Friday, January 12, 2024

Important Events From This day in History January 12


1915 Women's Suffrage Bill

The House of Representatives voted Down the Women's Suffrage Bill, which would allow women the right to vote. The actual vote count was 204 against and 174 for this bill. Women's Suffrage leaders such as Ann Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt stated they would continue to find for the right to cast a ballot. The right to vote was granted to women in 1920.

2003 Maurice Gibb

2003 : Maurice Gibb has died from complications following an operation to correct an intestinal blockage. He is best known as part of the group the Bee Gees

2006 Islamic hajj pilgrimage

2006 : A stampede broke out on the access ramps to the Jamarat Bridge during the Stoning of the Devil which is part of the annual Islamic Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, killing 363 people

1964 Cigarette Stocks Fall

Cigarette stock had lowered value during this time, as in other times during which it was made public that cigarettes were a health hazard. The lowering of cigarette stocks actually started in June of 1954, when two doctors had reported that the death rate in certain ages of men who smoke was higher than those who do not. However, there was a period of time when cigarette stocks rose considerably again. Then, in 1962, they began to plummet again.

Tobacco manufacturers responded to the cigarette health hazard in different ways, as well as the drop in stock prices. For example, a new filter-tipped cigarette was introduced during this time, which is what most people smoke today.

1912 President William Howard Taft

President William Howard Taft requested a sum of $5 Million Dollars from Congress. The purpose of this money was for the completion of the Panama Canal

1924 Virginia Rubber and Tire Company

A fire took place at the Virginia Rubber and Tire Company. The total loss that occurred cost about $500,000. Only about 10 percent of the tire stock was saved, and the rest was burned. As of this time it was unclear exactly how much would be covered by insurance.

1940 South of the Border

The Shep Fields Orchestra goes to the top of Billboard's Pop Chart with their song "South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)."

1942 Synthetic Rubber

1942 : One of the wartime efforts that has taken place was the decision to create a synthetic rubber. This was an effort that was expected to help the U.S. prevent itself from experiencing any worse economic hardship than it has already because of the war. $4 Million dollars was expected to be used for this government project. This production of rubber was to be primarily used for vehicle tires, which would be produced within the next 18 months. They would be produced for military use, as well as limited civilian use.

1942 Labor Disputes

On this day in 1942, President Roosevelt created a wartime labor board. One of the major responsibilities of this board was to deal with labor disputes during the war. This board was made up of 12 men.

1942 Chinese Offensive

New Victories Experienced by Chinese Offensive In Chungking, China and surrounding areas, Chinese armies were victorious over Japanese enemy forces. The attacks by the Chinese took place while the Japanese were involved in other wars in the Phillippines, Malaya, and Dutch East.

1948 Equal Rights

The Supreme Court ruled that the all white law school at the University of Oklahoma must immediately provide training to black students that is equal to the education given to whites.

1966 Vietnam War

President Lyndon Johnson revealed that he thinks that war troops should stay in Vietnam. He wanted the troops to stay for as long as necessary.

He made this decision despite the controversy surrounding whether or not this was the right decision. Some believed very strongly that President Johnson made the right choice, while others believed it was the wrong choice.

At the time, Lyndon Johnson's main concern was that China was attempting to take over all of Asia. This would then lead to the spread of communism.

1982 Algeria Mark Thatcher

1982 : The British Prime Minister's ( Margaret Thatcher ) son has been reported missing in the Sahara desert while taking part in the Paris-Dakar race ( Mark Thatcher, his co-driver and mechanic were discovered safe and well six days later ).

1984 Great Pyramids

It was a struggle for quite a few years to restore some of the Great Pyramids in Egypt. However, when pyramid restores began to use the method of interlocking blocks as the ancient Egyptians did the project progress quite a bit more smoothly.

The decision to revert back to the historic Egyptian building practices was more than likely inspired by the fact that the modern-day brick-and-mortar method did not hold up against water damage. Therefore, just a few years after the repaired work done on the Sphinx in 1981 new "old methods" of construction were practiced.

1991 military force against Iraq

Congress votes to authorize the use of military force against Iraq to end its occupation of Kuwait.

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