Friday, August 25, 2023

Important Events From This day in History August 25

25 Aug, 1944 WWII Paris Liberated

1944 : Paris is liberated after more than four years of Nazi occupation by the French 2nd Armored Division and the U.S. 4th Infantry Division and General Charles de Gaulle who had been the leader of the free French forces enters Paris the next day. Find More What happened in 1944

25 Aug, 1916 National Park Service

1916 : The National Park Service is established by Congress with the "National Park Service Organic Act" to protect areas designated as national parks and the National Register of Historic Places. National Parks Website is

25 Aug, 1923 U.S.A. New Record Set

1923 : US Postal Service Aviators have set a new record to span the continent at 27 hours 14 minutes breaking the previous record set by Army Aviators last May. They are excited over the implications that they can provide a quicker service to customers throughout the nation.

25 Aug, 1945 Great Britain Evacuees Home

1945 : After nearly 4 years away from home children are being reunited with parents, some who were evacuated to as far away as America, these children and parents will have a lot of catching up to do as well as adjusting back to a very different life. Many of the children were evacuated to rural areas in England and America and are going back to large cities.

25 Aug, 1950 Railroads Under Army Control

1950 : President Harry S. Truman issues an executive order putting America’s railroads under the control of the U.S. Army, two days later in anticipation of a strike by railway workers Unions, The strike continued for 21 months at which time Unions agreed to the administrations terms and went back to work.

25 Aug, 1956 Egypt Suez Canal

1956 : President Nasser has come up with an alternative plan for the Suez canal offering guaranteed unimpeded shipping through the Suez canal in response to the demand for internationalization of the canal by 18 countries, the use of force is no longer on the agenda as all countries are now seeking a diplomatic solution to this problem.

25 Aug, 1967 American Nazi Party

1967 : George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi party has been shot and killed by a sniper at a shopping center in Arlington, Virginia. George Lincoln Rockwell founded the American Nazi Party in 1959 which was originally known as the World Union of Free Enterprise and National Socialists.

25 Aug, 1967 Beatles Study Transcendental Meditation

1967 : The Beatles Go to Bangor in Wales to study Transcendental Meditation under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi prior to the time spent on a training course in Rishikesh, India in 1968 where much of their White Album was written.

25 Aug, 1975 "Born to Run" Released

1975 : The third Bruce Springsteen album "Born to Run" by is released, the album turns Springsteen into a worldwide superstar and is considered to be in the top all time 20 albums by most music critics. Find out What Happened in 1975.

Side One "Born to Run" - Thunder Road, Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out, Night, Backstreets

Side Two "Born to Run" - Born to Run, She's the One, Meeting Across the River, Jungleland

25 Aug, 1989 Voyager 2 Reaches Neptune

1989 : The unmanned Voyager 2 spacecraft has reached the Planet Neptune which is over two billion miles from Earth and sent back the first close-up pictures of Neptune and its satellite planets.

25 Aug, 1991 Sweden First Linux Release

August 25th, 1991 : Linus Torvalds releases his first version of the Linux operating system kernel (0.01 of Linux) called 'Freax' in the makefile to the world and announces it through a Usenet posting on a newsgroup which could be found on the ftp server at the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT). The Linux operating system is a Unix-like operating system kernel and is distributed under GNU General Public License. The original kernel was based on earlier work done by Richard Stallman on the GNU Project, started in 1984. The majority of the servers on the internet I.E. (where this site and millions of others) use Apache software that runs on top of the Linux kernel.

25 Aug, 1992 Diana Phone Call Recorded

1992 : The Sun Newspaper has published a recorded telephone conversation with an unknown woman who may or may not be Diana the Princess of Wales talking to an unknown man about her unhappy marriage, They have now made the tape available on a 95 cents per minute telephone service and thousands are paying up to $22.00 to listen to the full recording.

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