Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Important Events From This day in History February 27


1964 Italy Leaning Tower of Pisa

1964 : The Italian government announces that the Leaning Tower of Pisa was in serious danger of collapsing in an earthquake or storm asking for suggestions on how to save one of Italy's top tourist attractions. The work to save the Tower did not begin until 1999 and was completed in December 2001.

1922 Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution

1922 : On this day, the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution was passed on this day. The right of women to vote (as well as the right of women to engage in many other activities) was declared constitutional by all of the members of the U.S. Supreme Court. It took seventy years of fighting and petitioning to make this women's suffrage legislation a reality. Women and men both were advocating equal rights for women as far back as in the early 19th Century. Find More What happened in 1922

27 Feb, 1918 England Hospital Ship Sunk

1918 : A report made from London indicated that hospital ship Glenart Castle sank into the waters of the Bristol Channel on the day before after being torpedoed. According to one source, only 38 of the people of approximately 200 people on board were reported alive. According to one source, it was figured that about 144 of the couple of hundred people on board were still unaccounted for. As of this date, there were discrepancies local newspapers as to the exact count of people actually on the ship before it sunk. That was yet to be determined at a later date. At this time, it was reported that no patients were on board, so the lives lost were mostly ship crew and hospital personnel.

1920 U.S.A. Olives

1920 : According to a word sent from the Kansas Federal Bureau of Food and Drug Inspection, poison olives were reported as being sent. This word was received by Dr. A.R. Lewis, the State Health Commissioner. The cities to which these olives were distributed included El Reno, Alva, Tulis, Henryetta, Mc Callister, Bartlesville, Lawton, Cushing, and Muskogee. These olives were sent to retail grocers, packed in a similar was as they are today. They were not sent to wholesale distributors.

1920 U.S.A. Lee Magee

1920 : Lee Magee, a major league baseball player for teams such as the Cubs, Reds, and the Dodgers, decided to make a go of it in the business world. This decision was announced indirectly by way of a short biography of Magee printed in a local newspaper.

1937 U.S.A. Modern 30s Women

1937 : A new modern type of woman was introduced during the 1920s and 1930s. These women spent more time with their hair and makeup than times past, according to one pastor. Willis warned that the 20th Century woman spends more time at the card table than she does "at the kitchen stove". Willis further explained that this type of woman may not know very well how to flip a "flapjack" (pancake) without the grease splattering all over the house. Bishop Willis also said that women want to leave "obey" out of the marriage ceremony. Likewise, he said the following: "Yes these giddy-headed shallow-brained twentieth century flappers go around wanting God's plan for the household changed…listen to me, my girl, if you do not want to obey that man, then stay single and get a job bossing a section gang, for you will never make the right kind of wife and mother." Bishop J. Willis strongly advocated the mother and father roles of times past, what was considered "traditional" before this time. He also commented that more people these days know more about the suggestive jazz songs of today than the words of the Psalms of King David.

1937 U.S.A. New Taxes

1937 : New taxes, such as a two percent increase in general sales tax along with a local option whisky bill were written into the state laws of Alabama. The legislation for heavier taxes was decided after 14 weeks of debate.

1938 U.S.A. Pontiac Mascot

1938 : A new design was created to use as Pontiac's mascot. This particular mascot design was created by Chris Klein and C. Karnstadt. It was of the theme of an Indian maiden, which was inspired by connections with the General Motors (GM) war chief who was employed in the GM manufacturing division.

1938 U.S.A. Los Angeles Flood

1938 : An abnormally large amount of rain falls in Los Angeles starting on the 27th causing rivers to overflow with mud landslides in Los Angeles, killing approximately 120 people and destroying thousands of homes.

1943 U.S.A. Mine Explosion Montana

1943 : An explosion at the Montana Coal and Iron Company mine trapped and killed 74 miners.

1973 U.S.A. American Indian Movement

1973 : More than 200 members from the American Indian Movement moved in to take the reservation area of Wounded Knee by force beginning an occupation that lasted until May.

27 Feb, 1951 22nd Amendment to US Constitution

1951 : The 22nd amendment to the Constitution is ratified which changes the law so no man or woman may serve more than ten years ( two terms ) of office as the president of the United States.

1991 U.S.A. Video Used In Murder Trial

1991 : A video that was made which re-created the events of a murder was admitted to the court on this day. However, it was not considered substantial enough evidence of the murder that it portrayed. Therefore, the person charged only was convicted of manslaughter, and not premeditated first degree murder, and only had received six years in prison. Sometimes courts still use these videos. However, they usually tend to mean more if used to record an event as it actually happened.

1991 Kuwait Liberated

1991 : President George H.W. Bush declared that "Kuwait is liberated, and announced that the allies would suspend combat operations at midnight.

27 Feb, 1997 Ireland Divorce

1997 : Divorce becomes legal in the predominantly catholic country of Ireland.

1997 England Handgun Legislation

1997 : New legislation banning most handguns in Britain went into effect helping to make the strictest gun legislation in the world with self-defence not considered a valid reason to own a gun.

1998 Great Britain Women in the House of Lords

1998 : Queen Elizabeth II has agreed to a proposal to end male preference when determining succession which means that a monarch's first-born daughter could claim the throne even if a son was born later.


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