Monday, June 26, 2023

Important Events From This day in History June 26th


1963 JFK Visits Germany

1963 : President John F. Kennedy expresses solidarity with democratic German citizens in a speech in front of the Berlin Wall that separated Berlin into west Berlin and East Berlin, he declared to the crowd, “Ich bin ein Berliner” or “I am also a citizen of Berlin.”

1948 Germany Soviet Blockade

1948 : In response to the Soviet blockade of land routes into West Berlin, the United States begins a massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of West Berlin supplies from British and American planes sustained the over 2 million people in West Berlin for close to 12 months.

1906 France French Grand Prix

1906 : The first French Grand Prix the first race of it's kind to be held anywhere was staged in Le Mans, This was the forerunner to the current Grand Prix raced throughout the world today.

1930 US Brotherhood Bank Closes

1930 : A Sudden run on the Brotherhood local bank in Ohio forces bank to close, this is happening all over the country as more are taking money out of their local bank due to concerns and is the 8th bank in the State of Ohio in the last 2 weeks to close it's doors.

1933 U.S.A. "The Kraft Music Hall"

1933 : "The Kraft Music Hall" debuted on NBC radio. The ever-popular radio show ran for 16 years and featured some of the most popular entertainment names of its day.

1945 United Nations Charter

1945 : Delegates from 50 nations sign the United Nations Charter, establishing the world body as a means of helping to stop another World War happening.

1956 National Interstate and Defense Highways Act

1956 : Congress passes the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act for the construction of 41,000 miles of Interstate Highways over a 20-year period, it was the largest public works project in American history to that point, The federal government paid 90% of the construction costs and States paid for 10%.

1959 U.S.A. St. Lawrence Seaway

1959 : The St. Lawrence Seaway has it's official opening when the Royal Yacht Britannia with The Queen representing Canada and US President Dwight D Eisenhower from the United States formally open The St. Lawrence Seaway, creating a navigational channel from the Atlantic Ocean to all the Great Lakes. The seaway, made up of a system of canals, locks, and dredged waterways, extends a distance of nearly 2,500 miles, from the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Duluth, Minnesota, on Lake Superior.

1960 Cuba/US Imports End

1960 : Congress is planning to cut the amount of sugar imported from Cuba and in retaliation Castro has stated Cuba will seize US assets , meanwhile in Cuba campaigns of sabotage against the Castro Regime continue to grow with attacks on the rail system.

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