Saturday, April 20, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 22


1964 USA World's Fair

1964: The third major World's Fair to be held in New York City opens (1853 / 1854) (1939 / 1940). It was the largest World's Fair ever held in the United States, occupying nearly a square mile (2.6 km²) of land. More fifty million people attended the Fair.

1889 USA Oklahoma Land Rush

1889: The Oklahoma Land run begins with an estimated 50,000 people lined up at noon hoping to stake a claim for a homestead. The claim could be up to 160 acres in size and it included most of the following Oklahoma Counties, Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Oklahoma, and Payne (in total about 2 million acres). This land had previously been occupied by Native Americans but the Indian Appropriations Bill approved the transfer of two million acres for settlement.

2000 USA Elian Gonzalez

2000: The six year old little boy Elian Gonzalez who survived a shipwreck in which his mother who was trying to enter the US as an illegal immigrant drowned, is taken by a swat team from other Cuban relatives in Miami. Following a number of court battles the little boy is returned to his father in Cuba.

1983 Germany Hitler Diaries

1983: The West German news magazine Stern publish the first of the Hitler Diaries they had discovered which included 60 volumes of personal diaries purportedly written by Adolf Hitler. However soon after publication, they were revealed by scientific testing to be forged.

1915 Belgium Poison Gas

1915: Poison gas is used by the Germans for the first time in World War I with devastating effect.

1928 Greece Major Earthquake

1928: Central Greece is in the grip of a major earthquake the town of Corinth has been virtually destroyed and a number of tremors have been felt in Athens.

1938 Japan Launches Offensive

1938: Japan has launched a second offensive against China in the Shantung offensive.

1943 USA Japanese Prisoners of War

1943: The US War Department has stated publicly that Japanese Prisoners of War will be treated decently.

1952 USA Live Atomic Bomb Test

1952: For the first time in history, viewers witnessed live the detonation of an atomic bomb at the U.S. testing site in Yucca Flat, Nevada on Television, The Atomic bomb tested was larger than those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II.

1961 Cuba Bay of Pigs

1961: President Fidel Castro of Cuba will make his first public announcements since the insurgent forces invasion on the bay of Pigs last week on TV and Radio nationwide, also the Russian leader Khrushchev has denounced the invasion and has stated publicly that he holds the United States directly responsible for this gangsterism against Cuba.

1970 USA Earth Day

1970: Earth Day was observed yesterday for the first time coordinated by "Denis Hayes" and 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. To understand the significance of this achievement we must remember that in the 60's cars were getting larger and one of the least important things looked at when buying a car was the MPG, and prior to 1970 environmental issues were discussed very little if at all by most people. But a U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson stated that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on the environment. TV and Newspapers including the influential New York Times started discussing environmental issues and over the next few years from 1971 a realization dawned on ordinary people that what we did affected the Earth environment.

1971 Haiti Papa Doc

1971: Haiti's dictator, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, has died after 14 years in power.

1972 USA Anti-War Demonstrations

1972: Antiwar demonstrations draw 100,000 demonstrators in cities across America including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Chicago.

1980 Liberia Military Coup

1980: Following a military coup a number of leading officials including former cabinet ministers of the ousted government in Liberia are publicly executed on the orders of the new military regime.

1988 USA Basketball

1988: Two new Florida basketball teams are announced the Miami Heat and the Orlando Magic. .

1992 Mexico Guadalajara Sewer Explosions

1992: A series of sewer explosions in Guadalajara, Mexico caused by a build up of gas after an earlier gas leak, kill more than 200 people and damage 1,000 buildings.

1993 USA Holocaust Memorial Museum

1993: Holocaust Memorial Museum opens in Washington D.C. The Museum is dedicated to documenting, studying, and interpreting the history of the Holocaust and serves as the US official memorial to the millions of Jews and others killed during the Holocaust under directives of Nazi Germany.

1997 Peru Japanese Embassy Siege

1997: After a 126-day siege of the Japanese embassy in Peru, troops storm the embassy and free all but one of 72 hostages held inside, ending a four-month siege of the building by Tupac Amaru rebels.

2005 USA Terrorist Pleads Guilty

2005: Zacarias Moussaoui (a French citizen of Moroccan descent) pleads guilty to conspiring with other al-Qaeda members as part of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He was later sentenced to life in prison and is serving a life sentence at the Federal ADX Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.

2006 Chinese President Hu Jintao Visits Saudi Arabia

2006: The Chinese President Hu Jintao has begun a three-day trip to Saudi Arabia. Aimed at strengthening ties between China and its main oil supplier, he was following this from his visit to the United States. China's need for oil has pushed crude prices to above $75 a barrel in New York for the first time. Saudi Arabia has started to open its economy to the outside world, and is looking at its export opportunities in Asia. The kingdom had joined the World Trade Organization in December, 2005.

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