by a hastily assembled fleet of 860 boats which included fishing boats, pleasure craft and RNLI lifeboats.

2007 U.S.A. Santa Catalina Island

2007: A fire breaks out in the hills north and west of the city of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California burning over 4000 acres and a number of buildings but the fire was bought under control before the city of Avalon was threatened. The fire bought back memories from the fire on the island which is only 22 miles long and eight miles wide at its greatest width in 1915 which destroyed half of the buildings on the Island including six hotels and several clubs.

10 May, 1926 Great Britain General Strike

1926 : With the general strike in England bringing the country to a standstill many believe that the bolshevists are behind the strike and have infiltrated British trade unions, the general strike is now in it's 8th day and many are hoping a compromise can be reached.

1929 U.S.A. Graf Zeppelin Airship

1929 : Following the success of the Graf Zeppelin Airship more are planned for purchase as a passenger line between Honolulu and Los Angeles at a cost of $1,000,000.

1933 Germany Book Burning

1933 : In Germany, Nazis start burning books considered to be un-German.

10 May, 1937 Great Britain King George Coronation

1937 : With the forthcoming coronation of King George in 2 days time as the King of England, the government and the royal family clash over royal representation at the forthcoming Duke of Windsors marriage to Mrs Warfield now that her decree absolute is final. The Royal family wishes to have the Duke of Kent present at the wedding but the government feels this would be unwise, some compromise will be reached or the government will be seen as dictating to the Royal family.

1940 England Winston Churchill

1940 : Winston Churchill becomes the leader of a coalition government after Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said he was stepping aside following German forces invading Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg by air and land.

1946 England United States of Europe

1946 : Winston Churchill has made a speech urging a United States of Europe including Germany as he believes this will help to create a common bond between Europeans and for future trade.

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