Thursday, October 26, 2023

Important Events From This day in History October 26


26 Oct, 1959 Space Moon Photos

1959 : The first photographs are seen on earth of the far side of the moon when the Lunik III, a Soviet satellite which are sent back to earth via radio signals.

26 Oct, 2001 U.S.A. Patriot Act

2001 : US President George W. Bush signed the Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism Bill into law, giving federal authorities the power to eavesdrop on telephone and computer conversations, as well as the right to secretly search home and business records.

26 Oct, 1933 U.S.A. Graf Zeppelin

1933 : The giant passenger carrying Dirigible Graf Zeppelin stopped off today for a brief visit at Chicago so the commander Dr Hugo Heckner could attend the World Fair. A large ground crew consisting of 250 regular soldiers took the giant 776 ft airliner in tow prior to it taking off again on it's trip to Milwaukee and back to Akron. Trips like this are nothing to this giant of the air which has now circled the world.

26 Oct, 1944 U.S.A. Ku Klux Klan

1944 : Harry S. Truman, while campaigning as the Democratic vice presidential nominee has told reporters he never was, am not and never will be a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

26 Oct, 1951 UK Winston Churchill Elected

1951 : The conservative party led by Winston Churchill has won the latest general election in Britain defeating the Labour party led by Clement Attlee.

Winston Churchill Public Domain Photo

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26 Oct, 1956 Hungary October Revolution

1956 : The Hungarian October Revolution is now in it's third day with demonstrators fighting in the streets of Budapest with Soviet Troops. Estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000 dead and many lying in the streets where they have fallen. They are protesting for economic reforms and the withdrawal of Soviet troops and tanks. The new Prime Minister is appealing for calm.

26 Oct, 1965 England The Beatles

October 26th, 1965 : The Beatles were made members of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the Queen in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

The Beatles Public Domain Photo

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26 Oct, 1967 U.S.A. John McCain

1967 : Future US Senator and Presidential Candidate, John McCain, a US Navy pilot in the Vietnam war, is shot down over North Vietnam and spends the next 5 1/2 years in prison, two of those years were spent in solitary confinement.

John McCain Public Domain Photo

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26 Oct, 1979 South Korea President Shot

October 26th, 1979 : The President of South Korea, Park Chung Hee and five others including the president's bodyguard are shot dead by the chief of his intelligence service, Kim Jea Kyu.

26 Oct, 1980 U.S.A. Oil Embargo

1980 : After the oil embargo in 1973 the Japanese car makers were selling a greater number of cars each year and 1980 was a watershed for the American Car industry with GM posting record pre-tax losses for the quarter of $953 million, shortly after this Ford posted even worse figures. In some ways this was a wake up call to both these US car giants who realized to compete with the Japanese they would need to make major changes.

26 Oct, 1984 U.S.A. Baby Fae

October 26th, 1984 : Surgeons gave a 14-day-old girl, referred to as 'Baby Fae', the heart of a young baboon, she did only survive for 20 days after the operation but this was still considered a breakthrough in heart transplants.

26 Oct, 1994 Israel Jordan Peace Treaty

1994 : Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty to end 46 years of war. The treaty was signed by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel and Prime Minister Abdel Salam Majali of Jordan and the ceremony was attended by President Clinton.

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