Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Important Events From This day in History October 18


18 Oct, 1859 U.S.A. Harpers Ferry Raid

1859 : John Brown's men arrived at Harper's Ferry in Virginia in order to instigate a slave rebellion. Brown's men were attacked by soldiers under Robert E. Lee on October 18th, 1859 after which Brown and several of his men were captured. He was hung for murder, treason against the State and for leading a revolt.

18 Oct, 1931 U.S.A. Edison

1931 : American inventor Thomas Edison dies, among his thousands of inventions the most well known include the phonograph and the practical electric light bulb. He also originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation with distribution to homes and businesses.

18 Oct, 1952 World Population

1952 : The worlds population currently stands at 47 people per square mile of land but it predicted that this may well double by the end of the century due to population growth (figures in 2007 were 115 people per square mile).

18 Oct, 1898 Puerto Rico US Formal Possession

1898 : The United States takes formal possession of Island of Puerto Rico when the American flag is raised over San Juan.

18 Oct, 1922 British Broadcasting Company

1922 : The British Broadcasting Company (a commercial company) is formed with a share capital of £100,000, the company is dissolved in 1926 and all assets are transferred to the British Broadcasting Corporation or the BBC as it is now known. In 1927 the BBC became a publicly funded corporation, which it still is today.

More about the Creation of the BBC

18 Oct, 1924 U.S.A. Election Funds

1924 : The current election funds for the Democrats and Republican parties have been released for the upcoming national elections. Democrats had $750,000 and Republicans had $3,000,000.

18 Oct, 1935 Italy Bombs Ethiopia

1935 : Italian bombers have started bombing camps where Ethiopian women and children were thought to be safe while Ethiopian warriors attempt to fight using against the invading Italian army well equipped with artillery and aircraft. Italian planes have now started using poison gas as a weapon against the Ethiopian fighters and many believe the increased use will cause slaughter on a scale never before seen.

18 Oct, 1944 Russia Invades Czechoslovakia

1944 : The Russian army invades Czechoslovakia.

18 Oct, 1954 U.S.A. Transistor Radio

1954 : Texas Instruments announces the Regency TR-1 Transistor radio, although other companies had been showing prototypes of Transistor Radios as early as 1952. The Regency TR-1 Transistor radio was the first commercially sold radio went on sale in November of that year) to sell in significant numbers selling for $49.95.

Regency TR-1 Transistor radio Public Domain Photo

Full Size Original Here:

18 Oct, 1963 British Prime Minister

October 18th, 1963 : Lord Home a Scottish Conservative Aristocrat with the Title of a "Lord" becomes the new British prime minister.

18 Oct, 1967 Space Venus 4

1967 : An unmanned soviet capsule Venus 4 achieved a soft landing on the planet Venus and radioed back that the planet is to hot for human life with temperatures at 800 degrees Fahrenheit.

18 Oct, 1968 England John Lennon

October 18th, 1968 : John Lennon and his girlfriend, Yoko Ono, are arrested in London for possession of marijuana.

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