Friday, April 05, 2024

Important Events From This day in History April 5


1987 U.S.A. Fox Broadcasting

1987 : Fox Broadcasting Co. made its prime-time TV debut with Its first prime time shows, starting on Sunday nights beginning April 5, 1987, A comedy about a dysfunctional family (Married... with Children - which aired for 11 seasons ) A variety series (The Tracey Ullman Show). Which spawned the longest-running sitcom and animated series in U.S. history: The Simpsons Find More What happened in 1987.

1933 U.S.A. Gold Compulsorily Purchased

1933 : President Franklin Roosevelt signs "United States Executive Order 6102" which prohibited the "hoarding" of privately held gold coins and bullion in the United States. The government required holders of significant quantities of gold to sell their gold at the prevailing price of $20.67 per ounce. Shortly after this forced sale, the price of gold from the treasury for international transactions was raised to $35 an ounce.

1936 Tornadoes strike Tupelo, Mississippi and Gainesville, Georgia

1936 : Two small towns in Tupelo, Mississippi and Gainesville, Georgia are devastated by tornadoes, killing 200 people in one of the deadliest spates of tornadoes in United States history. A total of 466 people were killed over four days of nearly continuous twisters. Another 3,500 people were injured.

1951 U.S.A. Rosenberg's Trial

1951 : At the end of the trial against the Rosenberg's for giving the secrets to the Atomic Bomb to the Soviet Union, death sentences are imposed against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg when found guilty of conspiring to transmit atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

1955 UK Sir Winston Churchill Retires

1955 : Sir Winston Churchill, the 80 year old British leader who guided Great Britain and the Allies through the crisis of World War II, retires as prime minister of Great Britain.

1969 U.S.A. Anti Vietnam Demonstrations

1969 : One of the greatest coordinated demonstrations in modern times starts on this weekend against US involvement in Vietnam with demonstrations in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and other major cities. Just in Washington alone were believed to be over 250,000 in protest at the Vietnam War.

1970 Guatemala Count Karl von Spreti

1970 : West Germany's Count Karl von Spreti the ambassador to Guatemala is kidnapped and shot dead.

1976 U.S.A. Howard Hughes

1976 : One of the world's richest men, eccentric American billionaire Howard Hughes dies at the age of 70. He had spent the last 20 years living as a recluse in hotel penthouses around the world.

1976 UK James Callaghan

1976 : Britain's new Prime Minister, James Callaghan, arrives in Downing Street for his first day in office.

1986 Bomb Exploded In Berlin Disco

1986 : A bomb is exploded in the crowded La Belle disco in Berlin, Germany, killing two and injuring at least 120. This follows a bomb planted earlier that wrecked a German-Arab club in the city and injured seven Arabs. The West German foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, said a special group would be set up to investigate the possible involvement of a foreign country in the attack and 10 days later, the US government retaliated by bombing Libya killing at least 60 people.

1988 Hijack Kuwait Airways Jumbo Jet

1988 : The hijackers of a Kuwait Airways jumbo jet have released 24 women passengers and one man with a heart condition after landing in Iran.

1992 U.S.A. Abortion Rights Activists March

1992 : The abortion rights activists march and demonstration in Washington, D.C. attracts several hundred thousand people who are concerned that the high court, with its conservative majority may overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that made abortion legal.

1994 U.S.A. Kurt Cobain

1994 : Modern rock icon Kurt Cobain lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the rock band Nirvana commits suicide with a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.

1999 Libya Gives Up Wanted Terrorists for Pan Am Flight 103

1999 : Libya surrendered two suspects in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Scotland to a U.N. representative.

2001 England Illegal Immigrants

2001 : A Dutch lorry driver is sentenced to 14 years in prison for his part in the deaths of 58 Chinese illegal immigrants found during a routine search at Dover Ferry Port Last June.

2006 U.S.A. Katie Couric

2006 : Katie Couric announced she was leaving NBC's "Today" show to become anchor of "The CBS Evening News."

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