Thursday, April 04, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 4


1968 USA - Martin Luther King Jr. Murdered

1968 : Martin Luther King Jr. is shot to death by James Earl Ray at a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. His assassination led to riots in more than 100 US cities and a call from the United States President Lyndon Johnson for citizen's to reject the blind violence that has taken Dr King who had lived by non-violence. James Earl Ray was convicted of his murder and sentenced to 99 years in prison.

1958 UK - Aldermaston Peace March

1958 : 10,000 protesters arrive in Trafalgar Square, London as part of the CND / Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament the protesters including mothers pushing children in prams and singing peace songs, over the next four days march over 52 miles in rain and snow from London to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment at Aldermaston. The march was held again in 1959, 1961 and 1962 when over 150,000 took part. In 1963 anarchists became involved which resulted in bad press for the peaceful march.

1939 U.S.A. - Glen Miller Records "Moonlight Serenade."

1939 : Glen Miller records the wildly popular "Moonlight Serenade." It becomes a standard throughout the big band era and beyond.

1964 U.S.A. - The Beatles

1964 : The Beatles hold an unprecedented record of twelve positions on Billboard Hot 100 singles chart,

The songs were

"Can't Buy Me Love"

"Twist and Shout"

"She Loves You"

"I Want to Hold Your Hand"

"Please Please Me"

"I Saw Her Standing There"

"You Can't Do That"

"All My Loving"

"Roll Over Beethoven"

"From Me To You"

"Do You Want To Know A Secret"

"Thank You Girl" .

1973 U.S.A. - New York's World Trade Center Completed

1973 : New York's World Trade Center The twin towers of the World Trade Center rising 1,350 feet above Manhattan officially became the world's tallest buildings.

1850 U.S.A. - Los Angeles and San Francisco become cities

Following California becoming the 31st State in 1850 Los Angeles and San Francisco become Cities ( Los Angeles with a population of 1,610- April 4th ) and ( San Francisco with a population of 21,000 - April 16th ) on the same year.

1818 U.S.A. - Stars And Stripes

1818 : Congress decided the U.S. flag would consist of 13 red and white stripes represent the original Thirteen Colonies that rebelled against the British crown and became the first states in the Union, and 20 stars, with a new star to be added for every new state. The act specified that new flag designs should become official on the first July 4th (Independence Day) following admission of one or more new states.

1902 UK - Scholarships for Americans at Oxford University

1902 : British industrialist Cecil Rhodes left $10 million in his will to provide scholarships for Americans at Oxford University in England.

1916 France - World War I Battle Of The Somme

One of the most costly battles in modern wartime is fought near the Somme Region and over 2 years when this small area of countryside saw the deaths of over 1 million men from both sides of the war.

1920 Palestine - Riots

: Violence erupts between Arab and Jewish residents in British-controlled Jerusalem from This Day to the April 7th with 9 killed and 216 injured.

1933 U.S.A. - Dirigible Airship The Akron

1933 : The dirigible airship The Akron crashes in New Jersey, killing 73 people in one of the first air disasters in history, it was the largest airship built in the United States when it took its first flight in August 1931.

1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Established

1949 : The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is established by 12 Western nations: the United States, Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Iceland, Canada, and Portugal

1967 U.S.A. - Martin Luther King, Jr Says US Should Leave Vietnam

1967 : The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. says in a speech that the United States stop all bombing of North and South Vietnam and declare a unilateral truce in the hope that it would lead to peace talks.

1975 Vietnam - Transport Plane Evacuating Vietnamese Orphans Crashes

1975 : A U.S. Air Force transport plane ( C-5A Galaxy cargo plane )which was part of "Operation Babylift" evacuating Vietnamese orphans crashed shortly after takeoff from Saigon, killing 138 people, including 127 of the orphans, this was just under half of those who were on board.

1979 Pakistan - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Hanged

1979 : Pakistan's former Prime Minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, has been hanged in spite of international calls for clemency. Many believed his trial and the sentence were manipulated by the ruling military regime, led by General Zia ul-Haq,. He was sentenced to death for the murder of a political opponent following a trial which was widely condemned as unfair. Mr Bhutto had been Pakistan's leader since 1973 and was deposed in a military coup 18 months earlier. The country stayed under martial law until 1985.

1984 England - Greenham Common Peace Demonstrators

1984 : The women from the main peace camp at Greenham Common in Berkshire have been evicted with more than 30 arrested after bailiffs backed up by 300 police officers moved in. By the following day women had returned to Greenham Common to re-establish their camps around the smaller gates and remained at the base throughout the time Cruise missiles were there. The last of the missiles was flown back to the US in 1991 and most of the protesters left the site believing they had helped to keep the base in the Public Eye which forced the government to end the of Cruise missiles in England.

1991 Scotland - Children Taken BY Social Services For Satanic Abuse Charges against Parents

1991 : Three children are taken from their families after allegations of satanic abuse in the Orkney Islands off Scotland. The case was thrown out of court by Sheriff David Kelbie who criticized the social workers who took the children away from their homes for failing to produce any evidence supporting the allegations.

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