Monday, June 19, 2023

Important Events From This day in History June 19th


1846 U.S.A. First official Game of Baseball

1846 : The first official game played under New York Knickerbockers Baseball Club rules was in 1846 in Hoboken, New Jersey, between the Knickerbockers and the New York Base Ball Club. History of Baseball.

1905 U.S.A. Nickelodeon

1905 : The world's first nickelodeon opened showing a silent film called The Great Train Robbery the name nickelodeon was used as it cost 5 cents or a nickel to watch the movie or live vaudeville acts.

1910 U.S.A. Fathers Day

1910 : The First Father's Day was celebrated for the first time in Spokane, Washington.

1917 UK Royal Family

1917 : During the first World War as sentiment against Germany by the British People worsened King George V ordered the British royal family to end using the German-sounding surname, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and to take on the name Royal House of Windsor.

1923 Italy Mount Etna

1923 : Walls of lava one mile wide are descending Mount Etna towards the town of Lingauglossa in Italy, the lava is travelling slowly giving time for evacuation of the area, another flow of Lava over 50ft high and a mile wide is heading for the town of Giarre with a population of 17,000 the town will be doomed as the lava will cover all buildings in the town.

2002 Australia Solo Round The World Balloon Flight

2002 : Steve Fossett sets off in his 10-story high balloon Spirit of Freedom from Northam, Western Australia on his fifth attempt at flying a balloon solo around the world.

1938 U.S.A. Train Crash

1938 : A flood in Custer Creek in Terry, Montana washes out a bridge over the Custer Creek river used by trains and when the Olympian Special came through, it crashes into the raging waters with the loss of 46 lives.

1953 U.S.A. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

1953 : Following the conviction for spying on behalf of the Soviet Union and passing U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed at Sing Sing Prison. Spying by both sides in the Fifties was a part of the Cold War.

1968 U.S.A. The Poor Peoples March

1968 : 50,000 people participated in " The Poor Peoples March " organised by Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to address issues of economic justice. The campaign culminated on Washington, D.C. to demand economic aid be given to the poorest communities in the United States. Unlike many of Martin Luther King Jr's campaigns The Poor People’s Campaign did not focus on just poor blacks but addressed all poor people of every minority.

1970 UK Edward Heath New Prime Minister

1970 : The conservative party led by Edward Heath wins in the general election. The win was considered unusual because all the opinion polls held in the few days prior to the General Election had predicted an easy win for the Labour party led by Harold Wilson.

1975 UK Lord Lucan

1975 : An inquest jury decides that missing Earl Lord Lucan is found guilty of the murder of the 29-year-old nanny of his three young children. Lord Lucan has not been seen since the night the nanny Sandra Rivett died on 7 November 1974. Lord Lucan was never found and was officially declared dead in October 1999.

1978 U.S.A. Garfield

1978 : First Garfield comic strip appears 41 American newspapers.

1980 Iraq British Embassy Attacked

1980 : An attack on the British embassy by attackers, armed with automatic weapons and grenades, ends when three of the attackers are shot dead by Iraqi security forces. No British embassy staff were injured during the attack.

1999 Great Britain Prince Edward Marries

1999 : Prince Edward married commoner Sophie Rhys-Jones at St. George's Chapel, Windsor. Following the wedding they take the titles of His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex and Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex. Prince Edward is seventh in the line of succession to the British Throne.

2000 Great Britain Illegal Immigrants

2000 : The bodies of 58 Chinese illegal immigrants have been found in the back of a Dutch-registered lorry at the English port of Dover during a routine search of the lorry. The illegal trafficking of immigrants has been increasing through British Ports as immigration rules are tightened.

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