Thursday, March 28, 2024

Important Events From This day in History March 28


1979 Three Mile Island Nuclear Radiation

1979 : Radiation is released at Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station when a cooling plant malfunction releases radioactive steam and radiation near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, The authorities declare a general emergency but did not inform the public until five hours after the gas escaped.

A study in 2002 found that incidences of cancer in the area were not significantly higher than elsewhere.

This is still considered the worst nuclear incident in US history, but it should be remembered no deaths were attributed to the disaster.

1942 Malta George Cross Medal for Bravery

1942 : King George VI has awarded the people from the small Mediterranean island of Malta the George Cross Medal for Bravery saying "To honour her brave people I award the George Cross to the Island Fortress of Malta, to bear witness to a heroism and a devotion that will long be famous in history." The Island had been under constant attack by Italian and German bombers and Messerschmitts machine guns since June 1940 because of it's strategic location for both the North Africa campaign and the European Campaign, Food supplies and health and hygiene became a serious problem as the ships that would normally supply the Island were sunk by the enemy before they bring in new supplies.

1964 Radio Caroline begins transmission of pop music

1964 : Radio Caroline was a pirate radio station based on a former Danish passenger ferry used to broadcast from international waters ( 1 of 2 ships converted to radio ships ) as a teen aged 14 I can remember it well and my transistor radio was nearly always tuned into Radio Caroline because the dj's were much more edgy than the other radio DJ's of the time ( I was lucky and lived on the south coast of the UK where the signal could be picked up ) . Irish musician manager and businessman Ronan O'Rahilly set up the station after he could not get any airplay on Radio Luxembourg for Georgie Fame's records because the station was committed to sponsored programmes promoting major record labels: EMI, Decca, Pye and Philips.

2006 France Contrat Première Embauche

2006 : More than 1 million mostly students take to the streets in France disrupting air, rail and bus travel in the largest nationwide protest over the "Contrat première embauche" (CPE - First Employment Contract or Beginning Workers Contract) which would make it much easier for workers under twenty-six years old to be fired. The main parts of the bill which caused protests included:

Allowed employers the opportunity to terminate employment of workers under twenty-six without any reason, with little or no notice, within their first two years of employment

Night lab our being permitted for youths as young as 15 years old

Suspension of family welfare in cases of students skipping school

Possibility of manual lab our apprenticeship for 14-year-olds

The bill was seen by many as a direct attack on younger workers but the government believed by easing these laws it would encourage companies to take on more younger employees. The new "Contrat première embauche" CPE was scrapped by Chirac on April 10 under the pressure of ongoing protest and blockade throughout France

2000 Zimbabwe White Farmer Shot And Killed

2000 : Problems with racial tension continue in the country of Zimbabwe as President Robert Mugabe pressed on with his plan to remove Zimbabwe's farms from white ownership, with the latest death when a white farmer in Zimbabwe is shot dead by squatters occupying his land.

1908 Canada Mining Accident

1908 : A record of a terrible mining accident that occurred a few days before this date was made public. Two well-known miners died while involved in drifting operations in the Spruce Creek Mine. While working, the mine had caved in, and these men were entrapped. A third person had escaped and sounded an alarm, hoping it would signal the other two men to evacuate in time. Unfortunately, it was too late.

1920 U.S.A. Tornadoes

1920 : Tornadoes swept through the mid-western and southern portions of the United States, killing more than 200 people and injuring more than a 1,000.

1921 US Advertising

1921 : A short, sweet description of the importance of advertising a business was presented in a local Oklahoma publication. This advice was depicted in the form of a short rhyming poem, to which the first line is as follows: “The city that gets the publicity gets the business.”

1930 Turkey City Name Changes

1930 : Two of Turkey's largest cities change their names ( Constantinople and Angora ).

The City of Constantinople is changed to Istanbul

The City of Angora is changed to Ankara

1933 U.S.A. Wet and Dry Rally

1933 : A wet and dry rally and parade took place. Both supporters of alcohol and supporters of dry laws attended this event, which occurred in Oklahoma. On the same day, further debate took place regarding the legalization of pari-mutuel horse-betting systems. No decision has yet been made regarding this issue, even though proposals towards legalizing this form of gambling were made two weeks beforehand.

1939 Spanish Civil War

1939 : Madrid, Spain is now in the hands of Nationalist General Francisco Franco and the Spanish civil war ends. The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 with Rebels attempting a coup d'état by parts of the army against the government. Like many modern conflicts other countries often become involved and take sides often supporting one side or the other with weapons and volunteers . The Spanish Civil War was no different with the Government in power getting the support of the Soviet Union and Mexico, and the rebels supported by Italy and Germany. The Spanish Civil War also bought out the worst in people with terrible atrocities committed on and by both sides during the war, with up to 100,000 people executed in the name of ???.

1940 Great Britain

1940 : France and Britain were beginning to think about expanding their support. They expected the alliance they create would be semi-permanent, providing strength for battle. For instance, World War II took place during this time, and France and Britain looked to other countries’ resources to draw upon.

1950 Yugoslavia Travel to US Eased

1950 : Yugoslavia and the United States made an effort to pave the way for restrictions of travel to Yugoslavia to be cleared. The issue of dual nationality was discussed as well.

1963 Russia Wedding During The Cold War

1963 : During one of the most crucial times in American and Russian history THE COLD WAR, an American woman wed a Russian man while studying in Moscow. This wedding was opposed by the Soviet government, the American woman’s mother, and the Red Communists Party. However, this did not stop the couple from saying “I Do.”

1964 U.S.A. The Beatles

1964 : The Beatles have 10 hits on Billboard's Hot 100 at the same time surpassing the previous best by Elvis Presley.

1969 U.S.A. Dwight D. Eisenhower

1969 : Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower died of heart failure aged 78 yrs.

1972 U.S.A. Farming Practices

1972 : A tiny bit of information regarding farming was printed. At this time in history, a typical U.S. farm produced enough food and fiber to supply the needs of up to 45 people (39 at home and six abroad). Ten years prior to this date, only about 24 people were supported by the yield of an average American farm. Current Figures - A Typical U.S. farm today supplies enough food and fiber to supply the needs of over 200 people

1990 Lithuania Drops Border Guards

1990 : Lithuania, formerly a part of the USSR, decided against earlier plans to implement a border guard. This was done in order to avoid conflict with Soviet Troops. Lithuania also ordered citizens to give up weapons at request of these Soviet military personnel.

1991 England Hillsborough Disaster

1991 : An inquest held over the deaths of 95 fans killed during during the Hillsborough disaster at Sheffield Wednesday's football stadium has returned a verdict of accidental death. The disaster happened during an FA Cup semi-final between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool held at Sheffield Wednesday's stadium on April 15th 1989, and is blamed on too many Liverpool fans being allowed in to the back of an already full stand at the Leppings Lane end of the ground. As more and more fans were allowed in fans were being crushed to death by the sheer volume of additional fans being allowed in. In total 95 Liverpool fans died during the disaster.

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