Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Important Events From This day in History January 24


1989 Ted Bundy

1989 : The serial killer Ted Bundy was electrocuted for murdering a 12-year-old girl.

1929 Lindberg

1929 : Colonial Charles Lindberg had planned to leave on a 3,500-mile flight from Detroit, Michigan. He planned to travel all the way to Cape Horn, which is the southernmost tip of the continent of South America. He would then return to the East Coast.

1935 First Canned Beer Sold

The first canned beer goes on sale "Krueger Cream Ale," sold by Krueger Brewing Co. of Richmond, the general public. Pabst was the second brewer in the same year to sell beer in cans and the cans came with a picture of a can opener on the side, with opening instructions.

1939 Chile Earthquake

30,000 people are killed by a magnitude 8.3 devastating earthquake in Chillan , Chile.

1956 - Look Magazine

Two white men from Mississippi known as J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant admitted to the murder of Emmett Louis Till, A Chicago teen African-American native. A very detailed account of their confessions was printed in Look magazine, for which they were compensated.

1956 Rebuild Barbican

Plans are being submitted and there will be a public enquiry to build thousands of homes including residential tower blocks, offices and shops in one of the worst hit areas of London during the World War II bombing in the Barbican area of central London

1958 Hong Kong US Spies

Despite the plees of three American Mothers, Chou En-Lai, the Prime Minister of Red China would not let go of their sons. There was a promise that the government of Red China would be lenient towards each of the mothers' sons if they "behave" while imprisoned.

The Pleas made by the three American mothers was presented by the Health Minister of Red China and Red Cross president (Mrs. Li The Chaun). The mothers known by the names of Ruth Redman, Jessie Fecleau, and Mary Downy, were soon to return to their respected homes (back to the United States from their visit to Red China).

An outcome was hoped for as soon as possible. Unfortunately, as of this date it had not come yet. The sons were thrown in prison for 20 years to life sentence on charges of spying.

1961 Marilyn Monroe

The divorce of Marilyn Monroe to playwright Arthur Miller is granted in Mexico, where a judge signed the decree. The grounds of divorce were listed as "incompatibility". This was her third divorce 1st from childhood sweetheart Jimmy Dougherty, 2nd from legendary Baseball Star Joe DiMaggio.

1965 Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, died aged 90 years old he was best known as leading his country through World War II as a great speaker and raising morale of his countrymen.

1966 India Plane Crash

1966 : An Air India Boeing 707 crashed into Mount Blanc, the highest peak of the Alps with the loss of life for 117 passengers.

1968 Mayor

The role of the office of mayor has changed over the years. This change was noted in a feature printed in a local Oklahoma newspaper. It's not to take away from the importance of a mayor in years past-who was always their on the public scene, smiling, waving, and mingling.

One of the most important honorable tasks given to mayors in times past included the cutting of ribbons at dedication ceremonies. Mayors also used to push for the improvement of roads, as well as the establishment of adequate law enforcement.

The above-mentioned responsibilities were quite important. However, in more recent years mayors of cities also acted as an economist, mediator, and architect. Mayors become officers who have engaged themselves in very important decisions over the years.

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