Monday, July 10, 2023

Important Events From This day in History July 10


1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial Begins

1925 : John T. Scopes, a science teacher in Tennessee, was charged with violating the state's Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach evolution in Tennessee schools. The trial was based on the charge he did unlawfully and willfully teach in Tennessee schools certain theories that deny the story of the divine creation of man as told in the Bible. He was found guilty on July 21st and received a $100 fine.

More about the Scopes Monkey Trial

1985 Rainbow Warrior is Sunk

1985 : The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior is sunk when French agents plant a bomb on the hull of the boat while docked in Auckland harbor, New Zealand. The Rainbow Warrior had been preparing for a protest voyage to the French nuclear test site in the South Pacific.

1924 Brazil Rebels

1924 : With each day the rebellion by well armed rebels and guerrillas is gaining new converts in cities other than San Paulo with each day and many warn government forces are losing control of more areas.

1938 Aviator Howard Hughes

1938 : Aviator Howard Hughes makes a record flight around the world. He completed the trip in just 91 hours, breaking the previous record by more than four days. Taking off from New York City in a Lockheed Super Electra he continued to Paris, Moscow, Omsk, Yakutsk, Anchorage, Minneapolis, ending back at New York City.

1940 Great Britain Luftwaffe Bombing

1940 : The Germans Luftwaffe begin bombing raids against Great Britain, signaling the start of the Battle of Britain, the bombing continued over major Ports and cities across the UK for 3 months and the Royal Air Force (RAF) Spitfires and Hurricanes try to combat German Bf 109E while also trying to stop German Bombers (Junkers Ju 87) reaching their destinations to drop their bombs, the new introduction of Radar along the English coast provided much needed intelligence for UK fighter pilots. Winston Churchill made many memorable speeches in World War II but one of the sentences that is his famous speech where he used the words "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few", referring to the allied pilots who fought against the German pilots in the Battle of Britain.

1941 Poland World War II

1941 : 1,600 Jews are forced into a barn in Jedwabne, Poland by the local villagers and burned to death.

1943 Sicily Operation Husky

1943 : Allies begin their invasion of Axis controlled Europe with landings on the island of Sicily "Operation Husky."

1958 U.S.A. Alaska Earthquake

1958 : An earthquake hit north of Juneau in Alaska causing a tidal wave that completely covered a small island and 3 people were drowned on the island while picking wild strawberries.

1962 U.S.A. Telstar Launched

1962 : Telstar, the world's first communications satellite a privately sponsored space launch was launched into orbit . The Telstar communications satellite relays the first live transatlantic television signal and the worlds telephone call transmitted through space on July 23rd.

1964 Beatles "A Hard Day's Night" Released

1964 : The Beatles release the "A Hard Day's Night" album as the soundtrack to their first film of the same name. The album included well known tracks which enter the charts as single's including: "A Hard Day's Night," "Tell Me Why," "Can't Buy Me Love," "And I Love Her."

1965 Rolling Stones First Number One Hit

1965 : The Rolling Stones have their first number 1 single on the US Billboard charts "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" from the album "Out of Our Heads."

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