Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Important Events From This day in History July 26


1956 Egypt Suez Crisis Begins

1956 : The Suez Crisis begins when Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalizes the British and French-owned Suez Canal hoping to charge tolls that would pay for construction of of the Aswan dam on the Nile.

1931 U.S.A. Grasshopper Swarms

1931 : The Midwest and heartland of the United States are in the midst of a bad drought when swarms of grasshoppers descends on crops throughout the American heartland, devastating millions of acres.

1939 United Kingdom IRA Roundup

1939 : The British government is set for lightening strikes against the IRA (Irish Republican Army) to round up over 5,000 suspects to stop the sabotage and terrorist activities now that the new emergency government bill has been passed.

1941 U.S.A. Japanese Assets Seized

1941 : President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China.

1945 Great Britain Clement Attlee

1945 : Winston Churchill's Conservative party loses the general election to the Labour Party and Clement Attlee, the Labour leader, is sworn in as the new British leader, Attlee had campaigned on an enlarged system of social services would be created as outlined in the wartime Beveridge Report.

1952 Argentina Eva Peron

1952 : Eva Peron, died today of a prolonged illness she was known as Evita (Little Eva) to the people of Argentina.

1963 Yugoslavia Earthquake Strikes Skopje

1963 : Skopje, Yugoslavia's 4th largest city was struck by an earthquake which reduced the city to ruins. It is estimated many thousands died as 80% of the city was left in ruins.

1978 South America Political Turmoil

1978 : The continuing turmoil in South American politics have many in the west concerned for democracy in the area, in just a short time we have seen A coup in Bolivia. General Augusto Pinochet Junta in Chile ousting the only liberal member left. In Paraguay the opposition party leader was snatched from the street and jailed after speaking out against the corruption of the ruling party.

1989 Student Indicted For Creating Computer Virus

1989 : Robert Tappan Morris a graduate student from Cornell University was indicted on a felony charge for releasing a computer virus that disrupted thousands of computers throughout the United States in the fall of 1988.

1996 U.S.A. IBM

1996 : IBM is given a contract by the Department of Energy to build the worlds most powerful custom supercomputer.

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