Friday, May 26, 2023

Important Events From This day in History May 26


26 May, 1940 France The Dunkirk Evacuation

1940 : The Dunkirk evacuation begins "Operation Dynamo" was launched for the evacuation of British, French and Belgian soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk in northern France, they were rescued by a flotilla of any and every craft that could make the channel crossing which included fishing boats, pleasure craft and The Royal Navy and the new British Spitfire fighters helped provide air cover. The evacuation ended on June 4thMore about the Dunkirk Evacuation

1896 U.S.A. Dow Jones

1896 : The Dow Jones Industrial Average was first published.

The average price of the 12 initial stocks was 40.94

General Electric The only company still in existence and trading under original name.

American Cotton Oil Company, now part of Unilever

American Sugar Company, now Amstar Holdings

American Tobacco Company, Broken Up

Chicago Gas Company, now part of Integrys Energy Group, Inc.

Distilling & Cattle Feeding Company, now part of Lyondell Chemical Company

Laclede Gas Light Company, still in operation as The Laclede Group

National Lead Company, now NL Industries

North American Company, Broken Up

Tennessee Coal part of U.S. Steel

U.S. Leather Company Gone

United States Rubber Company part of Michelin

1930 U.S.A. Banks Closing

1930 : The Reynoldsburg State Bank in Columbus Ohio closed its doors as a result of frozen assets. This was just 1 news story that we found for a bank closing it's doors in 1930 but was being repeated throughout the country with thousands of small banks after the stock market collapse the previous year.

26 May, 1896 Russia Nicholas II

1896 : Following the death of his father Czar Alexander III in 1894 , the last Czar of Russia Nicholas II is crowned ruler of Russia, In 1917, the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin seize power from Czar Nicholas II and set about establishing the world's first communist state.

1897 England Dracula

1897 : The vampire novel Dracula, by Irish writer Bram Stoker, goes on sale in London bookshops.

26 May, 1948 South Africa Apartheid

1948 : The National Party of the Dutch Afrikaners headed by Daniel François Malan who had been campaigning on the policy of implementing full scale apartheid came to power and begin the policy of apartheid.

26 May, 1948 U.S.A. Public Housing Building Program

1948 : A major bill is before congress to provide additional Public Housing from federal funding , currently there are major problems and many of the homes built to put a roof over the head of poorer families are being rented to affluent single bachelors . So many of these projects that were designed to help the most needy are now in the hands of some of those who are in the high income bracket of $4,000 to $6,000 per year and a full reform is needed including the administration of these projects.

26 May, 1950 Germany Berlin Divided

1950 : In Berlin as both sides prepare for the unity parade by east German youth this weekend tensions are running high as Britain talks to the Russians about allowing free elections, many believe that instead of a united Berlin as part of a United Germany we could well end up with a city divided by political doctrine.

26 May, 1950 England Petrol Rationing Ends

1950 : After 11 years petrol rationing finally ends in Great Britain and the British People tear up petrol rationing books which have been in use since the beginning of World War II in 1939.

1969 Canada John Lennon

1969 : Beatle John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono stage a public 'bed in' for world peace - staying in bed for a week in a hotel in Montreal.

1969 U.S.A. Apollo 10

1969 : Apollo 10 returns to Earth after a mission that served as a dress rehearsal for the first moon landing.

1972 U.S.A. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty

1972 : President Nixon signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty on behalf of the United States the treaty puts a limit on the number of anti-ballistic missile sites in USA and Russia.

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