Thursday, May 25, 2023

Important Events From This day in History May 25


25 May, 1967 John Lennon's Psychedelic Rolls Royce

1967 : John Lennon's psychedelic Rolls Royce is delivered, the Rolls Royce caused an uproar including the Rolls Royce Company raising a formal complaint. He had bought the car new from Rolls Royce in 1965 and become bored with the color so had a psychedelic paint job. The car was sold at Sotheby's in 1985 for $2,299.000.00 the most expensive car ever sold.

25 May, 1968 St. Louis Gateway Arch

1968 : The Gateway Arch in St. Louis standing 630 feet tall, and 630 feet wide at its base is dedicated.

25 May, 1895 England Oscar Wilde

1895 : Playwright Oscar Wilde was found guilty of gross indecency in London and sentenced two years of hard labor. Playwright Oscar Wilde was arrested on charges of "gross indecency" under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act earlier in April ( in 1895 ) this term implied 'homosexual acts not amounting to buggery'.

25 May, 1925 U.S.A. John T. Scopes

1925 : A high school science teacher, John T. Scopes was indicted for teaching the theory of evolution in his classes, as the Tennessee state law prohibits the teaching of evolution in public schools.

More about the Scopes Monkey Trial

25 May, 1977 U.S.A. First Star Wars Movies Opens

1977 : Star Wars written and directed by George Lucas and released by 20th Century Fox opens in American Theaters. The original Star Wars grossed nearly $800 million world wide and won multiple awards at the 50th Annual Academy Awards and created a cult following for future Star Wars Movies.

25 May, 1920 American Merchant Shipping

1920 : A study into American merchant shipping confirms that 79% of new ships just built or in design and build stages have moved from coal burners to oil burners as fuel.

1935 U.S.A. Jesse Owens

1935 : Jesse Owens broke three world records at the Big Ten meet in Ann Arbor, Michigan including broad jump, the 220-yard dash and the low hurdles.

More about Jesse Owens

1935 U.S.A. Babe Ruth

1935 : Babe Ruth hit the 714th and final home run of his career at Forbes Field in Pittsburgh while playing for the Boston Braves against the Pittsburgh Pirates. Shortly afterwards he announced his retirement.

1943 World War II Dusseldorf Bombing

1943 : 500 RAF Bombers bombed Dusseldorf and laid waste to parts of the city that have been left standing, also the RAF were in action in Burma with a raids into western Burma.

1958 France General Charles de Gaulle

1958 : General Charles de Gaulle becomes Prime Minister of France.

1961 U.S.A. Money To Put A Man On The Moon

1961 : President Kennedy has asked Congress for $531 million to help the US put a man on the moon before the end of the decade . On July 21st 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the Moon.

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