Monday, October 09, 2023

Important Events From This day in History October 9


9 Oct, 1969 U.S.A. Chicago Eight

October 9th, 1969 : The National Guard is called in to control demonstrations that continue in Chicago protesting the trial of the Chicago Eight.

9 Oct, 1973 Middle East Arab Israeli War

1973 : On the forth day of the Arab -- Israeli war Israel Aircraft have started bombing raids on Cairo in Egypt and Damascus in Syria, meanwhile fighting continues on the Golan Heights and at the Suez canal.

9 Oct, 1983 U.S.A. Unemployment Rate

October 9th, 1983 : After a number of months where the unemployment rate has increased each month many are hoping last months figures are a turning point at 9.3%. The highest national rate was in December at 10.8% the highest in 42 years.

9 Oct, 1921 U.S.A. Royal Flush

1921 : A once in a lifetime hand left a man dead , A retired tailor in New York was playing poker in a 10 cent limit poker game when he was dealt a royal flush. The medical examiner diagnosed Cerebral Hemorrhage bought on by the Royal Flush.

9 Oct, 1934 Yugoslavia King Assassinated

1934 : King Alexander I of Yugoslavia is shot and assassinated.

9 Oct, 1936 U.S.A. Hoover Dam

1936 : The Hoover Dam begins creating hydroelectric power which it sends over transmission lines spanning 266 miles of mountains and deserts to run the lights, radios, and stoves of Los Angeles.

Hoover Dam Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1940 World War II St. Paul's Cathedral

1940 : The German Luftwaffe launches a heavy nighttime air raid on London and the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral a masterpiece by the architect Sir Christopher Wren takes a direct hit from a Nazi bomb.

St Pauls Cathedral Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1952 Korea Total Dead 120,269

1952 : The US Defense department has released the latest figures on those killed so far in the Korean War, it now stands at 120,269. The Army draft call for the month of December has been announced and it will be 47,000.

9 Oct, 1958 Vatican Pope Dies

1958 : Tributes from the worlds leaders continue to flow in following the death of Pope Pius XII included tributes "A foe of Tyranny," "A man of profound Vision" and "Foremost Champion of Human Dignity, Freedom and Peace."

9 Oct, 1959 UK Harold Macmillan

1959 : The Conservative Party has won a third term of office in the UK led by Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.

9 Oct, 1963 Italy Landslide

October 9th, 1963 : A landslide in Italy causes the Diga del Vajont dam to overflow and sends water crashing down where it engulfed the town of Longarone leading to the deaths of more than 2,000 people.

9 Oct, 1967 Bolivia Che Guevara

1967 : Che Guevara the Marxist revolutionary and guerrilla leader is executed by the Bolivian army on orders from the Bolivian President René Barrientos. Che Guevara had created a guerrilla force in Bolivia operating as the ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional de Bolivia; / "National Liberation Army of Bolivia"), fighting against Bolivian military when he was captured and executed. He had been involved in a number of revolutions including Cuba ( Under Castro ) during his life and was still a revolutionary fighter when he died at 39 years old in Bolivia.

Che Guevara Public Domain Photo

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9 Oct, 1983 Israel Yitzhak Sharmir

1983 : The sixth Prime Minister of Israel was sworn in today Yitzhak Sharmir, he has vowed to concentrate on the nations worst economic crisis and has pledged economic austerity on behalf of the government.

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