Monday, April 29, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 29


1992 Rioting in Los Angeles

1992: Rioting has broken out in Los Angeles following the decision by a jury to acquit four white police officers accused of beating black motorist Rodney King. The case centered on a video, taped by an amateur cameraman which caught the scene on film as the four police officers beat, kicked and clubbed unemployed laborer Rodney King while other officers looked on. The officers did face a second trial a year later, on federal charges of violating Rodney King's civil rights, 2 were found guilty and faced prison sentences of two years. The violence continued for 4 days in which 55 people were killed caused by revenge attacks against whites and Asians by the black rioters. Find More What happened in 1992

1958 Britain My Fair Lady

1958: The Broadway musical "My Fair Lady" opens for its first night in London, with Rex Harrison as Professor Higgins, and Julie Andrews playing Eliza Doolittle. Tickets for the show cost just over £1, the first month is sold out before opening night.

1922 USA Lower Louisiana Floods

1922: Starvation threatens victims of the overflow of flood waters in lower Louisiana with nearly 3,500 square miles underwater and fifty thousand people affected many losing their homes and all possessions.

1934 USA John Dillinger

1934: John Dillinger is still on the run from a nationwide hunt after escaping from a band of policemen with orders to catch him dead or alive 1 week ago in North woods Wisconsin, after escaping a dragnet was put up in surrounding countryside but again he escaped and is still Americas Public Enemy Number 1 and still running wild and free.

1934 Europe Growth of Fascism

1934: With fascist dictators in power across Europe now parading their might and power including Hitler in Germany and Italy's Mussolini democracy is challenged more in this decade than any other.

1941 Greece Conquest of the Balkans

1941: Hitler and Germany completed the conquest of the Balkans in 1941 when they swept across Southern Greece taking many thousands of prisoners including British, Australian and new Zealand.

1945 Germany Dachau Concentration Camp

1945: Dachau concentration camp was liberated today when troops of the U.S. Seventh Army cleared the enemy guards from the camp where gruesome torture rooms and gas chambers were located.

1956 Britain Plane Crash

1956: A transport plane loaded with servicemen and their wives and children crashed today at Stanstead Airport while taking off to go to war torn Cyprus.

1963 Saipan Typhoon Olive

1963: Typhoon Olive with 110 MPH Winds destroyed 95% of the homes on the Island of Saipan and all electric power and telephones were down , there were no reported deaths but most of the population of the Island are now homeless.

1970 US Troops Invade Cambodia

1970: Following 12 months of bombing by US during Operation Menu, On This Day the South Vietnamese troops invade Cambodia and US troops follow 2 days later. The operation to invade Cambodia lasted until the end of June when US and South Vietnam's troops pull back out.

1974 USA President Nixon Watergate

1974: President Nixon announced in a nationally broadcast address he will hand over 1200 pages of White House Transcripts that will tell it all about Watergate and will prove his innocence.

1986 England Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson

1986: The Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson, is laid to rest alongside her husband, the abdicated King Edward VIII, at Frogmore in Windsor. Members of the Royal family including the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Anne, and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, as well as The Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher attended the ceremony.

1991 Bangladesh Cyclone

1991: A cyclone hits Bangladesh with winds in excess of 150 MPH and a 20 foot storm surge and kills more than 135,000 people in flat low lying Bangladesh.

1993 England Buckingham Palace

1993: Buckingham Palace will open its doors to the public in order to raise money to repair the fire-damaged Windsor Castle. The palace will only be open in August and September when the Queen is at her Scottish residence, Balmoral. The cost of entrance will be £8 for an adult.

2004 USA National World War II Memorial

2004: The National World War II Memorial between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument a monument to the 16 million U.S. men and women who served during World War II opened to the public in Washington D.C.

2007 Turkish Protest In Support of Secularism

2007: Hundreds of thousands of Turks have rallied in Istanbul in support of the country's secularism, amid rows on one of their presidential candidate's Islamic roots. The protesters are concerned that the ruling party's candidate, Abdullah Gul, is too loyal to Islam. Gul, himself, has said he would not quit, despite growing criticism from his opponents and from the army.

2007 Iran Bans Western Hairstyles

2007: Iranian police have been warning barbers not to give men Western hairstyles, or to use make-up on them. This is part of a fierce crackdown on what is known as bad hijab, or un-Islamic clothing. Iranian television has said that the crackdown on un-Islamic clothing has started its next phase, in which mobile police units will patrol Tehran in search of those who do not observe Islamic dress sense. Tehran's public prosecutor has suggested that women who violate dress rules should be exiled from the capital, and forced to live in remote areas of the country.

2009 First US Swine Flu Death

2009: A Mexican child has died of swine flu in Texas. He was twenty-three months old. The child is one of the 91 cases of swine flu that have been reported in the U.S. The World Health Organization has said that the virus was still spreading. Spain has said that it has confirmed its first case in a person who has not traveled to Mexico. The Mexican boy had arrived in the Texan border city of Brownsville on April 4th, and had developed flu symptoms within a few days.

2010 US Gulf Oil Spill

2010: The U.S. government has designated the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as an "incident of national significance". The Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has told reporters that this will allow resources to be ordered in from other areas of the country. Some five thousand barrels of oil a day are leaking into the water from the explosion that took place on a B.P.-operated rig. The Coast Guard has said that the oil is expected to start washing ashore on April 30th. Louisiana's coastline is the most threatened.

2010 US Navy Lifts Ban on Female Submarine Crew

2010: Women can now serve on U.S. submarines. The Defense Department had announced that the ban would be lifted in February, and the deadline for Congressional objections was passed at midnight on April 28th. Training women for their new duties and the creation of appropriate quarters will mean that it will be more than a year before women can take up their posts. The cramped conditions had previously precluded women, despite their being able to serve alongside men on surface ships.About 15% of Navy personnel are women.

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