Friday, November 17, 2023

Important Events From This day in History November 17


1973 U.S.A. - - Nixon "I am not a crook"

1973: In a televised appearance President Richard Nixon told the nation today, "I am not a crook." referring to allegations concerning his involvement in the Watergate scandal.

17 Nov, 1920 Great Britain - - Election

Numerous English Newspapers were thrilled with the outcome of current parliamentary elections. The journalist majority in England at this time was conservative, but word has it that liberal news outlets were also very satisfied with the election turnout.


Turkey - - US Criticized

Turkish newspapers criticized the U.S., saying the United States was spreading "propaganda" against the country. Furthermore, American relief workers and missionaries were accused of attempting to start a war between the U.S. and Turkey.

1931 U.S.A. - - Depression Starts To Bite

Following the Stock Market crash in 1929 and the start of the Great Depression Studies revealed that prices of consumer goods had dropped an estimated 17 percent from the previous year. Studies were conducted for the previous year from October to October. This study was done by the Department of Labor.

1944 Finland - - Prime Minister

1944 : Cabinet reform took place upon the election of a new Finnish Prime Minister. This new premier's name was J.K. Paasikivi. He was very instrumental in the negotiations which lead to the armistice (cease-fire) between Moscow and Helsinki.

1950 Tibet - - Dalai Lama

1950: 15-year-old Tenzin Gyatso, is enthroned as the 14th Dalai Lama at age 15.

1953 U.S.A. - - Care Facilities

Inadequate Care Facilities for Alcoholics and Mental Heath Patients in West Virginia At this time, not enough space was available to deal with both alcoholics and mental health patients. The five major facilities where people with severe drinking problems were held were running out of room to deal with chronic drunks, let alone people with other severe mental health conditions.

1953 English Channel - - Ship Sinking

A collision in the English Channel between the Italian steamer Vittoria Claudia and the French ore carrier The Perou sinks the Vittoria Claudia so quickly that the lifeboats could not be launched leaving over 20 Italian seaman dead.

1966 Vietnam - - Troop Pull Out

The beginning of a "pacification" drive was scheduled. The plan was to pull out all troops with the exception of the most experienced ones. This program was said to have been fully backed by the U.S. However, the Vietnam War did not officially end until the mid-1970s, with the U.S. being involved until at least the end of 1972. A peace treaty was signed in More News and Events From 1973, and fighting continued on between North and South Vietnam until 1975.

1970 Space - - Moonrover

The Soviet Union's moonrover rolled over the moon's surface today, becoming the first roving remote-controlled robot to land on the moon.

1973 Greece - - Marshal Law

Marshal Law was called upon to help curb student rioting violence occurring throughout the nation of Greece. Furthermore, a curfew was implemented in the city of Athens-where 300 were injured and 24 people were killed. Students were demonstrating in an effort to overthrow the dictatorial rule of the military government which had abolished civil rights and dissolved political opposition parties. A crowd of 10,000 people in Athens alone had attended these student-lead revolutionary crusades. Literally, these events nearly caused this city to shut down.

17 Nov, 1980 Canada - - Clifford Robert Olson Serial Killer

1980 : Clifford Robert Olson begins his reign of terror when he abducts and kills 12-year-old Christine Weller. Between November 1980 and August 1981 he murders 11 children. He is caught and pleads guilty to the murders and is given 11 concurrent life sentences in 1982.

1985 Colombia - - Armero

The town of Armero was established as a "Giant Cemetery". This decision was made in order to honor the several thousands of people who had lost their lives to the Nevado del Ruiz volcano.

1989 Czechoslovakia - - Prague Protests

A demonstration with more than 15,000 protesters in Prague, Czechoslovakia calling for the resignation of the country's communist government, led by Milos Jakesis is forcibly broken up by Riot police using clubs and tear gas with hundreds arrested and dozens of protesters injured.

1990 Chile - - Bomb

A bomb inside a softball blew up during a U.S.-Chile baseball game. A Canadian citizen was killed and two other people were wounded. This crime was allegedly committed by a Chilean member of the Palestine Liberation Organization. It was meant to attempt to scare President Bush from visiting there in December. Incidentally, an American Embassy official was one of the persons wounded.

1997 Egypt - - Tourist Killed

A tourist bus visiting the temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor has been fired on by an Islamic extremist group leaving 60 Swiss and Japanese tourists dead. Following the attack there was a two hour gun battle with police where 6 gunmen were killed.

2000 U.S.A. - - Kmart / Sears

Kmart Holdings corporation announced its intention to purchase Sears, Roebuck and Co. the merger of the two companies was completed in March, 2005 and the new company is named "The Sears Holdings Corporation"

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