Thursday, January 25, 2024

Important Events From This day in History January 25


1964 The Beatles "I Want To Hold Your Hand"

1964: The Beatles get their first number one with "I Want To Hold Your Hand" on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

Check Out our 1960's Music Page

1933 New Rate 35 cents per hour

1933 : Many state emergency work relief bureau are cutting the hourly rate for laborers from 40 cents per hour to 35 cents per hour and implementing a five day week . These changes will affect workers pay down from $19.00 per week to $14.00 per week in line with the changing economic trends throughout the country and should help to provide more work for those seeking jobs.

1990 UK Hurricane Force Winds

Hurricane Force winds with sustained winds of 75 mph and wind gusts of 104 mph part of the "Burns' Day Storm" have forced many ports and airports to close in one of the worst storms seen in the UK since 1987, causing overturned lorries blocking motorways, buildings collapsing and power and telecommunications lines blown down, at least half a million homes are without electricity. Current estimates put the loss of life over 90 making this storm the worst for casualties since the East Coast Flood disaster in 1953.

1995 Norway Cold War Jitters

Russia prepares to launch a nuclear attack following a Norwegian launch of a Black Brant XII four-stage sounding rocket to study the aurora borealis over Svalbard ( Which the Russians mistook for a Trident missile ) the rocket landed near Spitsbergen 24 minutes after launch and the Russians decided it was not an attack . To understand this you must also understand the great mistrust by both sides during the Cold War years when both believed the other would launch an attack without notification to gain an upper hand

2005 - Mandher Devi Temple Stampede

Over 300 die in a stampede at the Mandher Devi Temple in India during the annual Kalubai Jatra pilgrimage the first full moon day in January when animal sacrifices to the goddess Kalubai are made. The yearly pilgrimage attracts more than 350,000 Hindu's every year

1960 Payola Scandal

The National Association of Broadcasters reacts to the Payola scandal ( The Payola scandal was about bribes being paid to Disc Jockeys to play specific songs to increase music sales without informing the public they were being paid for ) by threatening fines for any disc jockeys who accepted money for playing particular records.

1924 Winter Olympics

The first Winter Olympics games took place in the French Alps on this day. Two of the primary Sports that took place on this mountain were bob sled and ski jump competitions. In all, 12 events featuring the play of six different sports were scheduled.

1942 Thailand declared war

Thailand declared war against the United States, England, and other World War II allied forces on this day. Thailand was very much controlled by Japan at that time, and Thailand was considered one of Japan's "puppets".

1945 Vaughn Moore

Singer Vaughn Moore makes it to the top of the Billboard Pop Chart with his hit, "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!" The song is still one of the most popular holiday songs to this day.

1947 Al Capone

1947 : Al Capone dies of pneumonia and heart failure after fearing all his life he would suffer a gangsters death.

1949 Israel Election

1949 : Israel holds it's first election

1949 Emmy Awards

The first Emmy Awards ( Televisions equivalent of the Oscars ) are presented At the Hollywood Athletic Club ( they were not really a National award more to do with local Television in Los Angeles ) but grew over the years from that point to include national and international television.

1957 Algiers French Troops Sent In

Following a series of guerrilla warfare attacks by the Algerian National Liberation Front who were seeking independence from France on French Police, the French Army is deployed in Algiers to suppress the FLN organisation.

1959 First Boeing 707 Internal US Flight

American airlines begins first use of Jets for internal US flights from Los Angeles to New York on a Boeing 707 one way ticket costing $300

1964 Echo 2

1964 : A new man-made star that was launched into space was noticed in the sky on this day. This 13-story unit known as Echo 2 was traveling about 800 miles above South Africa on this day. Echo 2 was the second busiest and the heaviest of all satellites created up until this time.

It was constructed of mostly plastic with an aluminum foil skin and weight about 535 pounds. Echo 2 would be spotted every so often, as announced by NASA, who encouraged people to look out for it.

1964 Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy paid tribute to his sister who was buried in Northern England. However, RFK was in England for another reason as well. He had met with British leaders to discuss details of his "Malaysian peace mission".

1964 Homeland Security

Robert Baker's Home did go very easily. As of this date in 1964, there were not many that were interested in it. It was believed that part of the reason his home did not sell very fast is because of the French wallpaper and lavender carpeting, which were apparently not very popular at this time.

It could have been for other reasons as well-one possibly being the fact that Robert Baker was no longer a Senate employee. He resigned under pressure the previous October.

1968 Greenland H-bomb Found

Remains of a hydrogen bomb (H-bomb) was found near Thule Air Base in Greenland. An explosion of this bomb had occurred after a B-52 had crashed (and burned) into thick Arctic ice. These bomb remains were recovered by the U.S. Air Force.

The remains of four more bombs were still missing at this time. These bombers were stored aboard a large Strategic Air Command.

1969 Peace Talks Vietnam

1969 : The first formal sessions of peace talks took place in Paris on this day. Henry Cabot Lodge, Chief peace negotiator proposed that a true DMZ (demilitarized zone) would be the first step towards peace.

1971 General Idi Amin

General Idi Amin seizes power in Uganda while President Milton Obote is away on a foreign visit troops seal off Entebbe airport.


1971 Charles Manson

Charles Manson is convicted, along with his Cult followers Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten, and Patricia Krenwinkle, of the brutal 1969 murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others

1972 Bangladesh Recognized

It was reported that the Russians and the Czechs both recognized Bangladesh as a nation on this day. This announcement was made by the Soviet consul-general to Prime Minister Mujibar Rahman in Tangal, which is located in Central Bangladesh.

1972 Presidential Candidates

Plans were made to send bodyguards to protect presidential candidates within the next month. As reported on this day, Congress had formed a committee from members of both the House and the Senate to discuss who exactly should receive this protection.

As of this day, it a general consensus had been made that the primary candidates for president and vice-presidents would receive protection. This protection-at least in eight of the cases-bodyguards from the Federal Secret Service would be assigned these protective duties.


1972 : On this day, there was talk of re-designating Congressional district counties, which would cause Oklahoma County to be split up in three ways. The biggest concern regarding this possible change is that it could affect which district current candidates would run in-especially if they had been in office before in a different district.

1981 England New SDP Party

Four senior Labour MP'S ( Shirley Williams, Roy Jenkins, William Rodgers and David Owen ) have announced they will breakaway from Labour Party and set up their own political party. In March they formed the Social Democratic Party SDP under the leadership of Roy Jenkins.

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