Thursday, August 10, 2023

Important Events From This day in History August 10


10 Aug, 1990 Magellan Space Craft

Aug 10th, 1990 : The Magellan spacecraft begins it's orbit of the planet Venus after a 15-month journey from Earth. The space craft spent the next four years mapping Venus, producing a detailed map of 99% of the planet.

10 Aug, 1897 Automobile Club of Great Britain

1897 : The first ever Auto Club is formed as the Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, later known as the (RAC) Royal Automobile Club.

10 Aug, 1903 U.S.A. Master Forger

1903 : Charles Becker, master forger, referred to as “the Dutchman” will be released from San Quentin prison. Becker was sentenced to seven years for counterfeiting $22,000. Apparently, he was a model prisoner who did artwork in prison. Becker is considered to be the most masterful criminal in forty years.

10 Aug, 1921 Franklin D. Roosevelt Polio

1921 : While staying on holiday at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello, Franklin D. Roosevelt at 39 years old suffers from the first signs of Polio (paralytic poliomyelitis) during the next 7 days the paralysis spreads over the rest of his body. This was unusual even for the time because most cases of Polio were found in children, and some believe that it was wrongly diagnosed, but the future president did believe it was Polio and in later life set up "The March Of Dimes Foundation" to search for a cure for the disease. It would be 30 years before a vaccine was developed that would help eradicate the disease.

10 Aug, 1921 U.S.A. Bootleggers

1921 : During prohibition a large ring of bootleggers was discovered in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. The bootleggers hid their illegal operations under the guise of being a “medicinal manufacturers” company. Another large ring of criminals was discovered in Ohio and Illinois. This bootlegging organization hid their illicit activities under the cover of being a flavoring extract company.

10 Aug, 1936 U.S.A. Lincoln Steffens

1936 : Seventy year old famous journalist Lincoln Steffens died in California of a heart ailment. He started his career in 1902 as editor of McClure’s magazine. President Theodore Roosevelt described Steffen’s style of writing as “muck raking”. However, Steffen tackled subjects like social injustice and corruption in public and private places.

10 Aug, 1942 Rioting Follows Arrest of Ghandi

1942 : In India rioting and strikes occurred in Bombay and Delhi over the arrest of Mohandas K. Ghandi who advocated non-violent protests. Japan encouraged Indians to fight for their liberty from Britain and reported that they were standing on the India-Burma border ready to help liberate India.

10 Aug, 1945 Japan Surrender Terms

1945 : Following the Atomic bombs Japan announced its willingness to surrender to Allies provided that the status of their Emperor Hirohito remains unchanged.

10 Aug, 1954 U.S.A. St. Lawrence Seaway

1954 : Construction on the St. Lawrence Seaway began at Massena, New York.

10 Aug, 1957 U.S.A. “Protective Milk”

August 10, 1957 : Dr. W.E. Peterson feels confident that the invention of “protective milk” can cure a variety of human illnesses such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, and even the common cold. The doctor has been doing experiments by injecting bacteria into cow’s udders to produce immunity in those who consume the milk. However, it has not yet been tried out on large numbers of people.

10 Aug, 1969 Franc Devalued By 12 1/2%

1969 : France has devalued its currency, the franc, by 12 1/2 %. This has produced depression in the country, but elation among tourists. Labor officials and the opposition have criticized President Charles de Gaulle’s financial policies for bringing France to this state.

10 Aug, 1974 U.S.A. Gerald Ford

1974 : In the wake of scandal, Richard Nixon’s resignation was accepted by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Gerald Ford stepped into the oval office. Ford promised a government with honesty, and transparency.

10 Aug, 1977 Son of Sam Arrested

1977 : The " Son Of Sam " Serial killer David Berkowitz, a 24-year-old postal worker, was arrested after admitting that he was Son of Sam, the New York City serial killer.

10 Aug, 1986 Lebanon Terry Anderson

August 10, 1986 : In Beirut, Lebanon one of the hostages, Terry Anderson aged 38, was reported to be ill and in bed. Anderson was an American journalist with The Associated Press. He was taken prisoner on March 16th, 1985. White House officials could not confirm the report of his illness.

10 Aug, 1999 Russia Vladamir Putin

1999 : Vladimir Putin was newly installed as acting prime minister in Russia. However, he was quickly pressed into service by Boris Yeltsin to help suppress Islamic fundamentalists in the south of Russia. Putin was a former KGB officer. Yetsin has reshuffled the cabinet over four times in less than a year and a half, which has raised concerns about his fitness to lead.

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