Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Important Events From This day in History May 1924


24 May, 1974 U.S.A. Nixon David Frost Interview

1974 : Nixon has been interviewed on TV chat shows by David Frost and has defended the right that the President is within his rights to order phone tapping and burglaries if it is in the interests of public safety and has justified the use of these in the Watergate Scandal.

24 May, 1941 World War II German Battleship Bismarck Sinks HMS Hood

1941 : The German battleship Bismarck sank the HMS Hood with with the loss of more than 1,400 lives after a shell exploded in the armory in a battle of the giants of the sea during the Battle of the Denmark Strait.

24 May, 1856 The Pottawatomie Massacre

1856 : John Brown and his Free State volunteers murdered five men that were settled on the Pottawatomie Creek in southeastern Kansas. These were members of the pro-slavery Law and Order Party, but not themselves slave owners in 1856.

24 May, 1844 Morse's First Telegram

1844 : The U.S. government had requested a line be built between Baltimore and Washington, and it sent the first Morse electronic telegram in 1844.

24 May, 1883 U.S.A. Brooklyn Bridge

1883 : The Brooklyn Bridge, linking Brooklyn and Manhattan over the East River opens to traffic. In 1883 it was the largest suspension bridge in the world and had taken 13 years to complete.

24 May, 1930 Australia Amy Johnson

1930 : Amy Johnson lands her Gypsy Moth plane at Darwin in Australia having completed the first solo flight from England by a woman.

1934 Month Long Drought in Midwest

1934 : It is hoped some relief may occur from the month long drought in the Midwest with a small amount of rain forecast by the Weather Bureau in northern parts of the states affected but concerns over crop failure and many farms going bankrupt continue, it is also predicted the cost of most foods could double or treble in these already difficult times. Many farms are already seeing fertile land reduced to dust and know this years crops are doomed

1934 U.S.A. Auto Lite Plant in Toledo, Ohio

1934 : Fighting has broken out at the Auto Lite Plant in Toledo Ohio between non union members protected by the National Guard and union members with rocks being thrown by Union Members and the National Guard mounting machine guns to keep control of the plant. Gas Grenades were used to disperse jeering crowds who refused to disperse.

1939 U.S.A. Submarine Squalus

1939 : The submarine Squalus sunk in the Atlantic with the loss of many lives and the worst part of this tragedy was how the 5 that were saved only did so by sacrificing their 26 crew mates by closing the Bulk Head door to the battery compartment to stop the rest of the submarine flooding. This must have been one the most difficult decisions for any sub mariner and these men who were lucky enough to survive.

1946 U.S.A. Rail Strike

1946 : The crippled rail network caused by the rail strike has crippled America, the impact is felt in food, fuel and other commodities, and effectively splits the country into small communities reliant on local produce and services. What the strike has hi lighted is how much a longer strike could ruin the economy.

1959 U.S.A. Economy Grows

1959 : The economy is continuing to grow with more jobs and higher incomes across all sectors and Americans have never been better off a report also says Americans are saving more than at any time in recent history.

1961 U.S.A. "Freedom Riders"

1961 : Two buses carrying 27 Freedom Riders (25 black passengers and two white passengers) were arrested by city police officers in Jackson, Mississippi and charged with disobeying an officer and breach of peace.

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