Thursday, July 20, 2023

Important Events From This day in History July 20


1975 U.S.A. Oil Hits $13.00 a Barrel

1975 : Price controls on oil at $11.30 per barrel to come into effect when the current oil price controls run out have been voted on by Congress and have been passed , but President Carter is likely to veto the bill which would allow gas to rise by 7 cents per gallon as he is concerned that the increased reliance on foreign imports by as much as 350,000 barrels per day would not be in the long term interests of America. The current price controls are due to expire at the end of August. A Cost of a gallon of Gas 44 cents in 1975

1923 Mexico Pancho Villa

1923 : Francisco Villa (Pancho Villa) is assassinated in Parral, Chihuahua, in his car and the assassins were never arrested.

1925 U.S.A. Still Explodes

1925 : An explosion in a new York apartment sends the owner crashing through the windows and onto the street 3 floors below has been traced to an illegal 8 gallon still that exploded.

1925 U.S.A. Wages $8.80 Per Week

1925 : The medium wage for women working in Alabama was approximately $8.80 per week. with most employed in manufacturing, clerical, domestic, or agricultural jobs.

1931 United Kingdom Help Germany

1931 : Prime Minister MacDonald of Great Britain is hosting one of the most important conferences since Versailles with 7 of the worlds most important statesman attending, The Conference is to try and help the war stricken Germany get free from the economic catastrophe it is currently facing.

1944 Germany Assassination Attempt Hitler

1944 : Adolf Hitler and 12 of his military and naval leaders were injured when a bomb exploded during a meeting at Hitler's headquarters in an assassination attempt on Hitler.

1948 U.S.A. Peacetime Military Draft

1948 : President Harry Truman issued a proclamation today calling for a peacetime military draft because of rising tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

1950 India Conflict In China

1950 : India has again requested that communist China is given a seat on the United Nations Security Council as a first step to ending the conflict in Korea, The United States has again vetoed the idea.

1951 Jordan King Abdullah Assassinated

1951 : King Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated in Jerusalem by a Palestinian nationalist.

1952 Finland Emil Zatopek

1952 : Emil Zatopek of Czechoslovakia wins the 10,000 meter race at the 15th Olympic Games in Helsinki, Finland . Emil Zatopek went on to win three gold medals at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki. 5,000 meters, 10,000 meters and the marathon making him possibly one of the greatest runners of the 20th century.

1956 UK and U.S.A. Withdraw Funds For Aswan Dam

1956 : The UK and U.S.A. withdraw offers of aid for creation of the Aswan high dam in response to President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt forming closer relationships with the Soviet Union. President Gamal Abdel Nasser announced 5 days later he would nationalize the Suez Canal to provide revenue for the construction of the high Aswan dam leading to the Suez Crisis. The Soviet Union stepped up in 1958 and funded the Aswan high dam project, the project was completed in 1970 and created the man made reservoir Lake Nasser.

1960 Ceylon / Sri Lanka (From 1972) Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike

1960 : Ceylon has chosen the world's first women prime minister (Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike) the wife of the murdered former prime minister Solomon Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka Freedom Party).

1964 U.S.A. Harlem Riots

1964 : Violence has flared up again in Harlem New York during burial services for those killed during the earlier riots with 14 more hurt. African-American leaders in the community are urging calm but hooligans are continuing to cause damage to property in the area.

1974 Turkey Invades Northern Cyprus

1974 : Turkish troops invade northern Cyprus following on from the breakdown of talks, Greek warships have now put to sea and Greek and Turkish warships are now exchanging fire near Paphos, a port in south-western Cyprus. Currently (2008) Cyprus is still a very divided country with a Turkish-occupied area in the north and the Republic of Cyprus in the south of the island with a UN green line separating the two.

1976 Space Viking 1 Lands On Mars

1976 : On the seventh anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the Viking 1 lander, an unmanned U.S. planetary probe, becomes the first spacecraft to successfully land on the surface of Mars.

1982 UK IRA Bombing Campaign

1982 : The IRA is continuing it's bombing campaign on the British mainland with two IRA bomb blasts in central London, one in Hyde Park, killing two soldiers and injuring 23 others and the other in Regents Park killing six soldiers and injuring a further 24.

1990 UK IRA Bombing Campaign

1990 : The IRA bombs the London Stock Exchange. The IRA did give a coded warning prior to the bomb detonation and no body was killed or injured.


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