Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Important Events From This day in History January 2


1971 Ibrox Disaster

1971 : A fatal stampede took the lives of 66 fans after a soccer game at the Ibrox Park stadium in Glasgow, Scotland. It was concluded that this accident occurred as a result of too many people attempting to exit out on the same stairway in the same direction and the crush barriers collapsed as thousands of fans made their way out of the stadium. This was not the first time that disaster had taken place at this stadium. For instance, in the early 1900s a part of the stadium collapsed on the west end. Spectators fell 45 feet to the ground during this incident.

1911 Battle of Stepney

Following the The Houndsditch murders on December 16th Police officers cordoned off the area of Sidney Street in the East End of London on December 2nd where the gang were believed to be and a siege of the area began, the next day at dawn a gunfight between two hundred police poorly armed and the gang who had superior weapons and great stores of ammunition ensued with 2 gang members killed.

1919 New York Stock market

A separate ticker for bond trading was installed on this day. These bonds were traded via the New York Stock market.

1920 Palmer Raids

Thousands of people are arrested across more than 30 cities in the United States in a coordinated effort between police and the Justice Department during the largest of the Palmer Raids. Palmer Raids Timeline.

1923 Capitalism

Irving Fisher spoke out on this date. He had said that capitalism should be used "to clean the dirt of depression". Otherwise, the country will be eaten up (devoured) by a form of socialism (a type of government with some similarities to communism).

1929 Niagara Falls

Both the United States and Canada had signed an agreement to protect Niagara Falls. This particular signed document pertained to the proposal of construction north of the Falls. Issues such as cost and responsibility are indicated by this document.

1935 Bruno Richard Hauptmann Trial Begins

Bruno Richard Hauptmann Trial Begins for The kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh Jr. He was found guilty and sentenced to death by electrocution on April 3rd, 1936

1941 Andrew Sisters

1941 : The Andrew Sisters Recorded a song called "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy". It was recorded on Decca Records, and it became a classic World War II hit.

1942 Duquesne Spy Ring

Having been broken up by the FBI headed J. Edgar Hoover together with the help from the US/ German double agent William G. Sebold Thirty Three of the members of the German Duquesne Spy Ring headed by Fritz Joubert Duquesne are sentenced to serve a total of over 300 years in prison

1942 Navy Blimp

A navy blimp (airship) base had opened in New Jersey during World War II. This was one of the only airship bases used during this time, and the United States was the only nation that had used them.

1960 John F. Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was a 42 year old senator. He announced that he was going to run for the candidacy of U.S. President under the Democratic ticket.

1959 Luna 1

1959 : Luna 1, the first spacecraft to reach the vicinity of the Moon is launched by the Soviet Union, the object was to crash into the moons surface, but failed to do so, It was the first man-made object to reach the escape velocity of the Earth.

1969 News Of The World

Australian media magnate, Rupert Murdoch, wins control of the News of the World newspaper group.

1974 55 MPH Speed Limit

New speed limit laws were set by Richard Nixon. The new speed limit on all national highways was set at 55 mph as of this time. Before 1974, individual states had set their own speed limits-which were from 40 to 80 mph.

1979 Sex Pistols

Sid Vicious, a former member of the Sex Pistols was put on trial for murdering his girlfriend. This murder incident had taken place in 1978.

It was not yet decided at this point as to whether or not Vicious had actually committed the murder. Only about a month later he had taken a dose of heroine that killed him. He was only 21 years old when he took his own life.

1980 Salt II Talks Postponed

President Jimmy Carter proposed the postponement of the Salt II nuclear weapon treaty. This was a move of retaliation against the Soviet government who was intervening in Afghanistan at the time. After this, U.S.-Soviet relations were quite strained.

Another action was made at this time as well. Carter had ordered Thomas J. Watson, Ambassador to the Soviet Union, home. Later Carter had stated that recalling Thomas J. Watson was an attempt to make the statement that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was unacceptable.

1981 Peter Sutcliffe Arrested

The five-year hunt for Peter Sutcliffe ended as he was seen spotted in a stolen car with a prostitute. Surgeon Robert Ring was the one who had arrested him. Later on, Robert Ring had also recovered two of Sutcliffe's weapons-a hammer and a knife. They were hidden behind shrubbery shortly before Sutcliffe was found and arrested.

1993 Bosnian Serbs, Muslims and Croats in Bosnia are meeting

Leaders of the Bosnian Serbs, Muslims and Croats in Bosnia are meeting to discuss a peace plan aimed at ending nine months of fighting in the country. This meeting did not achieve a long term resolution and the fighting continued .

1996 AT&T

AT&T, a major telecommunications giant has proposed plans to restructure its entire operation. One part of the plan was to divide the company up into three separate companies. As a result, 40,000 employees were to lose their jobs. Further study needs to be done to see what the results of executing this proposal are.

1996 Dayton peace plan

Following the signing of the Dayton peace plan on December 14th US peacekeepers pour into Bosnia to try to keep the peace between Bosnian Serbs and Muslims,

1999 U.S. Midwest Snowstorm

A major snowstorm strikes the Midwestern leaving 14 inches of snow in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and 19 inches in Chicago, Illinois, where temperatures plunge to -13 °F (-25 °C); 68 deaths are reported.


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