Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 30


1952 England Diary of Anne Frank

1952: The diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish victim of the Holocaust is to be published in English titled "The Diary of a Young Girl". Her diary, later entitled "The Diary of Anne Frank", becomes one of the most popular books in the world and is included in most schools as recommended reading. The diary provides a disturbing account of a teenager living in hiding with seven others in fear of their lives in occupied Holland, Anne Frank died of typhus just before her 16th birthday in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. Find More What happened in 1952 Webmaster's note: I read this very moving journal after my daughter read it in high school a few years ago and was amazed at how well it was written under terrible circumstances.

1789 USA George Washington Inaugurated

1789: George Washington Inaugurated as the First President of the United States at Federal Hall in New York City (New York City was the first capital of the United States) New York State.

1921 England Treaty of Versailles

1921: The discussions over Germany sticking to the Treaty of Versailles and steps to enforce reparations by Germany for the World War are causing rifts between England , France and Italy with the British prime minister Lloyd George calling an emergency meeting of the cabinet . The French and Italians want immediate occupation of the Ruer region of Germany while Britain wishes to pursue more diplomatic means.

1932 USA Tuberculosis

1932: The continued growth in TB / Tuberculosis is becoming more widespread and with more variations and the worst affected are infants and young children. It is often transmitted through milk from diseased cows. It can be diagnosed by a chest X-ray and is highly contagious. Side note - this was the most important reason the milk we now buy is pasteurized / homogenized.

1939 USA New York World's Fair

1939: 200,000 people attended New York World’s Fair, officially opening. President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the opening day address, which was not only broadcast over the various radio networks but also was televised. New York World's Fair allowed visitors to look at "The world of tomorrow." The General Motors exhibit was titled Futurama. Philo T. Farnsworth premiered some of the first televisions at the fair. AT&T presented its first Picture Phone at the World's Fair. Salvador Dali created a pavilion that was called “Dream of Venus” The IBM Pavilion featured electric typewriters, and a fantastic machine called the electric calculator that used punched cards to enter the information for the computer to calculate the results.

1939 USA First Regular Television Service

1939: President Franklin D. Roosevelt appeared on television for the opening of the New York World's Fair. His appearance started the first regular television service in America.

1940 Norway German Conquest

1940: Germany has stated that the conquest of Norway is now complete and has captured most British servicemen who are now in Prison Camps.

1940 USA Jimmy Dorsey

1940: Jimmy Dorsey and his band recorded the song "Contrasts." Along with his brother Tommy, the Dorsey Brothers eventually became an unmatched rival during the big band and swing era.

1943 Spain "The Man Who Never Was"

1943: "The Man Who Never Was" is pushed into the sea off the coast of Spain where the tide would bring the body ashore into German Hands. This was known as operation "Mincemeat." The operation was a British deception plan to convince the German High Command that allied forces would be invading the Balkans and Sardinia instead of the island of Sicily, by planting invasion plans on a corpse the Germans would find. The full deception is very complicated but great detail can be found on Wikipedia by searching for "The Man Who Never Was." The operation was a complete success which makes it even more interesting reading.

1945 Germany Hitler Commits Suicide

1945: German dictator Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide one day after they were married, just before the Russian troops entered his Berlin bunker at the end of World War II.

1948 England First Land Rover

1948: The Land Rover (Land Rover Series I) is shown for the first time at the Amsterdam Car Show, many of the original components were from Rover saloon cars including the 1.6 engine from the Rover P3 60 saloon. The car featured four-wheel drive.

1951 Iran Nationalize Oil Fields

1951: The Iranian government has voted to nationalize the countries oil fields which will be taken over from Anglo Iranian Co immediately and transferred to Government Ownership to ensure the wealth created from the nations reserves is used for the Iranian People.

1973 USA Watergate

1973: As part of the investigation of the Watergate bugging scandal 4 of President Nixon's closest aides resigned including Attorney General Richard G. Kleindienst, H.R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman and John W. Dean II.

1975 South Vietnam Surrenders

1975: South Vietnam unconditional surrender to North Vietnam and the war in Vietnam is over with the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army and Government now in control.

1978 Bottled Water

1978: A debate is happening in the Soft Drink Industry and if the sales of bottled water by Perrier and others will ever make an impact on sales of more traditional sugary soft drinks in America.

1980 UK Terrorist Group Takes Iran Embassy Hostages

1980: Six terrorists take control of the Iranian Embassy in Prince's Gate, South Kensington in central London. The terrorists calling themselves the "Democratic Revolutionary Movement for the Liberation of Arabistan" take 26 hostages including the Metropolitan Police constable " PC Trevor Lock" on official protection duty at the main entrance. Their demands included the release of 91 political prisoners held in Iran as well as an aircraft to take them and the hostages out of the UK. The Iran embassy siege ends when SAS storms embassy on May 5th.

1984 Chad Civil War

1984: The Libya Prime minister has offered to withdraw Libyan troops from Chad if France will also withdraw from the former French African Colony, The French are supporting the current regime while the Libyans are supporting the rebel army.

1993 Germany Monica Seles Stabbed

1993: A man leans over a three-feet-high barrier at the quarter final tennis match in Hamburg and stabs Monica Seles from behind in the back. She is expected to be out of tennis for the next month while she recovers.

1999 England Nail Bomb

1999: A third Nail bomb attack in London at the Admiral Duncan pub, in Soho, leaves two dead and at least 30 injured.

2007 U.S. and E.U. Sign for Single Market

2007: The United States and European Union have committed themselves to a new transatlantic economic partnership at a summit in Washington. The pact will attempt to boost trade and investment by harmonizing regulatory standards, and laying down the basis for a US-EU single market. The two sides have also signed an Open Skies deal, which is designed to reduce fares and boost traffic on transatlantic flights.


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