Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Important Events From This day in History March 26


1979 Camp David Peace Treaty Signed

1979 : Egypt's Anwar Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin ended 30 years of bitter warfare by signing the first peace treaty between an Arab nation and the Jewish state . The peace treaty was the result of the Camp David Peace Accords, agreed in September 1978 when Israel agreed to withdraw troops from the Sinai Peninsula in return for Egypt's recognition of the state of Israel. Also agreed was some self determination for Palestinians.

1964 U.S.A. Funny Girl Musical

1964 : The musical ''Funny Girl,'' starring Barbra Streisand and featuring Sydney Chaplin, Kay Medford, Danny Meehan, Jean Stapleton, and Lainie Kazan, opened at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway. In 1966 the production staring Barbra Streisand opened at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London's West End.

1953 U.S.A. Polio Vaccine

1953 : Dr. Jonas E. Salk, announced a vaccine had been used safely and successfully used in preliminary trials on 90 children and adults as a polio vaccine, two years later the vaccine was released and given to every child in the United States. Poliomyelitis ( Polio ) was one of the most dreaded illnesses which killed or paralyzed thousands during the early 20th century and following World War II the number of cases of Polio increased significantly making the need for a cure or a vaccine to protect against the disease even more important. Much of the funding for Dr. Jonas E. Salk research came from March Of Dimes Foundation ( National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis ) which had been set up under the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938 to raise money for polio research and to care for those suffering from the disease.

1997 U.S.A. Heaven's Gate Cult Suicides

1997 : The bodies of 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult were found dead in a California mansion all having committed suicide by ingesting a lethal mixture of phenobarbital and vodka. The Heaven's Gate Cult led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles and the leader Applewhite convinced his followers to commit suicide so that their souls could take a ride on a spaceship that they believed was hiding behind the Comet Hale-Bopp ( Haleys Comet ).

1992 Mike Tyson Convicted of Rape

1992 : Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson is sentenced to six years in prison for raping Miss Black Rhode Island, Desiree Washington. He was released in March 1995 after serving three years. He did go back to fighting for the heavyweight championship after his release but in 1997 was again in trouble when he fought Evander Holyfield in Vegas and was disqualified for biting Holyfield on both ears. One bite was severe enough to remove a piece of Holyfield's right ear, which was found on the ring floor after the fight.

1925 U.S.A. Prohibition

1925 : During the Prohibition Era, local and federal officers destroyed equipment used to make liquor. Alcohol that was created was dumped out as well, and participants in illegal booze operations were put in jail.

1933 Germany Herman Goering

1933 : Leader Herman Goering spoke his point of view regarding the mistreatment of Jews. He made a statement that the persecution of a person just because he (or she) is a Jew will not be tolerated.

1948 Israel Fighting

1948 : According to an article printed in an international newspaper, fighting continued on the day before. Arabs attacked a Jewish convoy. As a result, 20 people were killed and 10 were wounded. There was no Good Friday break (although Good Friday was not a major Jewish Holiday, but Passover was).

1958 China Food Shortage

1958 : A shortage of food was occurring at this time, and it was not getting any better. This lack of sufficient food supplies started to take place in Shantung, China and has spread as far as the Southern coast. It is estimated 30 million died during the Great Chinese Famine officially referred to as the Three Years of Natural Disasters of 1958–61 in China, but now accepted by the Chinese Government as a combination of Natural Disasters and poor planning following the Great Leap Forward which moved many peasant farmers off the land into Iron and steel production, the famine was also caused by changes in farming practices and a series of droughts and floods including the great the Yellow River flood which is considered the 7th deadliest natural disaster in the 20th century.

1963 Korea Referendum

1963 : Local protest was made in Korea against military rule of this country, and the Korean people were soon to be given a chance to decide whether or not this should continue. A referendum would soon be taken by the government of this country. Likewise, nations such as the U.S.A. moved to support anti-military Korean government rule. This action was highly welcomed.

1971 Bangladesh Independence

1971 : The country of Bangladesh had declared its independence. This decree was made by Leader Sheikh. Bangladesh was formerly East Pakistan.

1981 New British Party Social Democrats

1981 : A new political party ( Social Democrats ) has been formed in the UK from four breakaway Labour party defectors Roy Jenkins, David Owen, William Rodgers and Shirley Williams. The Social Democrats have launched their new political party pledging to "reconcile the nation" and "heal divisions between classes". They left the Labour party over the current leadership under Michael Foot moving further to the radical left, but did not feel they could support the conservative party under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who was dividing Britain into haves and have nots. They have described the new Social Democrat Party as left-of-center party and believe strongly in Proportional representation "ONE MAN ONE VOTE" but without agreement by the other two parties it was unlikely to ever happen. The party formed an alliance over the next few years with the Liberal Party but after the 1987 general election which the conservatives won under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher. The labour party chose a more moderate leader Neil Kinnock and supporters of the SDP went back to the labour party hoping that they could get a more moderate labour party back in power and the Social Democrat Party was folded in 1990.

1981 Germany Fundraiser to Fight World Hunger

1981 : Information about a very unique fundraiser to help fight against hunger around the world was printed on this day. A group of high school students in Germany planned to fast from solid food for up to 30 hours. This effort was made in order to learn about the affects of hunger and how it would feel to go without food. It was also designed to help raise funds for World Vision International, one of the largest hunger-fighting organizations. People were to pledge a certain amount of money for every hour a student would go without food.

1982 U.S.A. Vietnam Veterans Memorial

1982 : Groundbreaking ceremonies took place in Washington, D.C., for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Memorial came about from the work of the The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Inc. (VVMF), established in 1979 to create a memorial to veterans of the Vietnam War, and in 1980 congress authorizes three acres near the Lincoln Memorial for the site. The main part of the memorial was completed in 1982 and receives around 3 million visitors each year.


1990 : An announcement of the 40th anniversary of the first German-American Boy Scout Troop was made on this day. This troop met for the first time on January 13th, 1949.

1999 England Miners Win Compensation

1999 : Ex-miners in England have won their case for compensation in a deal worth £2 billion for lung disease caused through working underground in the coal mining industry. Legal representation for the miners claimed it had been known for decades dust produced in the coal mining process could cause lung disease but not enough was done to protect them. Many of these miners were working underground in the 50's before health and safety laws ensured there were dust masks and showers at collieries.

1999 U.S.A. Dr. Jack Kevorkian

1999 : Dr. Jack Kevorkian, was found guilty of second-degree murder for giving a lethal injection to a terminally ill man and airing it on the television program "60 Minutes." He allowed the airing of a videotape on "60 Minutes." that he had made which depicted the voluntary euthanasia of Thomas Youk, 52, an adult male with full capacity who was in the final stages of ALS. He was sentenced to to serve a 10-25 year prison sentence by the judge, he was released on parole in 2007 on the condition that he cannot help anyone else die. He no longer assists in voluntary euthanasia but does campaign that the law is changed ( currently the only US State that allows legalized doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill people is Oregon. )

2000 Israel Pope John Paul II

2000 : Pope John Paul II who is currently on visiting Israel as part of his Millennium Pilgrimage, prayed for forgiveness of the sins of those involved in the Holocaust. John Paul II has said visiting the area has fulfilled one of his dreams since he was elected Pontiff in 1978. The trip is a milestone in relations between Catholicism and Judaism.

2000 Russia Vladimir Putin

2000 : Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia for the first time he went on to be re-elected in 2004 and is the current President of the Russian Federation.

2002 Afghanistan Earthquake

2002 : A devastating earthquake shook up villages located in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Northern Afghanistan. It was estimated that 1,800 people had died and up to 10,000 people were homeless.


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