Monday, February 12, 2024

Important Events From This day in History February 12


1924 First Presidential Radio Address

1924 : Calvin Coolidge became the first U.S. president to deliver an address by radio. This was the first day that radio programming had included commercials. The National Carbon Company had aired an advertisement during the broadcast of The Everyday Hour. This first sponsored program was heard in New York, Washington, Province, and surrounding areas. This show featured celebrity appearances, music, and stories.

1958 Great Britain Transatlantic Jet Service

1958 : The first Trans Atlantic passenger jetliner service begins by BOAC with flights between London and New York on the new Comet Jet Airliner.

1935 USS Macon Rigid Frame Airship

1935 : The 785-foot USS Macon a rigid frame airship built and operated by the United States Navy for scouting was the last US Navy dirigible (ZRS-5) built, it crashed off the coast of California, killing two people. Her sister ship the USS Akron (ZRS-4) had crashed off the New Jersey coast on April 4th, 1933, killing 73 passengers and crew. The USS Macon (ZRS-5) and sister ship USS Akron (ZRS-4), were among the biggest flying objects in the world. Although the Hindenburg was bigger, the two airships still hold the world record for biggest helium filled airships. Due to the crashes The US navy halted temporarily building further helium filled airships.

1899 USA The Great Blizzard

1899 : It started on the 11th and despite its largely more southerly influence it reached -61 F in Montana and -47 F in Nebraska. Snow started falling on the 12th, 1899 and Washington D.C. had over twenty inches of snow falling, with New Jersey reaching an astonishing thirty-four inches. New Orleans was iced over, as were parts of the Mississippi River.

1912 Last Emperor of China

1912 : Hsian-T'ung, the last emperor of China, is forced to abdicate following Sun Yat-sen's republican revolution, ending 267 years of Manchu rule in China and 2,000 years of imperial rule.

1921 South Africa Independence

1921 : Following general elections in South Africa General Smuts party has won over the dutch speaking nationalists and the labour party, he has already stated South Africa will continue to be part of the British Empire but under vastly different terms these will include:

South Africa has the right to amend her own constitution

South Africa will have her own flag

South Africa will have power and authority over domestic affairs and International and Foreign Relations

South Africa will be a Independent Sovereign State in friendly association with the British Empire.

1926 U.S.A. Chase National Bank

1926 : One of the largest bank mergers of to this date in history has taken place. This merger involved at least a billion dollars in resources. The bank merge which would take place on this day includes Chase National, Metal National, and Mechanics Merger. This new bank would bear the name Chase National Bank, and was second only to National City Bank as the largest institution in the United States.

1932 U.S.A. Malcolm Campbell

1932 : A new record was set by racer Captain Malcolm Campbell. He had set a record speed of 245.733 miles per hour as he sped across Daytona's 12-mile strip. Part of the above-mentioned accomplishment was due to the fact that Campbell made sure his Bluebird, the automobile he drove, was in top shape. For instance, professionals had worked on the Bluebird, increasing its horsepower and reducing its wind resistance.

1938 US Taxicab Insurance

1938 : The plan was to enforce a strict taxicab ordinance. This ordinance would require taxicab drivers to carry liability insurances. Furthermore, this new legislation would make it easier for taxicab drivers to have their licenses revoked if they break any city driving laws. Additionally, cab drivers would be rated by a scoring system, which would include points accumulated for actions such as speeding and excessive horn use.

1954 Atomic Energy Authority

1954 : The Atomic Energy Authority has been created to control the production and development of atomic energy in the UK.

1964 Cyprus Fighting

1964 : Following Cyprus gaining independence from the Britain in 1960 the fighting continues to increase in Limassol, Cyprus between ethnic Turks and Greeks which has left at least 16 people dead.

1973 First U.S. Prisoners Released

1973 : As part of the Vietnam cease-fire agreement, the first U.S. prisoners of war were released by North Vietnam.

1993 England James Bulger

1993 : Two 10-year-old boys lured 2-year-old James Bulger from his mother at a shopping mall in Liverpool, England, then beat him to death.

1994 Norway Scream Stolen

1994 : Thieves have stolen one of the world's best known paintings ( Scream by by Edvard Munch circa 1893 ) from a gallery in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

1998 Russia Accident

1998 : The Russians had bumped into a U.S. destroyer (Caron) and U.S. cruiser (Yorktown). This incident took place towards the end of the Russian-American Cold War, and it occurred in the Crimean Peninsula of the Black Sea. The Caron and Yorktown were moving about in the 12-mile-limit area designated to them by the Soviet Union. Apparently, even though the Cold War was coming close to an end, there still were some unresolved differences and tensions between the Russians and the Americans.The operators of the American ships were being challenged by the operators of a Soviet frigate and Soviet destroyer. The soviet ship operators order the Americans to move out of the way and then were pushed out of the way while being bumped slightly. The Americans hesitated to move, but eventually did move out of the area. There was no exchange of gunfire during this incident, and no injuries or damage (no serious damage) to ship or personnel. Even though the Americans were allowed within the 12-mile sea radius near Soviet grounds, there was some suspicion as to the nature of the use of the Caron. This particular ship was known as a spy vessel, and it was considered foolish by many Americans and/or leaders that this ship was allowed to sail in Russian waters at this time.

1999 UK GM Food Report

1999 : A group of 20 independent international scientists has reinforced warnings that genetically modified food may be damaging to health after looking at a report about the effects of biologically altered potatoes on laboratory rats produced by Arpad Pusztai who was forced to retire over his revelations.

1999 U.S.A. Bill Clinton

1999 : The five-week period during which Bill Clinton was being tried had ended on this day. The Senate voted to acquit Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. The trial was set in order to determine whether or not President Clinton would be impeached. Before the beginning of the trial, a lawsuit was filed by Paula Jones against the president on the account of sexual harassment charges. During this process, she had subpoenaed Monica Lewinsky, who had an affair with Bill Clinton over the period of a year and a half. Later Clinton had denied having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, but had admitted that the relationship was "inappropriate." Over time, it was clear that the affair had taken place, and the president had approved up to three articles of impeachment. However, he was determined to be "not guilty" on other charges, such as lying under oath and obstruction of justice.

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