Friday, December 01, 2023

Important Events From This day in History December 1


1942 UK - - Care from the cradle to the grave

The British Coalition Government accepts The Beveridge report which propose a series of changes designed to provide plans for a welfare state offering care to all from the cradle to the grave. Find More What happened in 1942.

1955 United States - - Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks sets off a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama when she refuses to give up her seat in the "colored" section of a bus to make room for a white passenger. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr., the boycott lasted for over a year and resulted in the desegregation of the buses. This is often thought of as the event that started the Civil Rights Movement nationwide.

1901 Afghanistan - Claims By England and Russia

Both England and Russia have laid claim to parts of Afghanistan and have been in constant conflict over it. However, a new ruler in Afghanistan may bring stability to the region. Unlike his unpopular father who created hardships for his people, his son, the new leader, planned to pay the military more and to reduce taxes.

1973 Papua New Guinea - - Independence

Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia.

1974 United States - - Plane Crash

TWA Flight 514 crashes into Mount Weather, Virginia while making it's landing approach to Washington Dulles International airport killing all passengers and crew.

1977 Libya - - Protesters

In Libya protesters lined the streets enraged at Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat's visit and proposal to have peace with Israel. JANA a major news source in Libya declared that its goal was to be, "embodying the will of the Arab nation to fight all imperialist and Zionist conspiracies and to frustrate the surrender and deceit settlement."

1987 Spain - - High Tech Factory

King Juan Carlos and Spain have gone high-tech. North of Madrid a $220 million microchip plant has been built. The factory is expected to produce 20 million microchips by 1991 and has 300 technicians.

1988 Pakistan - - Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto the leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) is chosen and sworn in the next day as Prime Minister of Pakistan of the new coalition government.

1990 Britain / France - - Tunnel links UK to Europe

Construction workers drill through the final wall of rock to join the two halves of the Channel Tunnel and link Britain to France.

1991 Ukraine - - Independence

Voters in the Ukraine vote for independence from the Soviet Union.

1997 Iraq - - U.N. Sanctions

Although Iraq wanted the complete lifting of U.N. sanctions, it finally agreed to participate in an oil- for- food proposal. This would allow Iraq to export $2 billion worth of its oil to purchase food and medicine.

1997 U.S.A. - - Shooting

Three students were victims of a shooting on this date, and they all died. Five others were severely injured during this outrage. This terrible crime took place at Heath High School in Paducah, Kentucky.

1998 U.S.A. - - Exxon buys Mobil

Exxon buys Mobil for $73.7 billion creating the worlds largest oil company Exxon-Mobil.

1999 World - - Mapping of Human Chromosome

An international consortium of sequencing centers and collaborators from the chromosome 22 genetics community released into the public domain the genetic code of the 33.5 million bps that comprise the euchromatic portion of human chromosome 22.

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