Monday, February 26, 2024

Important Events From This day in History February 26


1993 U.S.A. Car Bomb World Trade Center

1993 : A car bomb which exploded in an underground garage at the World Trade Center shook the 110 story towers causing the collapse of several floors in the underground garage and tearing a hole in the ceiling of an adjoining subway leaving six people dead and injuring a further 100. It is thought Islamic extremists are responsible. In May 1994, four men - Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmud Abouhalima and Ahmad Ajaj - were sentenced to life for bombing the World Trade Center, which killed six people and injured 100.

2001 Netherlands War Crimes

2001 : A U.N. tribunal in The Hague in the Netherlands convicts Bosnian Croat political leader Dario Kordic of war crimes for ordering the systematic murder and persecution of Muslim civilians during the Bosnian war.

1919 U.S.A. Grand Canyon National Park

1919 : Congress established Grand Canyon National Park which includes the Grand Canyon, a gorge of the Colorado River, considered to be one of the major natural wonders of the world in Arizona. This is considered by many to be one of the earliest successes the environmental conservation movement.

1920 Mexico Kidnapping

1920 : An American was kidnapped in Durango, a state in Mexico. This captive, whose name is Berry Hogarty, was being held for ransom. This man worked at the American Metals Company, which is located in Matimi, which is located within Durango. This was not the first American who was captured in this way. Others have been reported in earlier-dated publications.

1920 U.S.A. Farming

1920 : A crop summary report of Oklahoma farming was made on this day. It had revealed that the average farm in the state of Oklahoma had yielded about $3.65 more per acre than the rest of the Nation. This figure was based on a national average of 21 major crops.

1935 Germany Luftwaffe Established

1935 : Nazi leader Adolf Hitler signs a secret decree authorizing the founding of the Reich Luftwaffe as a third German military service to join the Reich army and navy.

1938 U.S.A. Crude Oil Found In Abilene

1938 : Crude oil was found in Abilene, Texas. This discovery was actually made on the day before. The report that was made on this day, however, had depicted the excitement that was felt by the people of the town of Opin, located approximately south of Abilene.

1952 Great Britain Atomic Bomb

1952 : Prime Minister Winston Churchill announces Great Britain has developed its own atomic bomb.

1965 Vietnam Troop Movement

1965 : On this date, the first set of South Korean troops was sent to Saigon. At first, they were assigned to non-fighting assignments. However, as of April 3rd they became active combatants during the Vietnam War. This initiative was started as a result of a proposal made by Lyndon Johnson. This was part of an effort to provide more allied support for both the United States and South Vietnam.

1968 United Kingdom Hospital Fire

1968 : A hospital fire in the Shelton Mental Hospital near Shrewsbury in Shropshire, England has killed 21 patients.

1972 U.S.A. Buffalo Creek Valley Flooding

1972 : A dam In West Virginia’s Buffalo Creek Valley collapses flooding Buffalo Creek Valley and killing 118 people. Another 4,000 people were left homeless.

1989 Lebanon US Withdraws

1989 : Effort was made by the United States to encourage peace in Beirut, Lebanon. However, after 18 months, the U.S. had begun withdrawing their troops from this location. This was the day that the last of the United States troops were sent back home.

1990 Nicaragua Free Elections

1990 : On this day, the effect of allowing people to vote in free elections had been very well demonstrated. Anyone running under the Sandinistas ticket had lost. This happened after a year of opposition by the U.S., as well as Nicaragua’s own people. The Sandinista party was a form of communist rule established shortly after Daniel Ortega became president. He was the one who had eventually agreed to allow free elections in the country, after some serious conflict had occurred. He was the one that had succeeded Antastacio Somoza, who was overthrown.

1991 Kuwait City Liberated

1991 : Kuwait City is liberated by Gulf War Allies when Iraq President Saddam Hussein orders withdrawal by Iraq Troops from the city.

1995 England Barings Bank Collapse

1995 : Barings PLC, Britain's oldest investment banking firm, collapsed after Nick Leeson a securities dealer lost more than $1.4 billion by gambling on Tokyo stock prices over a period of three years . The collapse was caused by his losses but also by the bank's own deficient internal auditing and risk management practices which should have picked up the losses much earlier.

2000 United Kingdom David Shayler

2000 : A former British spy David Shayler is sued by the British government for breach of confidence over secret service files. The case dates back to 1997 when he made a series of claims about the activities of MI5, in a British tabloid newspaper.

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