Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 3


1968 U.S.A. - Martin Luther King Jr

1968 : Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "mountaintop" speech to a rally of striking sanitation workers in Memphis, Tenn., less than 24 hours before he was assassinated Find More What happened in 1968

1860 U.S.A. - Pony Express Service Starts

1860 : The Pony Express a new faster mail service using riders on a horseback relay instead of the traditional stagecoaches begins service between St. Joseph, Mo., and Sacramento, Calif. The Pony Express reduced the time for mail to travel from the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to around ten days. After only 1 year in March 1861 after suffering large losses and not gaining the mail contract The Pony Express Company ceased trading.

1936 U.S.A. - Bruno Richard Hauptmann

1936 : Bruno Richard Hauptmann is executed in the electric chair for the kidnapping and the death of the Lindbergh baby

More about the Lindbergh Kidnapping

1948 U.S.A. - Marshall Plan

1948 : U.S. President Harry S. Truman signs into law the Foreign Assistance Act, commonly known as the Marshall Plan which channeled more than $13 billion in aid to Europe between 1948 and 1951

1954 UK - 100th Boat Race

1954 : Oxford ( Dark Blues ) wins the 100th Boat Race by four-and-a-half lengths from Cambridge ( Light Blues ) in rough conditions on the River Thames.

1955 Mexico - Train Crash

1955 : An express train is derailed and falls into a canyon near Guadalajara, Mexico leaving 300 dead after the crash.

1972 U.S.A. - North Vietnamese Invasion Of South Vietnam

1972 : Following the invasion of North Vietnamese on South Vietnam The United States prepares hundreds of B-52s and fighter-bombers for possible air strikes to blunt the recently launched invasion.

1974 U.S.A. - 148 Tornadoes

1974 : 148 tornadoes hit North America from Georgia to Canada within 16 hours and at times there were as many as 15 separate tornadoes on the ground at one time. The Super Outbreak affected a total of 11 US states and Ontario in Canada.

1974 U.S.A. - Watergate Scandal

1974 : Following the start of the investigation into the Watergate scandal, President Nixon was also facing serious questions about his taxes and agreed to pay $432,787.13 plus interest in back taxes for the years 1969 through 1972

1987 Switzerland - Sotheby's Auction Windsor ( Wallis Simpson ) Jewels

1987 : The late Duchess of Windsor's ( Wallis Simpson )Jewels has been sold for £31m ($50m) during an auction in Switzerland. Bidders filled Sotherby's Auction Rooms around the world including New York to have their bids relayed to Geneva.

1993 UK - Grand National

1993 : The English Grand National ends in chaos after a series of events at the start including protesters getting onto the track near the first fence and ended with only some of the riders competing in the race. The decision was made by the Jockey Club to declare the race void

1996 U.S.A. - Unabomber

1996 : Theodore John Kaczynski is arrested by the FBI accused of being the Unabomber, the elusive terrorist blamed for 16 mail bombs that killed three people and injured 23 during an 18-year period.

1998 U.S.A. - Dow Jones Over 9,000 First Time

1998 : The Dow Jones industrial average climbed above 9,000 for the first time.

2000 UK - Asylum Seekers

2000 : Asylum seekers in the UK are to receive vouchers to buy food and clothes and £10 a week in cash. This follows weeks of adverse publicity over begging on British streets involving asylum seekers.

2000 U.S.A. - US Microsoft Antitrust Case

2000 : A case started in 1998 was a set of consolidated civil actions filed against Microsoft Corporation by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) and twenty U.S. states claiming Microsoft abused it's monopoly power in its handling of operating system sales with it's bundled web browser ( Internet Explorer ) to eliminate competition in the Browser Wars between Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera.

The main issue in the case was that Microsoft embedded it's Own Browser in it's Operating System for free .

On This day 2000 , Judge Jackson issued a two-part ruling: his conclusions of law were that Microsoft had committed monopolization, attempted monopolization, and tying in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act, and his remedy was that Microsoft must be broken into two separate units, one to produce the operating system, and one to produce other software components.

2004 Spain - Madrid Railway Bombers

2004 : Five suspects in the Madrid railway bombings blew themselves up in a building outside the Spanish capital.

2006 United States - Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty

2006 : Al-Qaeda's Zacarias Moussaoui has been found eligible for the death penalty by a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia. This is the first U.S. trial for the 9-11 terrorist attacks. The jurors agreed with federal prosecutors that Moussaoui's lies to F.B.I. agents had resulted in multiple deaths. The jury had reached their verdict on the fourth day of deliberations. Moussaoui refused to stand in court, and showed no reaction to the verdict until the jurors had left.

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