Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Important Events From This day in History September 12


12 Sept, 1940 Prehistoric Cave Paintings

1940 : The Lascaux prehistoric cave paintings are discovered by accident by teenagers searching for their dog in France, the paintings are believed to date back over 15,000 years and are considered to be some of the best examples of well-known Upper Paleolithic paintings dating back 16,000 years ever discovered.

12 Sept, 1922 England Rudyard Kipling

1922 : Rudyard Kipling the well known British writer and poet has made a statement to the New York Times giving an answer to critics that he never stated the United States only entered World War I for the gold it could gain and that Britain and the free world would always be in debt to America for it's help and assistance in World War I.

Rudyard Kipling Public Domain Photo

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12 Sept, 1930 Argentina Military Coup

1930 : Buenos Aires the capitol of Argentina is still in turmoil with mobs running through the streets after the President Irigoyen was overthrown by a military coup.

12 Sept, 1948 Spread of Polio Increases

1948 : The spread of Infantile Paralysis (Polio) is continuing to increase in many US States, only in the worst affected areas will schools continue to stay closed for public health reasons.

Child With Polio Public Domain Photo

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12 Sept, 1953 JFK Marries Jackie

1953 : Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy of Massachusetts marries Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier / Kennedy Public Domain Photo

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12 Sept, 1953 Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev

September 12th, 1953 : Six months after the death of Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev succeeds him as first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

12 Sept, 1960 Hurricane Donna

1960 : Hurricane Donna one of the most destructive hurricanes seen for many years is pounding Eastern Long Island, New York with high winds and heavy rain causing widespread flooding and property damage and is expected to hit New England within a short time. Although schools in New York opened as usual for the first day of school many were closed early as the ferocity of the storm was realized. Many areas in Florida that were hit by Hurricane Donna have now been declared a major disaster area with an estimated 1/4 million homes still without electricity, Telephones and water. The final death toll is not known but it could well reach double figures once more of the homes that were destroyed can be checked.

Hurricane Donna Storm Path Public Domain Photo

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12 Sept, 1962 USA Will Land Man On Moon

1962 : In response to the progress made the the Soviet Union in the space race President John F. Kennedy announced that America will place a man on the moon and safely return him before the year 1970.

President John F. Kennedy Public Domain Photo

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12 Sept, 1970 Jordan Plane Hijack

1970 : Palestinian Guerrillas who have hijacked three aircraft in the desert, today blew up those aircraft at the airstrip, but stated the passengers were removed first so are still safe.

12 Sept, 1974 Ethiopia Emperor Haile Selassie

1974 : Emperor Haile Selassie who had been crowned "King of Kings of Ethiopia" in 1930 spending 5 years in exile from 1936 - 1941 is deposed by military coup.

Haile Selassie I Public Domain Photo

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