Monday, January 29, 2024

Important Events From This day in History January 29


1959 Sleeping Beauty

1959 : Disney releases the animated film Sleeping Beauty to theatres

1937 Tommy Dorsey

1937 : Tommy Dorsey and his famous orchestra records "Song of India" - a popular standard of the era that later became a big hit.

1995 Super Bowl

The 49ers became the first team to win five Super Bowl titles

1981 Dolly Parton "9 to 5"

Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" tops the Charts as many identify with the song and the movie .

1795 - United States Naturalization Act

The United States Naturalization Act of 1795 repealed and replaced the earlier Act of 1790 changes included increasing the period of required residence from two to five years and The Act specified that naturalized citizenship was reserved only for "free white person[s]."

1886 Patent for Benz

1886 : A patent was given to Karl Benz who had created the first Mercedes-Benz. This first Benz model of car was known as the "Motorwagon". This motorized wagon had three wheels and was run by an internal combustion engine very similar to the more modern-day autos created in the present day.

In 1893, Benz had created his first four-wheel Mercedes vehicle. In 1926 the established Mercedes-Benz company had merged with another European car operation.

1944 USS Missouri

USS Missouri was launched at the New York Navy Yard on this day. This vessel weighed at least 45,000 tons

1958 Paul Newman

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodword were wed on this day. They are known to be one of the longest-lasting Hollywood couples in recent history. He has had so far a very successful career in both acting and politics.

He also has created his share of food products and staples. Some of the most popular of his food line include his salad dressings and pasta sauces

1959 England Fog Causes Major Chaos on Roads

Dense fog brings road, rail and air transport in many parts of England and Wales to a virtual standstill.

1963 Liquor bill no. 26

1963 : Liquor bill no. 26 was rescheduled for this date. The reason for the postponement was because further consideration needed to be done regarding liquor bill no. 25 as well.

If Senate Bill no. 25 regarding the sale of liquor would be passed, minimum price markup levels of wholesale liquor would be done away with at this time. Bill no. 26 was meant for the purpose of allowing motels, hotels, and restaurants to receive liquor licenses under strict regulation, but not in regards to population ratio.

1963 Robert Frost

This was the date of Robert Frost's Death. He had accomplished much in his lifetime, such as winning the Pulitzer Prize four times, and also reciting a poem during JFK's inauguration ceremony.

1976 Terrorist Bombs London

1976 : Twelve bomb have been exploded in London's West End during the night, most of Oxford Street is closed for the rest of the day while searches by the bomb squad continue for more bombs. The IRA later admitted it had planted the bombs as part of it's campaign against the British government.

1979 Mondays

Brenda Spencer only 16 years old at the time kills two men and wounds nine children as they enter the Grover Cleveland Elementary School in San Diego.

According to one source, Spencer had blamed the killings she had done on the fact that it was Monday, and that she did not like Mondays. She was known for other violent behavior as well, such as repeatedly shooting BB guns at the windows of this school (Grover Cleveland elementary school).

She was sentenced to 25 years in prison for her crime, and she was denied parole four times. This violent incident brought upon by Monday blues was recounted in a song called "I Don't Like Mondays" by a group called "The Boomtown Rats".

1985 Margaret Thatcher

Oxford University delivers snub to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher by refusing her an honorary degree. ( Becoming the first Oxford educated prime minister since the war to be denied the honour. )

1987 Philippines Rebel Uprising

Rebels to the Aquino government take control the Channel 7 building in Manila and the President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino orders troops to fire tear gas into the building on the rebels who have occupied the building for the last two days. They quickly surrender with no shots fired.

1989 Yugo

1989 : The maker of the Yugo automobile had gone out of business and file for bankruptcy. The Yugo was a car that was very popular for awhile in the 1980's because of its very low price. However, apparently quite a bit of customers "got what they paid for". The Yugo was a failure because it was so poorly-designed. It was even said that the body was pierce-able with a wooden pencil.

1996 France Stops Nuclear Testing

French President, Jacques Chirac has announced France will no longer test nuclear weapons after exploding its sixth and biggest nuclear device in the South Pacific.

1998 Legalize Abortions

A bomb exploded at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama just days after the 25th anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to legalize abortions within the United States.

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