Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Important Events From This day in History February 28


1975 England Moorgate Underground Crash

1975 : A London underground train crashed into a brick wall at Moorgate during rush-hour killing the driver and at least 29 passengers in London's Financial district. Find More What happened in 1975

1983 M*A*S*H Final Episode

1983 : The final episode of M*A*S*H, a series about the staff of an Army hospital during the Korean War entitled ( Goodbye, Farewell and Amen ) became the most-watched television episode in U.S. history, with viewer estimates at 106 million Americans.

1932 U.S.A. Ford Model A

1932 : The Model a Ford was one of the Ford Motor Company’s first signature automobiles. This particular vehicle was produced for the last time on this day.

28 Feb, 1993 U.S.A. Waco, Texas

1993 : A raid by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ATF agents who were trying to serve warrants for illegal guns on the heavily armed compound of a religious cult 10 miles outside of Waco, Texas turns into a bloody gun battle, leaving at least four Federal agents and two cult members dead and at least 15 agents injured.

1918 U.S.A. War Materials

1918 : A new bill was introduced by Warren Gard, representative of District 3 in Ohio, which was intended to protect war materials. It was proposed that a $10,000 fine and up to 30 years imprisonment was the suggested sentence for the destruction of war materials. War materials that would be covered by this bill if/when passed include arms, ammunition, clothing, food supplies, and other items used by the military. “War premises” such as buildings, grounds, stations, and manufactures related to any military use would also be covered. This initiative was introduced during the last year of World War I. This was the approximate time of American involvement in this war.

1922 Egypt Gains Independence From Britain

1922 : After 40 years of British rule following Great Britain seizing control of Egypt's government in 1882 over concerns for British interests including the Suez Canal. Due to the calls by the powerful local nationalist movement for independence for Egypt Great Britain announces a unilateral declaration of Egypt's independence.

1926 U.S.A. New Homes

1926 : A report on this day had revealed that about 2,000 new homes had been built in Abilene, Texas since the year 1920 Figures used to determine the number of new homes built were taken from records of building permits purchased within five and a half years prior to this date.

1937 U.S.A. Dry Prohibition Laws

1937 : On this day, it was reported that Dr. James R. Garber advocated repeal of current dry laws. Being a doctor, he had pushed for the re-legalization of the sale of alcohol because of the medicinal value that it had (still has in some cases). He also stressed concepts such as that of freedom of choice, and that of recognizing “the value of supervision and regulation” which perhaps can be taken a few different ways. One argument in today’s time would be that alcohol can be acceptable in moderation, when people drink responsibly.

1954 U.S.A. DNA Double Helix Discovered

1954 : American molecular biologists James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick discover the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule that contains the human genes, in a Cambridge University laboratory. ( different dates are given for the publication between April 25, 1953 and February 28th 1954 )

28 Feb, 1958 U.S.A. School Bus Crash

1958 : A school bus plunges into the Big Sandy River in Kentucky drowning 24 children and the driver.

1962 U.S.A. Judy La Marsh

1962 : The government was criticized by Judy La Marsh for not taking enough of a stand against the lack of economic growth during this time period. A two-day debate took place during this week, starting with the motion that issues concerning the growth of the economy be addressed in the next election.

1963 U.S.A. John F. Kennedy

1963 : President John F. Kennedy asks congress for civil rights law giving voting rights safeguards against racial discrimination.

1968 U.S.A. More Troops Vietnam

1968 : On this day, General Earl Wheeler had written President Lyndon B. Johnson requesting more troops in Saigon. This message was delivered to the President shortly after Wheeler had returned from his trip to Saigon.

1972 U.S.A. School

1972 : Dr. J.R. Myers, the district superintendent of Aiken County schools in South Carolina, had quite a bit to say on this day. He addressed issues concerning property tax as related to school financing. Myers used to be the superintendent of Lancaster schools.

1986 Swedish Prime Minister Killed

1986 : Olof Palme, the Swedish Prime Minister is shot dead and his wife Lisbeth wounded in a street ambush in central Stockholm.

28 Feb, 1987 U.S.A. Nuclear Weapons Treaty

1987 : This was the day that a nuclear weapon treaty was proposed by Gorbachev. The purpose of signing this agreement was to eliminate both U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons from Europe. This treaty signed is referred to as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 1987

1991 Gulf War Ends

1991 : The gulf war is over following Iraq accepting all 12 resolutions made by the United Nations. The official death toll for the Gulf War is 50,000, Iraq soldiers, 148 American Soldiers and 16 British soldiers.

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