Monday, June 05, 2023

Important Events From This day in History June 5th


1967 Middle East The Six-Day War

1967 : The Six-Day War begins when Israel launches simultaneous attacks against Egypt and Syria, Jordan also joined the fray, but the Arab coalition was no match for Israel's proficient armed forces. In six days of fighting, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, the Golan Heights of Syria, and the West Bank and Arab sector of East Jerusalem, By the time the United Nations cease-fire took effect on June 11th, Israel had more than doubled its size.

1922 USA Unions

1922 : The Supreme Court decides that Union organizations are liable for damage or injury caused during strikes. The decision was regarded as one of the biggest blows to labor unions.

1930 USA Mobsters

1930 : The Illinois State Prosecutor made a public statement that gang murder in Chicago has taken a grizzly turn and mobsters are now cremating victims to stop identification and evidence.

1944 UK D-Day Preparations

1944 : Following a number of crushing defeats in Europe the Allies prepare for the D-Day landing when more than 1,000 British bombers drop 5,000 tons of bombs on German gun batteries on the Normandy coast, while 3,000 Allied ships cross the English Channel in preparation for the invasion of Normandy-D-Day. This proved to be the turning point for the war in Europe.

1945 Germany Borders Set

1945 : The United States, Great Britain, France, and Russia formally strip Germany of all conquests it acquired under Nazi rule. The "Big Four" reduced the country's borders to those of which it held in 1937. They also set up a military government over the country while getting the country's unconditional surrender.

1953 USA Fireworks Explosions

1953 : An Alco Fireworks and Specialty Company warehouse and factory exploded killing four people in Houston, Texas. Over 400,000 pounds of fireworks exploded in the factory which in addition to the deaths injured 73 people. The cause of the explosion was said to be due to a general manager hammering nails into a display.

1956 USA Elvis Presley

1956 : Elvis Presley introduces his new single, "Hound Dog," on The Milton Berle Show. and scandalized the audience with his suggestive hip gyrations.

1963 England Profumo Affair

1963 : British Secretary of War John Profumo resigns following revelations that he had lied to the House of Commons about his sexual affair with Christine Keeler, who was also involved with Yevgeny "Eugene" Ivanov, a Soviet naval attache who some suspected was a spy.

1968 US Senator Robert Kennedy Assassinated

1968 : Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after winning the California presidential primary, he died the following day on June 6th.

1974 Switzerland Peace Deal Golan Heights

1974 : Israel and Syria signed a disengagement agreement in regards to their conflict in Golan Heights. They agreed to begin pulling back forces within a day of the agreement. They also agreed to exchange prisoners of war. The United States Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger negotiated the deal.


1981 : The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a report announcing that cases of rare pneumonia were found among five homosexual men in Los Angeles, California which was later identified as the Aids Virus.

1989 Poland Solidarity

1989 : Solidarity who are anti-communist party in Poland, looks set to claim success in the country's elections. Due to the conditions set by the controlling communist party in Poland the communists will still remain in control, as the opposition has been allowed to contest only one third of the seats.

1998 USA GM Strikes

1998 : A strike begins at a Detroit GM car parts factory which closed five assembly plants and idled workers nationwide lasting for seven weeks.

1998 Ethiopia / Eritrea Border Fighting

1998 : The border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea continues to escalate following fighting with heavy artillery, mortars and small arms across a broad valley in the mountainous Alitena region both countries have now begun launching air raids against the other's territory.

2000 Indonesia Earthquake Sumatra

2000 : An earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale has struck the western island of Sumatra leaving many dead and buried and hundreds of buildings down, the airport is now closed and electricity and water supplies to the area have been cut.

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