Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Important Events From This day in History August 23

23 Aug, 1963 Beatles Release "She Loves You"

1972 : Beatles release "She Loves You" in UK which becomes goes to Number 1 on September 12 and staying number 1 for 4 weeks. Number 1 on November 28 and staying number 1 for 2 weeks. "She Loves You" is the best selling single for the Beatle's in the United Kingdom. Find More What happened in 1963.

23 Aug, 1905 New Orleans Yellow Fever

1905 : In New Orleans yellow fever was running rampant and there were 1478 sick and 218 dead. The Bluefield Daily Telegraph read, “The depressing heat probably caused a number of deaths. Small towns are affected by the ‘quarantine madness’ which is depriving numerous localities of supplies and should it long continue a food famine may result.”

23 Aug, 1920 England Irish Freedom

1920 : The Friends of Irish Freedom condemned the British government and Prime Minister David Lloyd for its alleged mistreatment of the Australian Archbishop Mannix . In the middle of the high seas, the British navy arrested the archbishop aboard an ocean liner. The FIF declared that Britain and Ireland were in a state of war.

23 Aug, 1926 U.S.A. Rudolph Valentino

1926 : Rudolph Valentino died from complications following an operation for appendicitis and gastric ulcers.

23 Aug, 1937 China Shanghai

1937 : In Shanghai, China 400 people were dead and 1,000 injured after three heavy artillery shells exploded over a congested department store, a U.S. navy warehouse, and a prison. Six thousand five hundred inmates had to be evacuated from the prison and it wasn’t clear whether it was a Japanese missile or Chinese bomb.

23 Aug, 1939 Germany Non Aggression Pact

1939 : Germany announces it has signed a non aggression pact with the Soviet Union.

23 Aug, 1942 Hawaii Pearl Harbor

1942 : In Pearl Harbor, American marines were busy taking revenge on the Japanese for past offences. In the first battle, the Japanese fought on until the last man of their 92 soldiers was dead. Only six marines were killed. In another altercation, 700 Japanese soldiers were detected by American military personnel and by Thursday 670 of the enemy were dead and 30 taken captive.

23 Aug, 1944 Bomber Crashes Into Village School

1944 : An American Liberator bomber crashes into English village school leaving 35 children and 20 others dead.

23 Aug, 1953 Korea Mao Zedong

1953 : Captain George C. Davison of Staten Island, New York was thrown into a Korean prison for fifteen days because he penciled a mustache on a picture of Mao Zedong. The communist officials were not amused, but let Davison free after he had served his time.

23 Aug, 1966 Indonesia Starvation Lombak

1966 : The island of Lombak which is part of Indonesia was facing the starvation of its 20,000 people. Health Officer Mohammed Jusof urged officials in Jakarta to send emergency aid to the islanders who live east of Bali. Jusof warned that many people would suffer serious malnutrition if aid was not sent soon.

23 Aug, 1966 Space Lunar Orbiter 1

1966 : The Lunar Orbiter 1 takes the first photograph of Earth from an orbit around the Moon.

23 Aug, 1974 U.S.A. Pan American

1974 : Pan American World Airways asked the Civil Aeronautics Board today for an emergency subsidy. Find out What Else Happened in 1974.

23 Aug, 1978 India Indira Gandhi

1978 : In New Delhi, Indira Gandhi went to court facing fraud charges. Gandhi was cautioned by the judge not to leave the country and was freed on $1,875 bail. She and five officials in the Indian government were accused of deceiving businessmen to obtain the use of free cars for the 1977 election.

23 Aug, 1979 Iran Kurdish Rebels

1979 : Kurdish Rebels near the borders with Iraq, are fighting with Iranian government troops in the hope of gaining independent status from Iran. They have now gained control of Mahabad, in the north-west of the country. Ayatollah Khomeini has ordered the arrest of Kurdish leaders. Kurdish rebels believe they should be entitled to an independent country of Kurdistan made up of the mountainous region where they live currently under Turkish, Iranian and Iraq control.

23 Aug, 1979 Alexander Godunov Defects

August 23rd, 1979 : Soviet ballet dancer Alexander Godunov defects seeking political asylum in the United States while the Bolshoi Ballet was on tour in New York.

23 Aug, 1989 Lithuania Human Chain

1989 : Fifty thousand individuals crowded into Vilnius, Lithuania on the 50th anniversary of their annexation by Stalin and Hitler. Baltic residents demanded independence and were going to form a human chain 370 miles long, composed of 1.5 million people to protest injustices done to them.

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