Sunday, August 13, 2023

Important Events From This day in History August 13


13 Aug, 1966 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

1966 : China has announced It's Cultural Revolution and that by reorganizing the current small farming collectives into great communes workers would be released to work in industry. With the Cultural Revolution came persecution of radical students and teachers and colleges were effectively closed down, and Chairman Mao also used the time to purge his rivals. A bi-product of the Cultural Revolution was that grain output declined leading to the country's largest famine in history. What Happened in 1966.

13 Aug, 1905 China Earthquake

1905 : Chinese residents were shaken up by an earthquake and nine hours of aftershocks. To avoid quivering buildings throngs went to parks. Chinese religious leaders compounded the terror by predicating doom. As a result, Hong Kong was flooded with refugees.

13 Aug, 1920 U.S.A. Draft Dodger Round Up

1920 : A roundup by U.S. deputy marshals for 212 draft dodgers was going on in the Chicago area. Names of the culprits were obtained from Washington by the district attorney. The men pursued either failed to register for the draft or were shirking their military obligations.

13 Aug, 1920 Poland Soviet Attack Warsaw

1920 : The Soviet Union begins it's assault on Warsaw in Poland which the Poles managed to halt and eventually gained independence for Poland from the Soviet Union.

13 Aug, 1936 Alaska Whales Fail To Arrive

1936 : Eskimos in Barrow, Alaska were in a state of starvation this summer when the usual whales and seals did not migrate to the northern seas. The ship called, “The Northland” rescued them as it was loaded with 41/2 tons of foodstuffs.

13 Aug, 1943 Italy Allied Advance

1943 : Under a volley of five hundred anti-aircraft guns, Nazi soldiers fled across the Messina Strait to Italy. It was reported that the German army was in full retreat after being pounded by the allies. German Captain Ludwig Sertoius admitted on the radio that, (it was) “a systematic, new disengagement movement by German and Italian troops.”

13 Aug, 1953 France General Strike

1953 : France had four million workers go on a massive strike as unions sparred with the government and its economic policies. The situation was so bad that even convicts were pressed into service in an attempt to fill the gap left by the strikers. The only people that were happy were tourists who were jubilant that customs officers walked off the job and all baggage could leave the country without inspection.

13 Aug, 1961 East Germany Border Closed To West Germany

1961 : German communists closed the border between East and West Germany stopping refugees from leaving and Going to West Germany , they also started laying barbed wire as the first step to building the Berlin Wall.

13 Aug, 1969 Astronauts New York Ticker Tape Parade

1969 : Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin Jr., and Michael Collins were exuberantly welcomed by New Yorkers as their motorcade went by. The paper thrown into the streets in celebration of the first walk on the moon was ankle deep. Nationwide celebrations were going to be held as well.

13 Aug, 1979 U.S.A. Congress

1979 : After Watergate and President Nixon’s downfall, President Ford promised to listen and cooperate with Congress. At the time Congress was predominantly Democrat and Ford was a Republican, so the relationship was particularly challenging. During Nixon’s presidency the limits of executive power verses the power of Congress had been a huge issue.

13 Aug, 1988 U.S.A. Anne Ramsey

1988 : Anne Ramsey, who had a 37 year long acting career, died of throat cancer at age 59. Her most famous role was the homely, harping mother in the movie, “Throw Mama Off the Train” where she co-starred with Danny DeVito. Other flicks that Ramsey acted in were, “Up From the Sandbox”, “For Pete’s Sake”, “Weeds”, and “Goonies.”

13 Aug, 1995 U.S.A. Ms. Jensen

1995 : A downs syndrome woman whose organs are failing has been rejected as a candidate for a heart-lung transplant. Ms. Jensen graduated from high school and worked at busing tables. However, two hospitals have said that she could not comprehend the treatment regime or the medical complications of the surgery and therefore cannot have a transplant to save her life. Dr. William Bronston, a rehabilitation authority says that Ms. Jensen’s rights have been violated under the national Americans with Disabilities Act.

13 Aug, 2001 International Aid Agencies Appeal For More Help

2001 : International Aid Agencies in Congo including Save the Children, Oxfam and Christian Aid are pleading for more help from the International Community for war ravaged Congo. They are telling world leaders a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions is occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With 16 million Congolese starving making it one of the world's worst humanitarian crises in 50 years. Those affected worst are the children in the country where 40% of children receive no schooling and 10,000 children have been commandeered to act as child soldiers in the war.

13 Aug, 2002 U.S.A. American Airlines

2002 : Beleaguered American airlines have experienced stock crashes and it is feared that United Airlines could fail just like U.S. Airways did. Daily losses, high prices, and the fear after September 9/11 have threatened the viability of airlines.

13 Aug, 2004 Greece Olympic Games Opens

2004 : The Summer Olympic Games opening ceremony in Athens Greece, officially known as the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, the opening ceremony was shown around the world.

13 Aug, 2004 U.S.A. Hurricane Charley

2004 : Hurricane Charley a Category 3 hurricane with winds in excess of 150 MPH makes landfall in southwest Florida, ripping up trees and forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of residents. The hurricane caused 10 deaths and $15.4 billion in damages in the state.

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